Emp's group soon reached the temple of Love. Emp didn't know what to expect from this meeting but he had promised Love he would bring his wife here as soon as possible and he didn't want to upset her.
Emp merged the two him back into one once the carriage stopped close to the path into the sea of flower. Only those on foot where allowed closer to the temple.
He took Calla's hand and helped her off the vehicle. After a moment of hesitation, he told Celtine and Harriett to wait for them here. He didn't feel like he would need them there to present Calla to Love.
Calla held on to his arm, sticking as close to him as she could while he walked her down the path. Walking with someone holding on to him like that was very different than just walking side by side. He had to be careful to not make her trip or make too big a step for her to follow, it was way harder. He didn't want her to stop leaning onto him though because he found it really enjoyable.
They walked down the path slowly enough for her to admire the many flowers and stare at the waterfalls flowing down the walls of the temple from the garden at its submit.
She found everything to be wonderful to look at but,
"What are we doing here?" She asked into his ear, tickling him with her breath.
"There is someone really important to me here that I want you to meet. You'll be very surprised when you see her."
She had to meet someone already?
Calla tensed up and Emp felt it from his arm.
He couldn't really tell her there was nothing scary here since he was about to present an actual Goddess to her. Instead, he chose to tell her how important this was to him.
"I owe my life to the person you're about to meet. I call Marcy mom but this person is the one that created me. This is one of the biggest secrets about me. Only Celtine, Harriett, Marcy and two others know about the person you're about to meet and none of them met her in person. I know you want to know who she is but it's a surprise, you'll see once we reach the second floor."
His words only managed to make her even more nervous. The person she was about to meet was that important to him, the way he said it, it might be his actual mother, a noble lady of high birth no doubt. What if that mysterious person didn't like her? She was just wearing her ordinary dress and the large sash she tied in a bow. Was it really fine to meet such a person while wearing that? She couldn't get thrown out, could she? She was already married to Emp, noting really bad could happen.
She was safe.
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that all sorts of things could go wrong!
Emp chuckled seeing how worried she was and leaned down to kiss her cheek. She blushed but it did calm down her beating heart a bit.
Emp showed her the magnificent interior of the temple but she wasn't really in the mood to gaze in wonder at the petals covering the floors, the giant pool of messages or the stage holding up the priestesses playing music.
He led her to the stairs and slowly helped her climb them. Finally, they reached the second floor where everyone was praying in silence. Emp walked forward a bit and showed Calla what to do by placing the hand she wasn't holding over his heart.
Calla had been holding on to him with both her arms up to now so she had to release one to do the same. She gazed at the pretty statue of Love and did the praying gesture but she had nothing to pray for, she had already received what she wanted. Instead, she couldn't help but wonder why they were doing that. Weren't they here to meet someone?
"I am the person you are here to meet. You're doing that so that the others won't find it awkward and also so that I can see you properly."
Both the voice that reached her ears through the silent prayer room and the appearance of the one wielding it were mesmerizing. A woman floated in midair right in front of them and her long hair flowed around them like water in a river, refusing to touch the ground.
She had the body and face of a dreamlike lover, able to steal the heart of any men looking her way with her alluring red dress and fresh-looking skin as pale as a newborn babe. She seemed delicate yet tender and smooth. From her black eyes, Calla felt an amount of care and love so gigantic that it felt literally suffocating.
More importantly, and impossibly, she was looking exactly like the woman represented on the statue far behind her.
Calla's couldn't make sense of how this woman got there or why she looked exactly like the statue. She felt like her conscious mind was unraveling faster and faster as she looked towards her. Thanks to her old reflexes of shyness, she tore her eyes away from her face and looked at the ground instead. She instantly felt better, only a bit dizzy.
"Hi mother." Emp said from her side. "We came to see you right away just like you wanted."
So she was right and the person they came to meet was his mother. Somehow, it made even less sense with what she had just seen.
"The poor thing is so confused. Hurry darling and do the presentations."
"Right, well mother, as you probably know already, this is my wife Calla. Calla this is one of my four creators, the goddess Love."
Calla felt her brain turn empty at that moment. That was simply too much for her to handle.
Love reached down and wrapped her arms around Calla like a mother would for her child. Love was warm and her arms so pleasant to feel no silk in this world could be softer. She rubbed her cheek against Calla's face to get a feel for it like a little girl would rub a new doll.
"My dear first daughter, I couldn't wait to meet you!"
Calla didn't know what to answer. She was just so surprised that nothing would come up in her head that even remotely seemed like an answer.
"That is fine, that's perfectly normal to be so surprised. Tell me, how does it feel to be the wife of a demigod?"
A demigod... If the goddess was Emp's true mother than... It couldn't be! She...
"I'm not really a demigod, am I? You just made me for a bet. I feel a true demigod should be a lot stronger." Emp said to contradict his mother.
"The power all depends on the progenitor god, I'm not renowned for my great martial abilities I'll have you know. I only take care of hearts. Plus, you'd be a lot stronger already if not for that stupid bet. You might feel weak but you do fill the description of what a demigod is."
But then, the goddess Love... She did it with the great General?
"No silly, of course not. I only stole a bit of his blood." Love laughed.
Calla didn't understand how this made sense but there were too many other questions swirling in her head to linger on this one. For example, how did she know what to tell her before even Calla could make sense of her own thoughts?
"That's easy, I'm just plucking all the questions directly from the mess that is your head right now."
Love was very comprehensive and went over everything with her calmly to make her feel at ease. She was also made to understand that everyone around them couldn't hear or see what was happening between the three of them.
Calla had expected many things and pictured all sorts of people Emp could want her to meet but she would have never guessed that one of them would be the goddess of love herself. No wonder he absolutely wanted her to come to Bêtéclair with him, not coming to see her even though she had asked for it would have been a really bad idea. Because she was a goddess yes, but also because she was after all, his actual mother.
When she took her vows in front of the big heart sculpture representing Love, she had no idea that this far off, silent, faceless, judge she was asking to bless her marriage was actually the mother of the man she was taking as husband.
If she had known that, and his name, from where he came and all those other things she learned about him since he gave her his confirmation, she might, no, she definitely would not have ever been able to give him her offering. She would have been way too intimidated by everything around him.
"But I can tell you are very happy that you did, not because he is a Muracier or because he is a demigod but simply because he was the one you loved. Your vows were very heartfelt, I am always happy to give my blessing on that kind of marriage. You love my darling son dearly, it is obvious to me. You have my approval to be his first wife."
It was incredible to receive those sorts of words from a Goddess. Calla felt elated as well as overly embarrassed about how she could read so deeply into her heart so easily. However, hearing her feelings told out loud was very embarrassing, at least for her. Luckily, there was only Emp to hear it.
"It is easy to read inside your heart for me because there doesn't seem to be any hate or anger in it. It is very pure, you have the sort of heart I am usually looking for in a priestess, sadness can reach you but you are not the sort that would get angry over it. The gentle nature of a flower, no wonder my darling and you were attracted to each-other."
Love held Calla's hand into her own and floated down to place her face close to Calla's.
Like this, Calla was forced to look at her again and the feeling of loosing herself came back right away. It was as if she was made out of dust and dirt and she was being washed away by the river.
"As your mother in law, I have an important task for you. You are the perfect kind of person to do it too."
What was she about to ask her to do? Calla would do her best but she didn't know if she really would be the best person to do it. She didn't have many talents after all. She hoped she would not disappoint her, Love was... Important for her. Had the world around them always been so purple?
Love seemed to notice that something was wrong with Calla because she used her wonderful fingers to force Calla's eyes closed, freeing her from her fascination.
"Don't worry," She said without mentioning anything about her quickly recovering condition. "I'm sure I won't be disappointed. I only need you to continue to help those around you, spread your love to those who need it and help Emperor do the same. Only you can truly assist him in his wish to help everyone he knows because only a heart like yours can truly see what will benefit everyone instead of only yourself."
Her mind felt a lot clearer now that her eyes had been closed but she still doubted herself. What had just happened to her? Why wasn't Love saying anything about it? In the end, She could only give up searching for an answer and just turned her thoughts back to the discussion at hand.
Would she truly be able to help? Calla didn't feel all that confident in herself but she would do her best. It couldn't be that hard to help those around her... except she didn't know how to help aside from comforting them with a good meal.
"I'm sure you will be fine. Emperor is there to help out too if you think you aren't enough. Speaking of him, you know he intends to take more than just you as wife right? How do you feel about this? Do you want to talk to me about it?"
"I thought you said you wouldn't help." Emp said with a puzzled voice.
"I can't help you but I can help my daughter in law, no? Tell me how you really feel about this, I am the perfect person to ask for this sort of things."
Calla didn't exactly know yet how she felt about this. Her mother was the only wife of her father so she didn't know how it felt to have more than one mother or if it was awkward to gain a few sisters by marriage. She really meant her vows though and if she did gain a few sisters, she would do her best to get along with them.
Her two oldest blood sisters married the same man and seemed to be really happy about it so it must not be so bad to have sisters. She wondered if it would feel the same as having true sisters and at the same time, she was very afraid it would be totally different from what she knew.
Emp had been very vocal to her about everyone he knew since he had become her husband so she knew he at least intended to marry a girl she would meet soon here in Bêtéclair.
Calla didn't know what to expect from her. She was afraid they might dislike each other or just don't get along together. She didn't want to disappoint Emp but what if the Mable he talked about turned out to be detestable, or overbearing? What if she tried to take all the space and pushed Calla in a corner to be forgotten? She had not met her yet but she was deeply worried about this.
She was also scared that she would look weak and... ordinary. She had been mostly fine with Harriett and Celtine but the next one was a true noble and Calla just had the dress her mother made. She didn't know how to read and didn't know how to talk to nobles or how to act with them. All of this together with how she usually froze in front of strangers, she expected to ridicule herself when they'd be presented.
She had nothing against the concept of sisters by marriage but she didn't want to gain sisters she would dislike and adding some she knew nothing about was a very scary idea for her. There was a big difference between having a new friend and gaining a sister after all. They'd share a house, a life and even Emp. That last part might be the scariest, what if Emp didn't like her as much after the new girl was added into their family?
She didn't know how to say any of that in words but her mother in law could conveniently read all of it directly from her head.
"All of those are very normal fears to have. I cannot make everything perfect or give you courage but I can alleviate some of those fears. First of all, as the son of love, he will never love you less unless you do something so atrocious that it break his heart. He will only love you more as time goes on, I promise."
Emp didn't say anything since he didn't know what Calla had been thinking about or if what Love said was accurate or not. He didn't see how he could possibly love Calla more than he already did.
"As for whether all his wives will get along or not, I can't say. What you need to remember is that when something isn't to your licking, to need to tell him. Do not keep it all to yourself, it will only make things worse. He loves you and wants your happiness, you swore to share your worries with him so do it, it will only make him happier to know you trust him to help if things aren't going well. Also, do not be ashamed of yourself, you are the first wife of my darling son, he loves you like you are, he doesn't care if other nobles are impressed by you or not. If someone dislike you for such petty reasons, it will only make them less important in his eyes. Finally, do not be afraid to be silenced by any other women, my darling gave you the perfect tool to protect your place, do not be afraid to use it, it will fill him with pride, I know."
Emp didn't know what this was all about but Calla seemed to like Love's words a lot. He felt sort of out of place in this discussion. Maybe he shouldn't have been there at all.
Love got closer to Calla and spoke some words in her hears that Emp had no way to hear.
"From now on, you are the guardian of my son's heart, keep it safe, watch over it so it doesn't make any mistake. He is your territory now, defend it if you have to, invite only those you trust in it. Happiness is a precious thing, do not waste it on someone who doesn't deserve it. This is the true mission I wanted to give you."
Calla wasn't good at imposing herself or protecting things.
"But I trust you with it anyway." The voice of the goddess resounded directly in her head. "Not because you are his wife but because you truly love him. Someone like you will not allow those she love to grow misshapen. I know you can do it. I do not need my powers to make you do it. This isn't an order from a goddess or a threat towards you, this is a heartfelt request from a mother. Keep his heart safe for me please."
Calla would do all her best for it. Love was right after all, she loved her husband dearly, she had to help him as best as she could. She would never fight and didn't know how to do much more than housework and taking care of a garden but if it was only understanding the feelings of others, she should be able to do it. All she had to do was tell him if something was wrong and when someone didn't feel right and everything would fine.
Love approved in her head and turned back to Emp.
"Darling I like her, she's cute."
"I'm glad you like her." Emp answered to her sudden declaration.
"A heart like hers needs to be cherished. Don't make things difficult for her and listen to what your wife says."
Emp usually did listen to what she said, there was so little of it that if he didn't listen, he might miss something really important.
"Not literally! I'm saying you have to do as she tells you to. Be a good husband to her and do as you're told. I know she will do the same because she's already such a good wife."
What was this? Was he getting scolded for something that didn't even happen? Of course he'd do his best to please her! The only reason he would have to not do something she asked of him would be if she asked something outrageous but she wasn't the sort of person who would do such a thing. At least he didn't think so. He also had to convince her to come here but Love herself was one of those that wanted him to do it. It was unfair to blame him for that.
Love chuckled and left a kiss on his forehead.
"Look at him getting all upset over this. What a good son. Of course I know you'll do just fine."
After that, she decided to give them a few tips for living together harmoniously. She was the goddess of love after all, she had seen countless couples over time. With everything frozen around them it didn't really matter how much time she took to tell them all she wanted.
Emp and Calla did their best to follow the talk and keep what she was saying in mind but there were so many things and so many of them seemed ridiculous. Maybe they didn't get it because they had been married for such a short time?
When Love felt they had heard enough, she sent them away with a joyous smile. Her last words were to praise Calla again for her courage as she went through the traditions and how she liked the way she said her vows.
The world regained its colors and everyone around them started moving once more. Calla wobbled from the strange sensation the sudden return to motion gave her but thankfully, Emp was there to hold her up.
Calla felt a lot calmer as they left the temple, admiring all the things she was too worried to care about before. She had been welcomed warmly by an actual goddess and praised by her too! Not only that but she was the mother of Emp!
She felt that whoever she met next, it would never be as stressful as meeting Love herself. This thought filled her with confidence. She might loose it again right away when she came across another person but at least for now, she felt very good.
"You seem happy." Emp told her. "What do you think about her?"
Calla got on her tiptoes to tell him.
"She seems to love you a lot."
Emp had never really felt that.
"She does, probably way more than Marcy. I thought gods would be distant and scary but your mom seems kind, at least towards you. I liked how she could read my mind too, it made it easier for me to hold a conversation with her."
Emp was a bit surprised by her evaluation of Love. Calla seemed certain that Love thought of him as someone very important. Even though she had said she loved him many times, somehow, he had never fully believed it, after all, how could he be sure she wasn't just manipulating him for the bet? If even Calla said so however, it might really be the case.
Emp was also surprised at how she loved to have her mind read. He believed that mostly anyone else would find that annoying and frustrating but apparently not Calla. She saw convenience and relief where most would have seen an invasive act and feared she might uncover all of their secrets and dark thoughts.
Emp had never been bothered by it because he didn't intend to hide anything from his four creators but Calla wasn't the same. Calla possibly never had any secrets or dark thoughts to begin with, she would only feel the usual embarrassment that came with someone looking her way.
"You weren't scared at all by her?"
"I was, I do not mean it in a bad way but she is the most scary thing I ever saw." Calla admitted. "Every time I looked into her eyes, I felt I would loose my sense of self and turn into goo. It is silly, is it not?"
"No no it's not." Emp answered her with laughing smile.
On the inside however, he was wondering if could really be dangerous to stare for to long into her eyes. The gods weren't following any sort of mortal logic after all. He didn't notice anything but maybe it was just because he was partly made from her. For all he knew, maybe a normal man could die simply for looking at a god for a while.
"Her eyes where a lot like yours." Calla continued.
"How so? We do not have the same eye color at all."
"Not from far away, it's true. Yours are hazel and hers are a scary pure black but if I look from really close, I can see the same purple reflection hidden behind the surface color."
"Is that true? I never noticed there was purple in my eyes."
If someone else had told him this, he might have believed it was a lie.
"It's because no one looked from close enough to see it."
Hearing her say that, he grew curious about her own eyes and turned his head around to take a look at them. Calla had clear green eyes but from so close, he could see that the green he always saw was actually an amalgam of very tiny filaments of color. The closer he looked the more details he could make out into her irises.
How come he had never noticed? He usually looked at the whole of her instead of focusing on a tiny part like this. Maybe his own eyes did hide some purple.
He wondered how many more captivating small details like this he had not seen of her yet. This required a proper investigation. In the meantime however, he needed to tell her what he just discovered about her own eyes.
"Yours are gorgeous, they're like a vast field of tiny blades of grass of so many colors I can't count them. I could stare at them all day and I still wouldn't be sure to have seen all the wonders they hide."
She answered him with a sweet smile and a kiss which he shared for a moment before they joined up with all the others waiting for them. He helped her up inside the carriage again and split in two once more.
The one who climbed back onto the horse joined back with the duke and the signal to leave was swiftly given.
"Did ye get what ye came for?"
"I did, thank you. We can go back to school now."