Chereads / Born from a divine gamble / Chapter 42 - Greetings

Chapter 42 - Greetings

After Esther had left the great hall, everyone started staring at those around them and those that had caught their attention. Emp wasn't looking at anyone outside of group C, mostly because he didn't pay attention to anyone that had been called to other groups. Someone else could have had a blessing he would not have noticed.

In reverse, many where looking his way but at least, for now, they weren't all over him like Ivar had said. Were they like a pack of wolf, all waiting for someone to be the first to attack? He chose to ignore the outside stares and focus on his own group. Twenty-three other person were already more than enough for him.

It was one of them that had an unusually hostile stare. It was a guy Esther had named Kenneth, he went straight at him. Brown hair, a bit tall, big eyes, he seemed elegant in his clothes but he didn't look really friendly. He had a menacing frown on his face and seemed a bit angry about something.

"Hey, blessed guy, what up with your slave? Why is she limping? Are you beating her? Someone who beat up girls doesn't deserve a blessing." He said with an angry tone, pointing at Celtine.

Emp was surprised to hear that and all discussions that had already started around the group stopped at once. No one could believe what they had just heard. Was anyone crazy enough to say that? It wasn't the first time some man came at him out of nowhere nor was it because of Celtine for the first time but it was unexpected that he wanted to take her defense. If he had expected the opposite a bit, he didn't believe some noble he had never met would go to Celtine's rescue. Before Emp could even understand what he meant clearly, Harriett came to his defense.

"Master would never do such a thing! She was always like that!"

"Any sealed slave would say that, stay out of it. I want to know what this guy has to say for himself." He said, still focused on Emp.

He did have a point, since she was a sealed slave, there was no way she would badmouth her master, her words had no value in this situation. Harriett bit her lip out of annoyance but had nothing more to say. Emp tried to tell him what was happening instead, hoping to calm him. He didn't know Why he was upset at him but he should at least tell him why she had a hard time walking.

"Celtine is a cursed-blood that-"

"So because she isn't human you can just beat her whenever you please?" Interrupted the guy with a threatening gesture.

Emp thought Kenneth was about to punch him.

"Cut it out, cursed-bloods deserve it anyway!" Called out a girl with a long braid.

The guy turned toward her and started arguing violently with her. Neither of them wanted to back down and soon, almost everyone in the hall was looking their way. Emp believed he should probably have started his sentence with something else. If he had known this would happen, he would have said something different. Ivar and two other men tried to break up their argument but they were now far too heated to stop with just that.

"I don't care that she's a cursed-blood or not! I'm just saying that beating the weak is disgusting!" He berated following a string of horse-related curses.

What should he do now? This whole situation was partly because of him as well. After all, if he had just held her on his shoulders like he usually did, this wouldn't have happened. He had acted this way as to not upset the people here but still managed to start a big argument. Was there no way to please everyone?

Emp thought it was saddening that every path he chose here would have ended up like this or worse. In that case, was it not alright for him to do whatever he wanted from the beginning? Like what was normal or not for people, when nothing he did could please everyone, he felt like the choice he liked best should be the one he chose. He did agree that Harriett and Celtine might have been right in their intentions but at this point, it was irrelevant.

He stepped in front of Celtine and asked her to turn around with his finger.

"Master, are you really doing this?" Asked a defeated Harriett.

"At this point, it's probably the only way to stop them."

Harriett let out a sigh and released her hold on Celtine to let her turn her back to Emp. She turned, raised her arms in the air and Emp picked her up to place her back on his shoulder. (1)

Someone somewhere gasped exaggeratedly and the braid girl that was facing his way goggled her eyes and froze. Seeing her, the rest of the group C, including Kenneth understood that something was going on and turned toward Emp as well. In the space of a breath, everyone in the hall had froze in place, their gaze locked on Celtine on her perch. Only Ivar that had seen it once before in the archery range managed to react by hiding his face with a hand in embarrassment. Or did he just slap his forehead dejectedly?

This was something no one here would ever do. To place a slave above one's head was akin to declaring it was more important than themselves. This was unacceptable for either the nobles or those brave and strong enough to get here by their own means. They could treat them well but would never lower themselves for their servants and tools.

Emp ignored the gaze of everyone and the stressed grasp of Celtine on his forehead and made a long step to the man that had started it all. The silence was so heavy that even if Emp spoke softly, the whole hall heard him clearly.

"Because of her condition, she has trouble walking. The truth is that it pains me to look at her in that state."

He was just noticing now but this was indeed the case, this was why he didn't want to put her back down. This was the feeling he could not explain, it was painful for himself to see her walk alone. Was this another trick of Sympathy? He really needed to find out who that was and what she or he had against him.

"Instead, I carry her around like that but the two of them convinced me to put her down for the speech because they didn't want me to upset anyone. I entirely agree with what you said, hitting someone like her would be lowly and if someone does, I will retaliate in her stead. I should have listened to myself from the start and entered like that, this misunderstanding is all my fault."

Everything stayed silently still, no one ushered a word and no one knew how to react. This was the kind of thing you may never see in a lifetime, no one was prepared to this kind of scene. Emp too didn't know what to do now, Kenneth had his mouth hanging open in front of him and couldn't find any answer to Emp's speech. What was he to do now? Was he supposed to wait for him to say something? Or maybe he should just go back to his own room now? Were they expecting him to say something else?


Kenneth blinked and realised that everyone was looking their way. There was only one thing he felt he could do. He hung his head low and apologised.

"I'm sorry, I was rude with you and I deeply misjudged you. I jumped to conclusion without knowing either you or her. My misbehavior put you in an undesirable situation. May you accept my deepest apology, I will make it up to you somehow."

Kenneth felt like his stupid hot-blooded action and words had ruined the reputation of someone who turned out to be knightly. He wished he could turn into a tree right now and disappear into a forest. The principal had just warned them about this kind of thing too.

Emp didn't think that way. He thought his apology was a bit bothersome. No one ever apologised to him before aside from Galana's grandma. How should he react? Could they not just forget this ever happened like last time?

"There is no need to apologize. This was just a misunderstanding and now you know you were wrong. All you wanted to do was to defend her right? Does it not mean we were on the same side from the start?"

Emp extended his right hand in a way that would let him see it even thought his head was lowered.

"Let us forget about this, my name is Emp, I am happy to meet someone who thinks like me."

Kenneth hesitated for a moment, unsure if things would be all right with just that but in the end, he still clasped it in his own. He was conscious that doing so would place him as a weirdo in the eyes of the rest but at that point, what else could he do? Refusing the handshake would be just as bad. But even considering that, he felt it was nowhere close to being an appropriate compensation for the shame Emp was enduring.

"I'm Kenneth, are you really fine with this?"

"Yes, I am."

"Right." He said, a bit relieved. "I'm sorry to have brought all this attention to you as well girl. It wasn't my goal to gather all their eyes on you."

With this, the quarrel was over. He had no idea what sort of face Celtine was making but hearing Kenneth apology, it must have been pitiful.

"Now that this is all fine and well, you can put her back down." Interrupted Ivar.

"I do not think there is any point in doing that now. Even if I put her back down now, there is nowhere to hide from their stares. Anyway, I will need to pick her back up to leave at some point."

Ivar knew this was true so he could only hang his shoulders in resignation. Someone else believed there was still a way out of this mess though.

"My master has a god's blessing and can even kill a woodland horror! How many of you can boast the same achievements? How master treats his slaves is his business and his alone! This got nothing to do with any of you so stop staring, not only is this unworthy of you all but it's just as shameful! You should show at least a minimum of respect."

Emp had no idea if what she was saying so loudly would have a positive or negative effect but since he had nothing else in mind, he let Harriett talk as she pleased. He was just glad she had the clarity of mind to not point her finger at them all. He remembered Chinui told him it was a bad thing to do.

Her words did seem to have some effects as many people still frozen in shock averted their eyes in embarrassment. Soon, most people returned to what they were doing beforehand and started talking awkwardly to each other, unable to completely ignore what was happening in the group C's corner. At least now Emp was certain, he would not be swarmed by people wanting to meet him. That was a good thing.

"Thank you Harriett." Emp said, both as a praise and as a way to calm her down a bit. "Maybe we should go back to our room for now."

Since the speech was done, and the groups were decided, he didn't have any real reason to stay anyway.

"Master can't!" Exclaimed Harriett. "If master go now they'll think you are fleeing."

"Is this a bad thing? I don't really mind."

"No, she is right." Intervened Kenneth with Ivar nodding at his side. "Leaving would mark you as weak, you have to stay and endure."

Emp didn't really get what exactly he was enduring so he accepted to stay. If he didn't have any reason to stay, he didn't have any to leave either. What could possibly happen to him anyway? He was about to ask them what to do in the meantime when someone came forward to talk.

"We shouldn't leave the mood like that or we'll have a miserable time. The man is a bit weird I admit but he isn't insulting, let's give him a chance and let's all get along."

The one that spoke was a girl, the one who had received the younger one with a hug to be precise.

"I agree, let's not make this into a rift between us all at our first encounter. There is no value in making enemies with those that could have been friends just because of a small difference in views." A boy smaller than Emp agreed.

"Well I disagree." Said the girl that was arguing with Kenneth earlier. "His behavior will disgrace us all. We should distance ourselves from him."

"You didn't care when you thought he was beating his slaves but you can't accept his kindness? What sort of standards are you working with girl?" Asked the very same Kenneth, genuinely confused.

"Beating a slave is only natural, more so if it's a cursed-blood. This though, this is unsightly. Don't take a beast on your shoulders, that's just gross."

"Is this really the time and place to start this sort of argument? Sure I wouldn't put one above me but aside from that, I'm mostly indifferent to cursed-bloods. Down in Dugo, they're invaluable for the fishing industry." A boy wearing grey and steel blue clothes complained

"I think this whole argument is pointless. As long as the sages haven't found a proof of the cursed-blood ancestry, it is pointless to argue over if they are monsters or not." Said a girl with short hairs and an overlong dress.

"I saw a girl carrying a ferret on her shoulders a couple of years ago, no one complained. Isn't that the same thing?" Said an older boy.

He was large and gruff, he may very well have been the strongest in group C.

"It isn't Oran, the ferret can't talk." Said a guy holding a girl in his arms lovingly.

He had his hair cleanly swept on his left side and seemed wholly dedicated into reassuring the nervous girl that was with him.

"Celtine can't talk either, she is mute." Clarified Emp.

"See, the exact same thing!" Exclaimed the Oran guy. "It's like a huge ornament. She's pretty too so I'd say it's a great idea. Have her wear more jewels and no one will care." He proposed.

Emp thought it might be a good idea but Ivar opposed it instead.

"Oran, if he does that the rest will complain even more because he is giving jewels to a cursed-blood."

"I thought you nobles considered slaves like objects, wouldn't you want your things to be the prettiest possible?" Asked Brenia, speaking for the first time. "Honestly, I don't really see the use of a slave who can't talk or walk aside from serving as decoration."

She was the only one wearing an armor inside, she had her arms crossed and her dirt-blond hair tied neatly and tightly close to her scalp.

"I guess there is that too." Said another girl with a large smile of white teeth, placing herself right in front of Emp. "In that case, you could use her as a piece of art to expose your wealth. Let me introduce myself, my name is Juniper Glassart and I deal in glasswork of the highest quality. Would you perhaps be interested in buying glass jewelry to enhance her beauty?"

Emp was taken off-guard by the unexpected question. Was this a good idea? Was jewelry made of glass even a real thing? Was this kind of thing pretty and how much did it cost? All those questions were swept away by the flow of the rapid discussion going on around him.

"You're really trying to sell him stuff before the classes even begin? You don't even know if he has any money. Merchants are scary." Said another boy who hadn't talked yet.

"Also, I'd like to go back on the cursed-blood topic." Said the braided girl, still displeased.

"I disagree, I'd like us all to forget about this annoying thing and move on. Let's all take a short moment to introduce ourselves and meet each other, we have many to go through anyway." The hug-girl tried to reroute the conversation once more.

"Yes, please let us do that and escape this mess already. Start with yourself and lead by example." Asked Ivar.

"Right, then, my name is Aglaya Pierail, I could have gone to school last time it opened but I was waiting for my cute friend Mable to join as well." She said as she hugged the other small girl again.

This time, she was taken by surprise and could only flail her arms around while trying to escape the embarrassing display of affection.

"I like cats, pastries and needlework." She finished.

"I'm Mable." Said the girl struggling to get free. "I wanted to stay home but my father forced me to come here."

"You'll see, we are going to have a lot of fun." Said Aglaya with conviction before searching for the next to present himself.

"I'm Brenia Harmaton, I earned the money to get here by myself. I'm here to learn magic and more efficient battle techniques." Said the scragling hunter with pride.

The next one to speak was the young boy who agreed with Aglaya earlier.

"My name is Norval Windslow, son of the duke Windslow."

He stopped it there so the next one had to step up to break the silence.

"Nicolas Bluepeak, It's my second turn. I'd like to point out that-"

"Shut up Nicolas, nobody cares." Interrupted the angry girl.

It seemed she still wasn't done being angry at him.

"I'm Heida, I'm here because Nicolas here doesn't seem to be taking his job seriously."

"But I was just about to-"

"Shut up!"

Emp, like the rest seemed to think it was a strange thing to watch. A grown man was obeying a small angry girl as if it was natural but no one dared intervene or continue. No one except Oran who didn't seem to notice the awkwardness.

"I'm Oran Glavan I come from the west of the kingdom of Dugo. I was here last time as well. I wanted to leave but the teachers wouldn't let me."

"That's because he is too dumb to learn anything and the teachers don't want to let this disgrace tarnish their reputation." Whispered Ivar to Emp.

Emp had no idea if this was true or not but he would see soon for sure.

"Since we're going through the returnees, Let me present myself. I am Frits Thornwatch, my family is tasked with watching the Thornwoods that makes up the borders north of Grandbois." Said the man holding a girl in his arms. "I could have left long ago but I stayed here because I wanted to help out my cute fiance. Rica's a bit shy so don't press her too much please."

Said Rica hid her face in Frits arms to hide her embarrassment and didn't say a word. The next one to speak was a girl overly dressed for the occasion.

"I'm Gytha, I could have joined five years ago but I was busy. I'm actually from here so if you need something in town, I'll be glad to show you around." She said with a nervous smile.

The fact she came from here was more than enough for Emp to explain why she was dressed in a cyan height-layered ballooning dress.

"Good, maybe with you here we'll get an explanation as to why everyone in town is dressed like a street jester." Commented Juniper, thinking something similar to Emp.

"That's mean, you should introduce yourself instead." Said Aglaya.

"But I already did. Juniper Glassart, my family works in the business of glass like my name would suggest. Unless you want to buy some, there is nothing else to talk about."

"Who's next then?"

"I'm Cyril Lowfield." A boy took the opportunity to say. "I come from the north of Artefine, I aim to become a knight."

He was tall despite his apparent youth, had a skin warmed by the sun and surprisingly muscled arms for his age.

"A noble endeavor! I as well want to become a grand hero. My name is Odilon, remember it well for it will one day be praised across the empire." Another said with a wide gesture.

He was stocky and his hair was so short Emp was unsure if he had any at all.

"How boastful." Commented Heida with contempt.

"I somehow feel like Kenneth here is already doing a better job at that than you. You didn't move at all throughout the whole thing earlier." Added Ivar.

"That is because I knew from the start that there was no one that needed saving. It was obvious that the girl was more afraid of Kenneth then her master, it wouldn't have been so if he was beating her, hence, she didn't need help."

The rest looked at him skeptically and after a small cough, the boy who had talked about the fishing industry presented himself as well.

"I am Nereus Forewhale. My family rule over Nose island in the seas just south of the coasts of the kingdom of Dugo."

"Nose island? What kind of name is that?" Asked Mable curiously, finally free from her friend.

"The island looks like a giant nose poking out of the ocean from afar."

"Really? That is a strange thing. Why does it look like a nose?"

"We don't know, it just does. It's impossible to not see it when we look at it."

"So you are some sort of ruler right? That is great. I won't be getting anything myself so my mom told me to find a husband here. My name is Josseline. Say, How many wives do you have already mister Forewhale?" That girl said leaning towards him.

She was probably not older than the rest but she seemed to have the curves of a grown lady.

Nereus was a bit taken aback and didn't know how to get rid of her so the argumentative girl had to step in to push Josseline away.

"Josseline, that's not a decent way to find a husband, you're just making yourself look like an idiot."

"You're one to talk, you only complained since you came here, you haven't even told us your name. You're basically just a pot."

"What does that even mean?"

"Isn't that what people say?"

"I'm sure it's not something people say, and my name is Gervaise."

"Alright, let's not start arguing again or we'll be here forever. My name's Ivar Longhorn. I'm the last returnee."

"Yeah Ivar, why are you even here?" Asked Oran. "I thought the teachers told you you could leave like two years ago."

"Why I'm here doesn't concern any of you, you don't have to know."

"Fine then, who's left?" Asked Aglaya.

"Me, those two small guys, the slave lover and those two girls." One of the last remaining guys said. "By the way, I'm Oliver Firgelo. I just want to perfect the use of the spear so don't disturb my training. You, the guy that looks bored, who are you?"

Oliver was a tall and lean guy, did he like the spear because he looked like one himself? His nose was super long as well. The guy he pointed on the other hand, was the opposite. It was a short scrawny guy who looked bored and gloomy.

"I'm George Hectarow. I don't want to be here and I don't want to talk to you all so leave me alone. In fact, I'm going back to my room." The small guy said grumpily before he took the direction of the door without looking at anyone in the eyes.

"Won't you at least stay for the last few?" Asked Aglaya, a bit disappointed.


Once he was gone, Ivar stated out loud what everyone else was thinking.

"What was the point of waiting for his turn before leaving if he didn't want to talk to any of us?"

"Maybe he wanted to be sure we knew he didn't want to talk before he left?" Proposed Emp.

"That seems pointless, we would have understood if he just left when we started." Said Juniper.

"Maybe he is a bit slow and didn't think about it?" Said Oran.

Since this was going nowhere, Aglaya got things back on track once more.

"Then, how about you two girls?"

"I'm Penny" Said the serious looking girl with the short hair. "I would prefer to not be disturbed either because I'd like to focus on my studies. I thank you for your understanding in advance."

She made a small bow of her head to signify it was all she had to say and looked towards the last girl.

"Me, I'm Vanessa Hasting but everyone calls me Nessa. I like tea parties and dancing. I don't know what else to say about myself really..."

"Then, there's only the shy guy left over there and Emp to introduce?" Asked Ivar.

"What about me?" Said Kenneth "I haven't introduced myself."

"I feel like we pretty much know what you're all about by now. You created quite the show already." Said Brenia.

Kenneth looked a bit dejected and Emp felt a bit confused.

"What about me then, you all know my name already, you know I have a blessing and even that I killed a woodland horror, what else would you like to know?"

"Any interesting bit would do. Where do you come from, are you noble or more like Brenia and I who got the money on our own?" Asked Juniper.

"I would rather not answer those."

Emp knew he was no good at lying and he had been told to not speak about the Muraciers, he didn't know what to tell them.

"It's alright, you don't have to if you don't want to. Then, what about you?" Asked Aglaya to the last small guy.

"Me? I, I, I am Zoran. Zo, Zoran Glowstorm. My dad asked me to study here because he was afraid I was too afraid of too many things." (2)

Oliver almost laughed but Ivar hit him with his elbow to stop him. With that, the presentations ended without too much problems. They stayed a while more to talk with each other and exchange stories

Emp told them how the woodland horror had died which made a group of girl laugh and Brenia told them how she had gained the title of scragling hunter. To summarize it, it was the only thing worth hunting near the place where she lived and also the only thing that she could kill without trouble. The rest was too dangerous for the current her. She had not finished growing after all and some things hiding in the north of the kingdom of Windbow could easily dismember a group of grown men.

Nereus told them how great sea fishing was and about how big some of the creatures living bellow it where. Odilon boasted some more about his future achievements before Juniper steered the conversation towards glass and somehow, they all ended up talking about tea while Josseline was trying to convince Oliver that some things were much more interesting than the spear in life.

Overall, Emp had fun listening to all their strange conversations and managed to get back to his room some time later thinking that those twenty three people were all interesting. He felt that meeting them all on their own would already be worth his time. But, seeing all of them at the same place at once was overwhelmingly chaotic, in a good way.

He felt like many people of this group would be easy to approach and talk to but some others would be a lot of trouble, like Gervaise or the angry Heida. Since it was the Duke Jasay that had made the groups, he wondered if he had a specific reason to place him with those people or if he just placed them all at random.

"It went a bit better than I expected master. Even Celtine seems pleased."

Emp let her get back down from his shoulder as he answered Harriett.

"It was fun, they seem interesting. Most of them didn't seem that bothered by me carrying Celtine."

The girl in question was now in a good mood and sat back on a nearby chair to listen to what would follow.

"Maybe it's because they are young that they do not have the same mindset as the older nobles or maybe because they do not think of master as a true noble. Either way, it seems I was overly concerned over this. I apologise for my mistake."

"It is fine, you were also right, It caused quite the commotion. from now though, I think I will continue carrying Celtine. Unless she really does not want me to, I think it will be easier for everyone that way and I just feel it is better."

"Yes, I won't bring it up again." Consented Harriett.

Celtine just smiled in agreement. The next day, the first classes would start.

(1) You wouldn't believe how long I pondered on if she should climb up like the first time or Emp should just pick her up like a small kid. She weight nothing after all, it's easy to do. What is the weirdest to look at, her climbing up or him raising her up? In the end I picked one at random.

(2) I already have enough of his stutters, just know he does it. It's annoying to read like that anyway. I'll put some in his speech but I'll keep it on the low end.