Chapter 7 - Package Delivery

I return to the base around the afternoon. By the way, I named this FOB 'Hydra Base'. I then load up the enemy general. His name is Brutu, and he's turned out to be one of Seren kingdom high ranking general. I then take him to the basement for interrogation. In the interrogation room, there's a wooden chair with a light bulb over it, and a water bucket below the chair. I then order my men to take off Brutu's shoes, and tied him to the chair.

When they finish, I then began the interrogation. "Alright then, Mr. Brutu, I have few questions for you. Please cooperate with us, and just answer the questions. If you do, we will release you immediately. You have my word."

"Your Word? Huh.. You suddenly attack us, destroy my army, kill many of my men. You damn barbarians, why should I trust your word?"

My men want to punch him, but I stop him halfway. I then grab a chair and sit in front of him. "Barbarians huh... You angry at us, because we suddenly attack you. You suddenly attack Missel kingdom to kill and maybe enslave it's people. You call us barbarians so what are you? Light it!"

My men then turn on the genarator electrocuting Brutu. "GHAAA!!!"

"Off! Alright then mister Brutu you can only talk to answer my questions. Anyting else and you'll get another of those, understand? Answer."

"You can go to he.. GHAAA!!!"

"Shall we try again."


"No need for extra word understand? Answer."


I then start questioning him. "What are your plan after occupying Missel kingdom? Answer."

"We plan to enslave all the remaining people that survived. The men will become meat shield for the next fight. The women, children and some selected men will either work in the mine, or sold to the slave trader."

"And then after that?"

"We're planing to attack Fei kingdom next, using Missel as a checkpoint, so our troops can have stronger logistic. My King is planing to rule this entire continent."

"I see... Let me make a guess, after Fei kingdom you want to attack Ur kingdom next."

"How do you.."

"That easy to predict if you know what the main objective. Your king want to be the only ruler in this entire continent, and the only way that could happen, is to destroy the other kingdoms. The first step is to destroy the only kingdom that has no allies, and plunder that kingdom until it dry. He will then built a stronger, and larger army using the money he made from plundering Missel. After that, the plan is to repeat that action, but with a faster pace with each kingdom. Am I right?"


"Of course I am. Then the last question. What's the total soldiers that your kingdom have?"

I can see Brutu smirking when I ask him this. "We have about 250.000!! The biggest and the strongest Army in the entire land!!"

Now I see why. "Alright then, that's all the questions mr. Brutu. We will release you tommorow, in front of your kingdom palace. Isn't this easy Mr.Brutu. Well then, nightnight."

My men hit him in the head, knocking him out. They then drag him and put him in a cell. At night, my men feed him some MRE. They said, that he seems to like it.

Morning came. To make it flashy I order my men to make Brutu a cage with the shape of a box, then cover the cage so he can't see outside. When we near the destination I then open the cover to let him see outside. Brutu got confused. He wondered where he currently is.

When he see me, I then approach him. "I Have a message to your king. My name is Alphonse Silvario. Everytime he try to attack the other kingdoms, I will destroy the army he sent. And every time that happen, I will only return the general, like you, no matter if they're dead or alive."

Brutu only stare at me in shock. I then tied a long thin string to his hand, with a key at the other end of the string. "This is the key to open this cage. I sugest you use it, after you already on the ground."

"On the ground?"

I smile and give a signal to my men. The back door then began to open. My plan is to sent Brutu back via an air package. Brutu look at the door and saw the sky. The horror look on his face is priceless. He then scream at me to let him out, while trying to shake the cage. He pull the string that I still held, but it is useless. The cage then began to move slowly to the back, until he finally out of the C-130. Not long after that, 2 parachute began to opening up, making Brutu able to safely decent.