One of them advanced against Jaime, whose hand shook as held sword. With a shout, the soldier stepped forward and, with a quick movement, descended with the sword upright, ripping the creature's left arm. No liquid came out of the wound, no blood, nothing. The arm fell to the ground and began to crumble to black dust. The left side of the spectrum's body began to tremble and bubble to concentrate, forming a large swelling in the extended shoulder, creating a new arm.
Jaime widened his eyes and opened his mouth, startled. Stayed paralyzed for a moment, and the spectrum put his hands on his shoulders. He was approaching the face, when a spear sprang from his back.
Edwin was on his side, his red eyes gleaming fiercely in the darkness. He holds the spear with his left hand and it crosses the purple light pulsing in the creature's chest. He then pushed Jaime back and kicked the specter's chest hard. The black shape flew and drops u a few meters from him, looked at the hole in his chest and growled:
— How dare you...
There was no time to complete the sentence. The body exploded and turned to black dust, which fell to the ground slightly, as if it were ashes.
— Heart, Jaime. — Edwin touched the soldier's chest. — Never heard the stories when you're little? You only kills a specter through their heart.
The sirion just nodded as he looked around.
Two spectres surroundes Aros, they move around the comandante waiting for an opening to attack. Allyn was fighting another, spinning her spear and tries to reach the heart of the creature, but he dodged and tried to get closer to grab her.
Relles took care of two other, swayed his hammer and tore off the head of one of the creatures, only to see it grow r again. He frowned and hit the head of the other opponent, but the same thing happens.
— What the fuck?!
— Want to stop ripping these heads off? — Remus shouted.
He had his big crossbow in his hand and was trying to aim at one of the creatures, but the fight was too close, he couldn't risk hitting one of the mates. The specters were as fast as the people in the group with their storages on.
Eastar realized this and used all the speed he had to overcome his opponent. His arm wasn't fully recovered yet, so he needed to think of something. Spun to prevents the creature's claws and tried to find a gap to reach the purple light. The specter struck fast, and he defended himself with his bare hands.
He could see that he was annoying his opponent, who was attacking faster and less carefully each time. Gave a mocking smile and continued to dodge, using his good arm to counter, until the mistake came. The specter tried to hit his face with one of the claws and, when the star tilted his head back, looking away, he came back with the same arm, ready to hit him with a blow in the opposite direction.
Eastar swerved once more, and now the creature's chest was unprotected. With his open hand and fingers joined, he reached out, penetrating the specter's center, which sizzled as it struggled, then exploded and disappeared.
Near there, a cross-bow's dart finally flew off and penetrated the heart of one of the specter fighting against Relles. The creature exploded, the black dust spread and fell slightly.
— It could have taken a little less time, don't you think, Remus?
— Sorry, little brother. You're too big, it gets in the way, and I can't get away from the boys.
— Okay, just take care of them.
Eastar looked around and saw that Allyn was trapped in a brute force dispute with her opponent, the two holding the sirion's spear, pushing. The young stellar began running toward the sublieutenant when he saw something red and vibrant pass before his eyes and thrust a sword into the creature's chest, which sizzled and exploded like the others. Blinking a few times, he realized it was Sindar, with a sword in hand.
— You... where did you get that sword?
— Sean brought his.
— No... that's not what I meant. What are you doing? Come back to Remus!
— I'm not as helpless as you think, big boy.
The stellar noticed that her eyes shone a lot brighter than usual.
— Why didn't you tell me?
— I tried, but you're too distracted. Now, go help your father.
Eastar looked at the star commander, who was still fighting two wraiths. Aros advanced calmly on one of them. The other, wanting to take advantage of the attention that the star led to only one, began to flank him, the adversary walk slowly, but, when he was close to reach it, the commander turned to a speed that the opponent did not expect and drawn the sword down the left flank of the specter's body, through it to the groin. The creature split in two and exploded before it hit the ground.
— He doesn't need help — said Eastar, more to himself than to someone else.
Edwin and Jaime — now recovered from the fright — fought in sync with a creature. The lieutenant swung his spear, passing over the other sirion, who ducked and moved to stab the opponent on the other side, the specter dodging and placing body parts in front of the attacks. The cuts and perforations were useless.
Edwin tried to impale him, but hit the creature's belly. The specter gripped the spear and began to move forward, approaching the lieutenant. He jumped, spinning over the spear, and kick with all his might into the opponent's head , which flew sideways, tearing as the spear came off one of its flanks.
The black monster quickly recovered once again, and he started to attack Edwin again, but felt caught. He looked down and saw that James's sword was piercing his chest. Jaime had his mouth open, surprised. The specter looked at the sirion and tried to reach out to grab it.
— Shit. — That was the last thing I said before I exploded.
Near the wagon, Remus was preparing his third dart. He shot and hit the arm of the specter fighting his brother.
— Relles, get it right now! — He complained, as he tried to arm the cross-bow again.
— It's easy to talk!
Relles roared and spun the hammer once more. The specter took a step back, the giant struck with a top-down hammer strike, and the specter took another step back.
Again, Relles lowered the hammer vertically, just as he had with Aros, the specter took another step, and that's when the sirion smiled. He ran his hand down the hilt of the hammer, gained reach. His eyes flashed very brightly, releasing a great deal of energy into that attack. The hammer hit hard and mangle the specter, smashing it into the ground and causing it to explode immediately.
Eastar just watched while his father finished the last opponent. He smiled and looked around. "Then it's over." Everyone just lowered their arms and relaxed. So when the young stellar widened his eyes, desperate to remember.
There was still one more.
Their leader was not there. Thinking now, he was gone since the beginning of the confusion. He looked in all directions, and dread began to take over his body when he found it. He was crouching at the top of the carriage, hidden from most eyes.
The creature jumped.
— No! — The young star heard himself shouting along with Remus.
Relles felt something on his shoulders and turned around, the specter gripping his head with both hands and drawing his mouth — which was nothing more than a round black hole — from the giant's eyes. The green light began to direct toward the specter, the energy being absorbed by the creature. The red-haired giant screamed in pain and agony, but could not move. His body didn't respond.
He got to his knees, his skin pale and sweaty, his features thinned, and a look of terror took over his face. He turned gray, and his red hair lost its color. Eastar could not move. It was too fast, no one could stop it in time, but Remus was not thinking the same, for real, he did not think in the moment.
When he saw his brother being grabbed, his eyes lit with a green light more intense than before. He touch off at the creature, his cross-bow held like an axe. He reached the monster in the moment when the specter stood before his brother's body and began to laugh.
The giant stabbed one side of his cross-bow into the monster's chest, which choked out in laughter.
Remus scream, furious. Tears streamed from his eyes. With absurd force, he spun and hurled the creature along with the crossbow toward the trees. The spectrum crossed two of them before stopping, impaled on the third, and then exploding.
The sirion paid no attention to what he did, only had eyes for Relles. He kneeled alongside the victim as he cried, and put his brother's head in his arms.
— No! No, Relles .... Please, don't do that! — He put a hand on his brother's face. — Please don't. I love you, my brother. Please don't, not before me!
— Re-Remus... — Relles's voice was very weak, his body was gray, and his eyes had only a small green spark. — I didn't get... to take care of you... for ever.
— Shut up, idiot! You don't have to do this! Never had!
— Ah... good..., anyway, it's-it's your turn... to take care of the kids.
The green spark in the giant's eyes went out, and his head tipped sideways.
— NOOOOO!! — Remus shouted. Sob, while holding his brother.
The others in the group were already around. Sindar had tears in his eyes and his hands covered his mouth.
A blue light took over the place. Eastar was paralyzed, uncontrollably gleaming, anger and sadness illuminating the entire area of the road, reaching the trees and turning the everlasting night into a warm, bluish day.
The boys were crying in front of the wagon, Edwin hugged Allyn, who stared at the ground while holding the crying.
Aros approached his son and put a hand on his shoulder. It was the first time the young star had seen death at close range, the feelings seemed to burst in his chest, he never imagined that was so. It was so unreal, so far away, and now... now he could no longer remember how to move his body in fear. He turned to his father, teeth gritted.
— It's my fault! I saw him on the wagon! I couldn't act! — He spat the words.
— No, son, it wasn't your fault, I promised I wouldn't let anyone die. I brought them here. If you want to blame someone, blame me.
Eastar shook his head and tears fell to the floor.
— You weren't beside him, you did everything you could do. I could have avoided that.
— No, you couldn't. You wouldn't be on time, no different than Remus did. — Aros hugged his son, who buried his face in his chest.
— I didn't want that to happen, nor did it cross my mind.
— That's what happens here, Eastar. And that's what his mother wanted prevent you to see. — The commander spoke without taking his eyes off Remus, who was weeping, hugging his brother's body. — There's evil in this world, and you have to endure it if you want to live. After all, you're a star, you're a soldier, death is something you'll need to get used to.
Eastar looked up, fear and confusion giving way to anger.
— I don't want to stand anything. I won't get used to anything! — His eyes shone brighter than the rest of his body, the light in them hot and dense. — I'll make sure no one else has to endure it!
Aros was surprised by his son's reaction, remembered the same words being spoken to him by another young star, long, long ago.