Chereads / Born from a divine gamble / Chapter 102 - Village ceremony

Chapter 102 - Village ceremony

Emp was now in Marcy's house trying to keep up with her explanation on how this day was supposed to go. She had told him before that it was rather simple but she must have lied to him because he felt there were a lot of steps.

"It's all a celebration my boy. It doesn't matter if it's awkward or if ya say something foolish. ya're not marrying a princess, the people here will just laugh along with ya and cheer some more. The only step that cannot be messed up is Calla's vow. That is the only really important part, all the rest if for the fun of it."

It made him feel a lot better for a moment but then he started worrying again. Knowing that it all rested on Calla's ability to speak up was rather stressful. He really hoped she would fine, maybe he should think of something to help? In fact, maybe his cuff was help enough already. She'd be able to mumble the vows and still be heard by everyone making it that much easier for her.

All Emp really needed to do was try to remember each steps and look his best. Harriett and Celtine made sure that the second part was covered while Marcy told him what would happen.

The girls seemed way more nervous than he was. They still had not met calla and their master was about to be the main protagonist of today's wedding.

"I do not understand how master can remain so calm even now! Master will be wed today! Isn't master excited about this?"

"Of course I am. I'm almost trembling in anticipation."

"It doesn't show at all."

It was true that the two girls really were trembling from the emotion rather than just almost.

"I just do not think it will be that different from before once it's done."

"Of course it will be different ya slag. She will be living with ya from now on, truly sharing yar life. Ya'll have to make sure she never wants of anything as yar duty. She'll rely on ya from now on instead of her parents or her siblings."

"What does it mean exactly? What is it I need to do once she becomes my wife, what does she expect of me."

"Yar love is what she wants from ya but what ya need to understand is much more important than that. From now on, ya have to think of more than just yarself. There is no more I, it's ya and Calla now, ya need to think we instead of I. I'm sure ya'll be able to do it but the difference is massive."

Emp wondered if it would really be that different. Was it really hard to think we instead of I? Did the others really do that as well? He'd find out soon enough wouldn't he?

Not long after, they needed to leave the house, the festivities would take the whole day so they needed to leave early. Everyone loved to take a brake to feast, drink and have fun, a marriage was a perfect excuse to do so.

Of course, the two girls and Marcy came with him and walked towards the place were the ceremony and surrounding festivities would take place.

When everything would truly begin, the family of the man would have to take place on the right of the stage while the family of the woman would take place on the left. For now however, things weren't truly started so everyone was just chatting happily and laughing together.

The knights and the duke were there as well but the villagers mostly stayed away from them, only the most curious dared go speak with them. Even though they had helped yesterday with the preparations and brought some decorations of their own, the villagers had a hard time trusting strangers like that.

Marcy told him to go talk to people while they waited for the right time so he left with Celtine and Harriett to chat with the others. Most of the things he talked about where repeating subjects, it seemed everyone was curious about the same few things.

What sort of gift did he give Calla was one of the questions, he tried his best to explain it each time but they would really have to wait later to see it clearly.

He also received many questions about the presence of the knights. About that, he couldn't say much. He repeated many times that they were here to enjoy the event and weren't anything dangerous but the others remained wary. Who knew what sort of crazy things a high noble could come up with to disturb an event such as this.

One of the most popular question he received was; who are those two? He had to present Celtine and Harriett many times over as servants working for him in Bêtéclair. Harriett would bow politely and greet everyone that came to meet them with a few word but Celtine had a harder time since she was mute and barely a few knew how to read her words here. Clide, Bor and Fiona were the only three he knew could read here and Fiona was busy preparing Calla and would be absent until the main event started.

Aside from her difficulties, the others were very friendly toward them. Everyone here considered them as friends on equal footing with them. They weren't used to meeting slaves or cursed-bloods here so seeing Emp threat them so casually, they naturally did the same. Most of them lamented the problems of Celtine and wished they could help somehow, she felt really warmed by their attitude, reminding her a bit of her home. Galina and Sylvia even came to help her move around more easily, helping her enjoy the festive atmosphere. The two of them were very used to silent friends since they spent so much time with Calla and could read what Celtine wanted on her face without too much trouble.

Emp strode across the crowd, thanking everyone for coming to his marriage. Jenna and Paul the shoemakers were there, Vale the huntress was here with her kids, all his friends, their parents, their cousins and everyone he knew. He had been living here for a long time already so he knew mostly everyone and only a few didn't come. Vesa's mother wasn't here today, but Chase's parents were, they remained as far as possible from Willow carrying their grandson in her arms. Emp greeted them all the same and thanked them for their presence.

When he reached Manley, the young man captured him in a short manly hug before he managed to say anything. He was very happy for Emp and threw him a very long string of encouragements and well wishes.

"If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know, I owe you for making a huge hole into Willow's wall."

"I was very busy lately so I haven't followed everything that happened in the village, why do you owe me for that hole. I felt it was pretty bad."

"You don't get it, because of that hole, I had to go there to repair it and I was able to spend a lot of time with her. In the end, she must have liked my work because she gave me this!"

He proudly presented some sort of weaved badge tied to the front of his shirt. It was thick from the thread used and represented what Emp felt was two halves of a heart shaped house stitched together.

"Is it an offering?"

"You bet It is! She said I must be the best at repairing things and asked me if I could repair her heart too as she gave me that! That's why I'm not standing with her right now, I'm supposed to stay away until I've given her the confirmation."

"What will it be? What will you give her?"

"I'm working on a set of cribs for her. It's the most pressing thing she needs since Shana currently sleeps in an improvised thing. I also wanted to go through it all quicker than by making her something larger."

Emp understood what he meant. He had felt that Manley could make a house but with the rule of working on it alone, it could take him months and neither of the two had that sort of time.

"Why a set?"

"Well, you know, one for Shana and a few for eventual brothers and sisters... If Willow would like some I mean... Anyway, anything you'd like, let me know." Manley hurriedly changed the subject and Emp followed to spare him.

"Actually, there is indeed something I'd like."

"Tell me my friend."

"I know how to work metal but not how to work wood and stone. I need your help because Calla and I will need a house too."

"That makes a lot of sense, I didn't even think of that. I guess I'll need one for Willow too huh? Alright, I'll help with the others guys I work with."

"Great, I'll ask Bor about the spot close to the forge. I'll be gone a few weeks with Calla and I hope that the house could be well advanced by the time we come back, I'll pay a whole lot for it to be done quick and I'll even throw in some free metal work for you if you need anything for Willow and you."

"Alright, deal."

They shook hands on that, dealing with him was much easier than dealing with Juniper.

"We'll work while you're away and once you're back, you'll pay us and provide us with whatever metal supply we'll need. I'll probably need a bunch of nails or hinges for the doors."

"You might need a few pots and a cauldron too."

"I'm sure there will be a bunch of things I would have never thought about that will be sorely missed until you give us a few. You know, just to receive these few things will help us a lot to get started I'm sure."

"You are one of my good friends, of course I will help as much as I can. This is what friends are for isn't it, help when the others are in trouble and party when the others are feasting."

"Haha! So right!"

Manley cheered and raised his mug of cider to that. Emp was more convinced then ever that Galana had been wrong. She had hid her problems from her friends because she didn't want to trouble them but if they truly were her friends, they would do their best to help her through these hard times because they'd expect her to do the same later. She might not have the ability to help anyone in her current state of helplessness but she would not remain that way forever. Even if there was nothing she could do, her desire to help would be well appreciated anyway. Emp hoped she was alright, it had been a long time now since he last received one of her letters. He decided to send her a new one as soon as possible, in it, he would tell her all about his new conclusions.

After that, he also spoke to Gilbert about his problem with Eda.

"Have you found what you want to do yet? Did you manage to have Eda forgive you."

"No, I just don't know what I want. I had my mind set on being your mom's apprentice you know? Now I can't find anything I feel like doing."

"I can understand that, I didn't know what I wanted for the longest time too."

"What did you do in the end?"

"I figured out what was the most important thing to me and decided on the path that would make it easiest to accomplish and keep that thing."

"That makes sense. I'll think about it some more... Wait, am I supposed to call you brother in law now? That's kinda weird."

"Haha! Call me whatever you want, I don't mind."

"I'll call you my lord."


The two laughed together for a while more and Emp went to the next person.

Like that, his morning flew by in an instant and a around noon, one of Calla's sister came to tell everyone that she was ready. The crowd grew exited and everyone started to gather at the feet of the stage. The Champom on the left, Celtine, Harriett, Marcy, the duke and his knights on the right and everyone else wherever they could fit.

Marcy called out to Emp to remind him of what he should do while Azalea ran off to get her younger sister.

"Now, ya go up there and place yarself on the front left of the statue, in order to face our way when Calla will come up to yar side."

"Yes, I remember."

"Then go!"

Emp walked up the three steps that led to the stage and moved close to the giant sculpted heart. Everything was exactly as he had left it the previous day, except from the fruits which had disappeared, replaced by a surprising amount of water. There were two possibility, either Love really came to take the fruits and gave them some water instead or some birds stole them and the morning dew was really persistent today. It might really be the second one, or even just simply rain as the sky had been partially covered since yesterday.

He was in no mood to wonder about this though as he was febrile, eager to see Calla join him in this place. He did like mostly everyone else and kept his eyes at the end of the place. An empty path had been left for Calla and her helpers to move along and beyond it, the girl would soon show up.

His head felt a bit muddled, he didn't know what sort of thing to expect and the emotions he currently felt were foreign and overwhelming. He wasn't sure whether this was a good feeling or a bad one. It was like when he discovered that the rock under him was a woodland horror, except it wasn't like that at all. He was not afraid of Calla, why was it so nerve-racking then?

His heart was pounding in his chest relentlessly like a maddened beast, he tried to take a few deep breaths but it was barely working. If even him was like that, he dared not try to imagine how Calla was feeling right now.

Finally, the girl showed up in the central place, walking towards the open path with her mother holding her arm and her sisters following close behind. All talking ceased and every eyes remained glued on her. She was after all the reason everyone came together today. She froze in her steps for a second but with her mother tugging softly at her arm, she soon started to move again.

She wore a long dress emphasizing her slender waist. It's colors where sunny as people believed that a sunny marriage would mean a sunny life. The world apparently agreed with that because the clouds seemed to shrink and give more space for the sun to shine on her as she made her way forward. The dress itself had nothing complicated or extravagant on it, it was simply the best dress Calla owned, it was truly the one that fit her the best.

Her hair were tied in a slightly more complicated braid than usual, she had two that started on either side of her head and merged into a single one at the back, making it look like a circlet. The way the back braid was made, it seemed extremely loose and made it seem like a voluminous waterfall of swirling water and puffing clouds. The whole thing was ornamented with fresh flowers carefully placed by her sisters to enhance her beauty.

The most important thing for Emp though was that the short sleeves of her dress let everyone see the cuff he had given her, adorning her arm as if it was a part of her.

He smiled broadly when he saw her appear, he felt his heart slow down, even though it beat stronger than before. He felt calmer now that she was here.

It was obvious for everyone to see that the girl was just as nervous as he was a moment ago. She couldn't stand the looks of everyone so she just stared at her own feet as she walked forward. The only reason she went the right way was because her mother was there to keep her on track. She was tense, her skin rosy and her fingers gripped her dress strongly. Emp could do nothing for her from all the way over there so he merely watched her like the rest, giving her many mental encouragements.

When they passed her family, all her sisters left her trail and took their place in the crowd. Her mother continued to walk with her up to the steps but had to let her climb on her own. Calla gripped her arm as she climbed two of the three steps but to climb the last, she needed to let go. It was very hard for her because she felt extremely uncomfortable from all the stares upon her.

She froze halfway up the steps, unable to let go of her safe harbor. The crowd had reactions varying from warm smiles to slight worry for her.

Emp decided to leave his assigned position to help her. He walked to the top of the stairs and extended a hand towards her.

"Do you want my hand?"

Calla latched onto it and was finally able to release her mother who sighed in relief before she joined her husband in the crowd.

The girl desperately wanted to hide in his arms again but managed to keep control over herself by focusing on his hand wrapped around her own. She also kept her eyes on him hoping that she'd be able to forget about all those stares. This was the last hurdle, the last embarrassing thing she had to do before she could finally relax and... It was wrong, after that, she would still have to deal with all the acquaintances of her unexpectedly highly placed husband.

She blushed harder thinking of him as husband, in a few minutes, this would indeed be reality.

Emp led her to the big wooden heart again, taking back his place. Her hand was clammy from the stress but Emp felt she was doing great. He had been afraid she might start crying from the overload of emotion before even getting on stage. Behind her, he could see Marcy at the base of the stage praising him with hand signs for going to get her at the steps.

Like she had said, the point of this whole thing was to celebrate, only the vows needed to be strictly followed, staying there while she struggled would have been wrong.

"Everything will go well." He told Calla.

The goal was to reassure her but at the same time, calming her down made him a lot more relaxed as well.

From being so close to her, he could smell some flowery scent emanating from her. Usually, she had no particular scent, or maybe something that was a bit like the orchards and the apples in it. Today though, she must have put on some perfume as the flowers were evident.

"You look like an adorable flower and smell like one too, did you buy some perfume just for today?"

"Perfume is too expensive." She denied in a weak voice. "Mom kept the royal lilacs that were left after I dyed your shirt and placed them in a jar to make scented water from them."

So that was what the flowers were for! He should have known, enough to fill a tub, who would need that?

Bor detached himself from the crowd and walked onto the stage to face the heart sculpture, with Emp and Calla between it and him.

Him and the duke had a long argument over who should stand there to preside the ceremony. Neither of them had wanted to do it. Bor had been very afraid to mess up the marriage of someone ranking far far above him and believed the Duke was more suited for the task. On the other hand, the duke Jazay couldn't be bothered.

"This be not me own territory. I be not the one to be in charge here, I only came to see. Ye be tha one to do it."

Bor had tried to convince him otherwise for a long time but in the end, he had no choice but to do it himself.

The ceremony was nothing too complicated. Bor started with a speech asking Love herself to oversee the whole process. He then produced two wooden cups he gave to them. Calla and Emp had to take some water from the bowl with them and feed it to each other.

Emp went first and very carefully poured a small amount of water into her mouth. This was an awkward thing to do, he was afraid that she would choke on it from having no control over the speed at which the water flowed into her mouth.

Everything ended well and it was now her turn to do the same. Her hand was shaking and Emp had to bite onto the cup to stop the water from spilling everywhere. Really, not holding the cup himself made it difficult to drink.

According to Bor's speech, this was meant to show that the both of them would now care for each other. The sacred liquid, provided by Love herself, was meant to water their heart and let their love for each other grow further and deeper. It was quite similar to what she told him before, it must not have been the same time she compared the love of someone with a growing flower.

Everything went well with the water part and now was the time to switch places. Emp needed to turn clockwise along with Calla so that they would take the place the other occupied just before. They had been facing their own families but from now on, they would face the family of the other. This was meant to let them see the whole family as they made the vows but Emp felt it was all in reverse.

If he had been the one making up the traditions, he would have made them stand on the side of their family first and then have them switch to the side of the other's family to show that they were now part of their family too.

He wasn't making the rules though and didn't complain as he led Calla in the turnaround.

Emp now had all the Champom in his field of view and saw that every single one of them were crying, even Gilbert! At least none of them were tears of sadness, Emp felt they were all way too emotional.

Bor continued his speech, addressing Emp directly.

"Do you swear to the goddess, on your name and honor, that you will uphold the vows you previously took in front of Calla and her relatives?"

"I do swear it." Emp answered with a palm pressed upon his heart.

With that, he had completed his part. Since most of the steps of a marriage were taken before the ceremony itself, there weren't many steps to take before everything was done. This meant that they were already at the worst part, Calla had to take her own vows.

The words were written on the tablet bellow the heart but it was frowned upon to read it directly instead of remembering them.

Emp was confident that Calla surely knew what she was supposed to say but he wasn't sure she would be able to say it all aloud.

Bor held his speech about Love being witness to this event and the pure feelings shared by the two of them before gesturing that it was now Calla's turn.

Emp could see her eyes darting between him and those behind him. She probably felt intimidated by all the knights and the duke watching from his side of the stage.

He tried to help her again.

"Calla," He whispered. "None of them matter, just look at me and tell me what you want to say."

She stared right into his eyes and took a few deep breath before she tried to say the words. Emp held her hand higher up for the magic item to catch her voice and share it with the audience.


Her voice spread through the audience and made her wince but right after, she seemed to gain a lot of confidence from his encouraging look and the power of her own voice. The next words kept gaining in assurance and each was clearer than the last.

"I swear on all that I am,

to support and trust you in the darkest times,

to cherish and care for you in the brightest,

to share bounty and pain with you and any sisters I might have.

This is my will absolute, my deepest love for you.

I entrust it to you now and until death takes you or your vows falters.

May Love hear my sincerity.

May this stay true for eternity."

She could hardly believe she had managed to say it all in one go. She felt so much better now that it was done and Emp could see it openly on her face.

"And now," Bor said with a nod. "A shared kiss for the goddess, for the audience and most of all, for you."

Emp came to the sudden revelation that he had never kissed Calla before. He felt burning hot from the nervousness and knew Calla was worse. Still, neither hesitated and a kiss was shared for all to see.

There was a resounding thunder of applause but Emp didn't hear it. He was drowning in the sensation of his lips meeting hers. Calla was much of the same and believed the only reason she didn't melt on the spot was because Emp held on to her.

"With this, the vows are sealed, you are now husband and wife." Bor claimed loudly, raising his arms into the air. "May the gods bestow their blessings upon you and the ancestors favor you."

Emp knew he was supposed to have the last words so he had to force himself away from her to end the ceremony. Once the kiss was over, Calla nestled herself against his chest and he felt her heart beat against his own. Maybe she could hear it beat loudly for her? He wrapped an arm around her to keep her there and raised the other to end the Ceremony.

"And now we feast!" He had to shout.

The rest cheered loudly again and the neatly ordered crowd scattered into a mess of festive individuals.

With Bor being so close to them, he was the first to offer his congratulations.

"I am very happy for you two. Especially about how Calla got to marry the guy she wanted after all. I was pretty pissed that you killed Sophus but you do know I think you are better for her than him, right?"

"I do, I get it. You need to think about the safety of everyone first. Thank you for presiding the ceremony."

"It is always my pleasure to do that sort of things for the people here."

Calla and him had to receive the well wishes from so many people after that, it took a long long time to go through all of them. Everyone worked hard and prepared a grand feast for the entire village while they kept the two of them surrounded.

Calla and Emp had no task other than receiving food and congratulations.

Now that the hard parts and complicated things were all over, Emp felt great. This must be one of the times in his life he felt the best. He could keep Calla under his arm and she was all too happy to use it to hide herself from the crowd, even if it was mostly ineffective.

All kinds of curious came to take a look at the bracelet and praise Calla for how loudly and clearly she spoke her vows. She felt very embarrassed about it and kept very close to Emp. The Champom all came in a row to share a handshake and a welcome hug with him while Marcy did the same to Calla, giving her a kiss on the cheek and a word of praise for her great job on the stage.

Next up, the duke himself came with all the knights in tow. All of them said "We came to pay our respect to the Lady." at the same time and deeply bowed for Calla.

The crowd cheered in awe at the unexpected show of respect for one of their own. They did not know Emp was a Muracier and didn't think a group of noble would show so much deference to a simple girl. They were all greatly pleased and felt a lot better about those visiting knights.

Calla was the most shocked out of everyone. She did know why they did that but she didn't have a clue on how she was meant to answer that. No one ever did that sort of thing towards her and she didn't feel like a lady at all. She was afraid to answer the wrong thing and embarrass herself as well as Emp. Her only reaction was to huddle even closer to Emp and hope he would help her somehow.

"You can all get up now, you will embarrass her if you stay like that for too long." Emp told them with a joyous smile.

He never understood the appeal of all those extravagant salutation and only felt annoyed when others did that to him but he had to admit that seeing them all show so much respect for Calla made him very happy. The knights and the duke obeyed and stood back up. The old man showed a pleased expression and walked closer to the two newlywed.

"Calla, let me present you the duke Jorman Jazay of the eastern grove. He has been a great help to me up until now and came all the way here to meet you."

"If you could tell him: pleased to meet you, it would make his day." He added, whispering in a way that the duke wouldn't notice.

"I/ Pleased to meet you." She mumbled shyly into the bracelet so that the old man would hear clearly.

That gift was more than useful, it was lifesaving! She thought for the tenth time already today.

The duke answered with a smile and some warm words.

"No no, it be my pleasure to meet ye lass. I wanted to be tha first to see the lass who conquered this lad with me own eyes. Now that I see, I be believin you be a very elegant lady in the future. I be havin no worry for the lad's reputation. I be wishin the ancestors watch yer back and cradle your future children tenderly."

Calla became very red from the comment about the child and the old man burst in laughter as Emp thanked him for his good thoughts.

"Thank you for your wishes, I, we, really appreciate them."

He had suddenly remembered what Marcy was telling him earlier about we instead of I and he understood what she meant. He knew Calla was thankful too but she would never say it out loud so it was best to say we instead of I. Or maybe he was interpreting it all wrong again?

"This one be a shy one, it's different than the usual. The two brothers both liked more savage women like the angry lookin student and the smith lass over there."

"Hey! Who are ya calling savage! And I have noting of a lass!"

"Ye be half me age, ye be a lass still ye vindictive warrioress."

"I'll show ya vindictive!"

Emp dodged the war about to begin between the two and moved along with Calla to present her to Celtine and Harriett.

The two were standing respectfully on the sideline as they waited to be called for. Harriett being so strict with her conduct, she would likely wait for Emp and Calla to be finished with the food before she went get some for herself. Celtine just followed the example, maybe she felt there was too much meat to her taste.

As he led Calla to them, they both bowed, Harriett deeply and Celtine with a simple nod in order to keep her fragile balance.

"Well met mistress! This Harriett and this Celtine are very honored to meet you at last." Harriett declared.

"Hu... Hi?" Calla didn't know how to answer those two either.

She roughly knew who they were because Emp spoke about them a lot just the day before but they were still strangers to her. Strangers who called her mistress of all things!

"I was very eager for you three to meet already." Emp told them. "Calla, this is Celtine the windcaller on the left and the very loyal Harriett on the right. Both of them are very precious friends to me."

"Both of us are sealed slaves bound to him as well so you can trust us with anything, we would never betray master."

Calla bowed to them as well, surprising Harriett and making Celtine smile.

"Thank you for taking care of him." Calla told them using the bracelet. "He told me he wouldn't be able to do anything without you. I hope we can be friends too."

Celtine nodded in answer to her and Harriett said, "Anything you wish mistress. From now on, we are at your service as well."

"I'm not, I don't, I... Please help."

Emp reached out and took the hands of all three girls to gather them all together.

"I told you two before didn't I? Calla doesn't know what to do with servants, she can take care of herself. She would feel bad and embarrassed to ask anything of you two. You two being here to support her is more than enough. I really think she just want to be friend. Help her when she needs it and she will do the same for you."

Calla nodded to his words as it was pretty much what she wanted to say. Harriett listened to his words but it would obviously be hard for her to treat her less respectfully. She couldn't even to it with Emp. Celtine on the other hand was very pleased with it, she was the sort to only do things she wanted to do and not blindly obey orders.

After that, Emp had to order Harriett to get herself some food as he still had a lot of people to talk with and he didn't want the two to wait for him. There would be a lot more time for the three to better acquaint later when they'd leave for Bêtéclair.

There was a lot more celebrating and feasting that day and Emp's only regret was that Calla couldn't prepare the food for her own marriage.

When evening came, everyone went back home with mischievous smiles and many knowing looks towards the now official couple.

Fiona came to talk to her daughter again and whispered things in her hear that Emp heard easily and turned Calla redder than ever.

"Work hard tonight, I want many more grand-kids. Don't forget to come get your things in a day or two." She said as a form of goodbye.

They shared a long hug and Fiona left the two to explore their newlywed life together.

Emp brought Calla to his room both because he didn't want to let her go and because he was expected to. The night went slowly and gently, it might not have been all that wild but it was sure a first for the both of them. (1)


(1) Cop-out! I can hear the angry yells from here. I'm sorry I can't! There's no way I'm getting into more details than that, use your imagination. I have two reasons. First, It isn't clear enough that they are legal according to modern laws since I have never properly defined their ages and the Steelwood empire could technically have some 8 years old adult man according to their rules. Second, I'm just bad at that sort of stuff.