Chereads / Born from a divine gamble / Chapter 9 - Improvised Auction

Chapter 9 - Improvised Auction

Looking at the clerks again, Emp saw many different expressions. Consternation, chock, amazement, fascination and even fear, all were stupefied by what he had just made appear. They were also intrigued by how Emp had managed to get his trophy all the way here but since they were way more preoccupied by the head itself, they didn't ask.

The old lady was the first to regain her wits and close her open mouth. She quickly turned her head towards the back and said something Emp did not understand. Another clerk nodded and ran towards a nearby spiral staircase. Emp had not noticed it yet, even if the ceiling was so far above them, there was still a flight of stairs leading to a second floor. What an impressively big building.

The old clerk focused her attention back to Emp. Her attitude and the way she looked at him had completely turned around. He could easily see that the way she treated him had changed compared to before but he was unable to pinpoint what had changed exactly, he just hoped it was a good thing. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"My apologies sir for making you wait. To answer your question, yes, this treasure is definitely enough to garner our interest. I am sorry for my previous rude behavior, it was unbefitting of my position, forgive me. If it does not offend you too much, only by curiosity I assure you, would you agree to let me have a look at your hunting card?"

Emp didn't really understand why she was apologizing, had she really been rude? He had not noticed. He just shrugged to show her it didn't matter to him and showed her his card like she asked.

The woodland horror was easy to spot on it since it was the only creature he had killed. The old lady leaned over the counter to better see it and the others behind her all stretched their necks to try and see above her shoulder.

"It is quite an unusual first hunt I will admit. Who even choose a woodland horror for his test?"

As she muttered those words, her eyes naturally went upwards toward his name. She reacted the same way as the gate guard when she saw it, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Muracier! You are a Muracier! Why did you not say so earlier!"

Muracier? Emp had not noticed it before. Had he made a mistake? He hadn't really looked at his hunting card since his departure. He had not expected that the fact Chinui lent him his name would change the information on the card. Now, his name read as Emp Muracier, Emperor being hidden by his will. If he had known, he would have hidden it as well. He had no intention of using that name for anything else than entering the school and didn't want to put shame on Chinui by accident. (1)

Before he had any time to explain the situation, the woman had already shoved him into a corridor leading to the backstage. "When did she get on this side of the counter?" Emp thought as she made him climb the stairs leading to the back of the stage, all the while making small curtsies. She was an expert at leading someone with her hands without ever touching, always hovering just a few inches away from him. It was impressive to look at. They finally reached a comfortable looking armchair situated just behind the curtain.

"Sir Muracier, I am highly disappointed by the treatment you received up until now." Said the woman with a hand on her heart. "I assure you that the guild and I will do everything possible to make it up to you and help you to swiftly conclude your important business. Please, make yourself comfortable while we wait for the bidding to start."

Emp was shoved into the armchair, partly with great care and partly as if she feared he would run away. Two other clerks arrived from who knows where and pushed a round and finely sculpted wooden table in front of the chair. Emp didn't pay attention to them and instead, focused on what the woman was saying.


"Yes, what you brought to our humble establishment today is almost priceless. In no way our humble guild would dare fix a price on it. That being the case, this lowly one took the liberty of calling for the director. The woodland horror's head will be the subject of an auction shortly, right here on this stage.

I assure you sir Muracier that you will get a good price for it. The representatives of all the great merchant companies and many ruling nobles are staying in rooms on each sides of the alley at all times. Once the director will have announced the item as well as the bid itself, they will gather here, just on the other side of that stage, and those interested will compete for the right to buy your treasure for their respective organization."

"Oh, this seems interesting."

"You will not be disappointed in our services. From here, you will have an excellent view over the potential buyers. If you would like stay anonymous, we can leave the curtains closed, as you can see, they are enchanted so that we can see through from this side but not the other."

Emp was led here in such a dizzying way he had not even noticed. He could really see through the curtains! On the other side, clerks were running everywhere as if they were on fire. If everyone reacted like the women at his sight, it was probably a good idea to stay hidden behind the curtain.

"Yes please, leave it there, I would appreciate it."

"Of course sir Muracier! Would you perhaps like something to drink in the meantime? A bottle of wine maybe?"

That was convenient, his canteen was almost empty. He had been restraining himself from drinking the rest so now he was really thirsty.

"Just some water please."

"Of course, what was I thinking!" She exclaimed herself while slapping her own forehead. "Everybody knows that the Muraciers love to stay clear headed at all times and thus, never drink any alcohol. I will take care of it immediately."

Emp couldn't remember Chinui ever mentioning something about that but it was useless to tell her otherwise. As the old lady walked as fast as her old age would let her, Emp looked at the surrounding activity.

In the long tunnel, tens of young people ran to each and every door, announcing the news to those inside. Just below the stage, more people were hard at work picking up chairs in the corner and placing them in rows tidily but quickly. Four giant men wearing large protective suits made of leather came from the warehouse and gathered around the horror's head. They each took a side of it and managed to lift it up with great difficulty.

As the four beefy man were trying to get the head on the stage, another man, fat and bald, came down from the stairs and wobbled his way to the stage.

"What a strange looking man." Thought Emp as the Old lady came back. She arrived with a silver platter on which stood a water pitcher and an assortment of freshly picked fruits.

"Here" She said while delicately placing it on the table. "Do you wish for me to serve you?"

"No, no, I will do it myself thank you."

Emp felt it was strange to let someone else serve him water while the pitcher was right in front of him. He leaned over the table, poured himself a large cup of water and picked up a pear before he sat back down comfortably. He was already hungry before he got here so he couldn't resist the appeal of the fruits.

He bit down on it and watched people get out of all their rooms while he appreciated it's taste. There were all kinds of people but he noticed that, like Chinui had told him, most of them were women. He believed all of them were merchants as he observed them all sit down in front of the stage, armed with long sticks.

"All those people want to buy the fertilizer?" Asked Emp, unbelieving.

The clerk answered while making sure she would be heard by him above the growing sounds of the voices coming from the other side of the curtain.

"Of course, all those peoples are authorized by their respective organization to use large amounts of money. Is it your first auction? Would you like me to explain its workings?"

Emp was delighted by the proposition and answered positively before taking a new bite from the pear.

"The man getting on the stage right now is the director Grandus. It his him who will personally host the auction for you. He will first examine the treasure, determine how much of it there actually is and fix a base price on it. Once the minimum value is calculated, Mr. Grandus will announce it and the people bellow the stage will be able to name a price if they wish for it. The others will then have the possibility of offering better and it will go on like that until no one is willing to offer more. The head you brought will then be sold to the person who had the best offer. Aside from the selling tax and our commission, all the money will go to you before the buyer can take the item."

"How much is the tax and the commission?" Asked Emp worriedly.

He had risked his life to kill that thing, he didn't want all those strangers to take all his hard earned money.

"Each is worth five percent for a total of ten percent. Do you know your numbers sir Muracier? Would you like to hire one of our accountants?" (2)

"I know how to calculate, it will not be necessary thank you."

Ten percent couldn't be that bad. He had no reference on which to compare this to so he was going blind. He would be really sad if Chinui told him later that he had been duped.

Since the bids were about to happen, he didn't make a fuss about it. Still, the people around here were fast. He had just stepped foot in the building and they were already about to sell the head. He hadn't even had the time to finish his pear yet! They must have been really used to it.

"Is there always an auction when someone brings you something?"

The clerk shook her head as she gave her answer.

"No, usually, we directly buy the items before we sell them back ourselves. This stage is only there for particularly pricey or rare items. Usually, we only hold auctions once a month. At that time, we serve as an intermediary between the buyers and the sellers who don't want to have to deal with them. Your case is an exception we hope you will appreciate. What you brought us is worth far too much for our guild to buy it directly but since you are travelling right now, we couldn't possibly make you wait until the next auction. We would never dare do such a thing. This is for that kind of rare circumstances that all those representative are staying here at all times."

"I see, I am sorry for causing you all troubles."

The old lady quickly denied him his apology.

"No, not at all, sir Muracier, this is nothing, for such a treasure, no one will be bothered."

Emp nodded and looked at the other side of the curtain. The bald man was now standing beside the skull and asking for the crowd's attention. Mr. Grandus then spoke with passion and pointed the tomato plant beside the counter with his finger. The crowd grew noisy with whispers once more and many ladies present took on a serious, almost excited look.

"What is happening?" Asked the curious Emp.

"Oh, that's right, you said you didn't understand the poor language. Allow me to explain. Mr. Grandus just now revealed to them the contents of the skull. Since the proof of its authenticity has already been made, both by your card and the plant over there, the crowd is growing excited. The starting price will be set at a hundred coins to entice them further but you will see sir Muracier, the price will grow quickly."

Emp nodded once more to signify his understanding and suddenly realized he did not know the name of the old lady. Should he ask her in a precise manner? Maybe she had not given him her name on purpose. He didn't want to offend her. Before he could find a solution to his unrelated dilemma, one of the very few men in the crowd rose his own stick. The number seventy-three was written on it's tip. He declared something with a strong voice and the old lady rushed to explain.

"The agricultural guild, number seventy-three, made the first offer at a hundred and fifty."

Immediately after, a woman rose her own stick and declared a number of her own and then, another one did the same. Quickly, sticks rose again and again all over the room and Emp lost his understanding of who bid what really fast. Even the fat Grandus was speaking at the speed of an arrow, pointing here and there without pause. It was interesting but mostly dizzying. Since he didn't understand a word, for him, it was just a crowd of people waving sticks around. To distract himself from the strange mood, he spoke of something else with the woman.

"It would be really useful for me to speak this language since it seems that everybody aside from me is using it. Do you know a trick to learn a new language quickly?"

"I'm afraid sir that there is no such things as a trick to it. Sadly, you will have to study it. If you would like, sir, I could recommend you many reference books as well as interesting pieces that you could use to compare each languages. This would surely help you in this endeavor."

"I would really appreciate it, after the auction, thank you. I do not intend to stay long in Red-water but I also need to buy some equipment, weapons and clothing mostly. Also, since I do not understand the signs, I am unsure if I can find an inn on my own and I am afraid I will not understand the innkeeper. I am in need of a guide for a day or two at the utmost."

"Yes of course, I understand your worry, what you are looking for is mostly someone who can speak both languages well, yes? In that case, allow me to recommend my own grand-daughter Galana to guide you. Like me, she speaks both languages fluently and know her way around the city. Her only problem is that she may not be as courteous as she should towards someone of your rank. I am afraid she might bother you." (3)

"It doesn't matter, honestly, it won't ever be worse than when Chinui was waking me up with kicks."

The woman seemed a little confused by his answer but managed to find her words once again.

"She can be a little straightforward, cutting even. In fact, to be honest, I'm afraid she might offend you by mistake."

Insults didn't scare him in the least but he couldn't understand why this woman was recommending her grand-daughter if she knew even beforehand that she would shame her.

"Why are you speaking of her then?"

"Great sir Muracier, it is because you seem like someone who is quite forgiving. You also don't seem like someone who takes etiquette to heart compared to other nobles. I hoped it would maybe be a good experience for her but I first wanted to be sure you wouldn't be too harsh on her."

Emp understood now, he was like a wooden sword for the girl. When Chinui had taught him the basics of the sword, they had practiced with sticks to familiarize Emp to the movement. "True swords were only for those who knew how to use them." Had said Chinui. Emp agreed.

From what he understood, the girl needed some training with a wooded noble before she had to deal with the real thing. It was much less dangerous for her to practice with a wooden sword first. Anyway, he didn't know what etiquette was exactly. There was no way for him to scold her for something he did not understand.

"All right." He said. "I will be her wooden sword. I assure you everything will be fine. As long as she doesn't attack me, I do not see what she could do that would anger me."

Thinking about it, Emp had never been angry before. He wondered if it was as unpleasant a sensation as fear was. He had no idea how to even trigger such an emotion. While Emp was questioning himself about anger, the lady gestured for a young woman standing at attention nearby to get nearer. He supposed it was her grand-daughter but it wasn't, she just asked her something in the other tongue and the woman ran off.

"Galana should arrive before the end of the auction and will be able to guide you to a decent inn."

Emp nodded and took himself some more water and a fistful of small fruits while he watched how the situation progressed on the other side. He did not even notice that he used Space's blessing to reach for them instead of getting up.

The rhythm of the sticks had greatly slowed down now. Most of the people present seemed to think about it for a long time before they raised their number again. Even then, there were many still who refused obstinately to stop bidding.

After a long time, he heard a girl's voice from behind him.

"Grandma, you called me? What do you want me to do?"

"Galana, I would like you to guide this man around town."

Said Galana proceeded to enter his field of view and and quickly detailed him with her eyes. Emp took the opportunity to do the same.

She had bright brown eyes and an annoyed look. Her golden blond hair where tied in a ponytail that wasn't in the middle of her head but more on the right side. It was tied with a thin pink ribbon and the tip of the tail curved back upwards just before her shoulder towards the left seemingly trying to re-center itself.

Galana was almost a head taller than him and wore a long and simple beige dress. She also wore a shoulder bag and a large black bracelet made of metal on her left wrist. Since her dress was too long, Emp couldn't see if she wore shoes or boots. He guessed they were probably simple leather footwear by the sound they made as she walked.

"A man?" She said, confused. "More like a boy, he seems even younger than me. Also, he's super dirty, what is he even doing here? Say, how long has it been since the last time you washed? You stink."

"Hm, the last time was before I went through the mountains. I felt like bathing without weapons while surrounded by monsters was a pretty stupid idea."

The old lady seemed to have paled and Emp wondered if she was all right. He didn't have the time to express his worry out loud because Galana continued to question him.

"Oh shit! It's surprising that you speak that language, I did not think that someone who looked as dumb as you could ever answer that."

She closed the distance between herself and the table with one big stride and snatched an apple from the silver plate before turning around towards her grandmother. Her face had almost lost all its colors now and Emp was really worried about her. Galana, still oblivious to what was going on just asked her something.

"What is he doing here anyway, what is he selling?"

Since the old lady seemed in such a bad shape, Emp answered in her stead to spare her the trouble.

"I came here to sell the head of the woodland horror I killed."

When Galana was listening to the answer, she started to notice that something was wrong with her grandmother and raised an eyebrow as she tried to understand. She bit down the apple and while focusing on her grandmother she asked Emp with her mouth full.

"You? You killed a woodland horror? I can't believe it. With what, how? And alone at that? I still think you look way too dumb to achieve such a thing. Don't worry kid, if you admit your lies now, there won't be any terrible punishment for you, I promise."

The old lady wavered on her feet and Emp feared she would fall over but she leaned back forward at the last possible second and threw herself on the floor. She apologised on behalf of her grand-daughter while standing on her knees.

"Please forgive her sir Muracier, it was a mistake to call her here. She wasn't really thinking all those things she said. If you have to punish someone, let it be me instead!"

Neither Emp nor Galana had any understanding of what was going on but not at all for the same reason.

"Muracier? Muracier as in the great general Muracier! That guy is a noble?"

"Not any noble Galana, he is the son of the general Chinui Muracier himself, right hand of the emperor! Quickly, on your knees and apologise!"

Galana paled as well and Emp understood that it wasn't some contagious sickness but fear instead. Was he that scary? Emp felt really embarrassed to see everyone falling on their knees. It was definitely not for this that Chinui had lent him his name. He rushed some words to calm them down.

"Lady, please calm down and get yourself back up. Do not worry, I just said I would not get angry. Anyway I do not even understand why you are apologizing. What is it that she did wrong?"

Emp leaned against the chair's arm to try and help the lady get back up. Meanwhile, Galana, confused, started to enumerate all the things she had done wrong. She couldn't understand the reaction of Emp and was so scared of what would happen to her now that she just spoke without thinking.

"I turned my back to you, I said you looked dumb, that you smelled badly and that you were a liar. On top of that, I took one of your apples right in front of you."

"At least you mostly know what you did wrong!" Screamed the old lady under her breath. "Now stop your nonsense and apologize!"

"Sorry." Mumbled the confused Galana as she took another bite of the apple.

Looking at her, Emp had the impression that her mind had just stopped working and she now did things by reflex alone. She just answered things without thinking and ate the apple only because it was in her hand. She knew it was the worst place and time to eat it, more so if it wasn't hers, but she couldn't stop herself because of how stressed she was.

"I still do not understand why this is such a big deal." Said Emp. "The smell is because of all that travel and all that rain, maybe it would have been smarter to stop at an inn first to bathe but since I do not understand the language, I could not. The fruits are not even mine and I do not understand the turned back thing. Finally, to answer the question of how I defeated it, the truth is that it mostly defeated itself by running straight into a cliff while trying to crush me. What I would like to know is what is it that makes me look dumb to you?"

Emp was very curious about this since he didn't want for the same thing to happen once he would get to the school. Maybe because of her straightforward personality or maybe just because she was still in a confused state, Galana answered the question thinking all the while it was a terrible idea to do so. Appalled, her grandmother hid her face behind her hands as she listened to the long list of things Galana had to say on the subject.

"You are wearing old and torn clothes, they are too ordinary as well. Your boots aren't of high quality, they aren't even combat boots either, they are just ordinary travel boots. Your hair are so messy it makes one wonder if you ever combed them even once in your life, on top of that, they are very dirty and seems sticky with sweat. Your face too is dirty and you have the look of someone who doesn't understand what is happening. Finally, your belt buckle is ridiculous and you are wearing the ugliest bag I have ever seen in my life."

Emp almost laughed but managed to barely keep it in. He felt that if he was to laugh now, it would scare them even more. But, even if he managed to suppress his laughter, he wasn't able to stop a smile from creeping its way on his face which scarred the two woman even further. He wondered how to fix the situation, he wasn't even sure why they were so scared of him.

A woodland horror was scary, an unarmed man sitting in an armchair and drinking water wasn't supposed to be scary, no? He decided that instead of going forward blindly, it was best to just ask them directly what was so scary.

"If I look like I do not understand, it is because it is true, I have no idea what is going on. I would really like it if one of you just told me, are nobles supposed to be scary? Why?"

The two woman looked quite lost. Both party felt like there was a wall between them. A wall through which they couldn't see and also hindered their understanding of the other side. Emp was trying to look on the other side to understand it but the other side only felt more threatened. Was he trying to trick them? Was he trying to bury them even deeper in their own mess?

"Why are nobles scary?" Asked Galana.

"Yes, you are both terrified at the idea that I could be angry but I cannot see what I could do to you even if I did get angry. Galana said it herself, I am only a dirty man, not even armed. Aside from screaming at you and splashing mud on your clothes, I do not see what I could possibly do to you."

After a short moment of thinking, the old lady chose to answer the question and try to make him understand their reasoning. The hardest part for her was that, if the man in front of her was really not acting, it meant he lacked common sense and if not, she risked too anger him further by explaining everything in detail as if he knew nothing.

"Sir Muracier, there is many types of power. The nobles rarely use a method as crude as physical might to express their superiority. Depending on the noble, what Galana did could send us both to prison, into slavery or even get us both executed."

Emp was deeply surprised by the answer. He knew the nobles where supposedly important figures and ruled over peoples in some way but he would never have guessed they would act this way.

"Really? This seems way too extreme a punishment for just a remark on my appearance and an apple. They should be the ones to be thrown into jail."

Galana opened her mouth to agree but her grandmother immediately stopped her with her hand. Was it the true trap he had laid for them? If Galana had answered, she would have fell right in it. She had thought that Emp was simple and lenient but he was in fact extremely shrewd!

If they chose to agree with him here, he could then accuse them of rebelling against local nobles. But, if they disagreed, he could just pretend to be offended by the two ladies going against his words. The words chosen to answer had to be very carefully selected. The old woman gulped and voiced her answer.

"It can seem a little overboard but it is often the only way for them to follow. The nobles are after all burdened with the protection of all those living in their territory and raise armies to do so. If someone came to such a noble and told him directly that he looked dumb for example, you could take it as an attack on his authority or, in some way, that they are turning his power in ridicule. If his power is so low, why would we expect him to protect us? If a noble was defied like that in a crucial moment, it could have devastating effects on not only him but also his family and whole territory. Rival nobles could even use this against them and bolster their own position. There is no other way but to punish such a slight to make sure it won't happen again."

"I see, but I still think this is exaggerated."

"This is because sir Muracier is a good and kind man."

Emp didn't know how to answer that. He also saw that Galana seemed to strongly disagree with the answers of her grandmother but since her mouth was still blocked, she couldn't voice her objections. Emp chose to change the subject to dodge the compliment he felt he didn't deserve.

"How do you recognize who is a noble and who is not?"

"Usually, nobles go around with many guards and wear clothing of high value and quality, easily recognizable in a crowd. The crest of their house are always embroidered in them and most of the time, they stay in their own territory. It is easy then to recognize a noble since you always see the same few."

Emp understood that it was a question of logic. If you lived in a barony and you came across a noble, chances were he was in the family of the baron. The people only had to remember the appearance of the few around them and they would be fine. It was impossible to insult the baron by mistake, more so if he was followed by a dozen knights at all times.

He understood that all of this mess was because of him. He had no idea he would be identified as a Muracier and wasn't dressed the part. He wasn't recognizable at a glance and he had caused a massive panic when his identity had been revealed. He felt really bad for them. He had done the same thing as the woodland horror had done to him. They had a normal day until they fell right into a trap.

"As I am now, it was impossible to recognize me as a noble. How could I punish someone else for my own mistake? Stop apologizing and let us all do as if nothing had ever happened. No one will ever know anyway since we are on the other side of the curtain and no one else is here. I can swear on my name that I forgive you both alright?"

The two women hesitated for a brief moment before the grand-mother chose to believe him and accept his proposition. Galana followed the example but continued to shoot strange looks at Emp while eating the fruit absentmindedly. She didn't seem to trust him. Emp didn't take it to heart and looked back at the auction. As soon as he did, Mr. Grandus pointed at a tall and proud looking woman at the back and started clapping with energy. The rest of the crowd followed with more or less enthusiasm.

"What is happening?" Asked Emp.

"Sir Muracier, the head has just been sold to madam Kleis of the southern merchant association."

"Oh! sold for how much?"

"Forgive my ignorance, I was too preoccupied with our talk to follow the end of the auction. Mr. Grandus should arrive shortly with your money, we will know then."

Emp nodded and picked up some more food while he looked at what was happening on the other side. People were going back to their offices while the winner of the auction was managing the transport of the head with a large grin. Some other women had gathered around her and even if Emp could not understand what they were saying, he could see easily that it pleased the one named Kleis greatly.

One other woman, easily described by her prominent nose, was clearly not feeling as happy as her though. She caught up to Mr. Grandus before he could leave the room. She explained something to him with an air of supplication while her deep blue eyes darted between him and the curtain. Grandus nodded and told her something before freeing himself from her and going to a door in the back.

"Who was she?" Asked Emp, curious.

"This was madam Grévert, she represents the kingdom of Greenpeaks to the west of our empire. It is said that their kingdom is currently suffering from widespread problems with their fields."


She probably needed the head for those fields. Since it was already sold, it didn't concern him anymore so he waited silently for Grandus to come back. He arrived after a short eternity with a tray filled with strange coins. He presented the tray to Emp and explained something that the old lady quickly translated for him.

"The half empty head of the woodland horror was finally sold to madam Kleis of the southern merchant association for the sum of 34,740 golden crowns. This amount already accounted for the tax and our commission. This tray contains three crystal plate, forty-seven red dragons and forty golden crowns. Please verify the amount."

Emp looked at the tray with great curiosity. It was not an amount he had ever imagined before. There was so much money! Chinui had taught him the value of money before and he knew that most people lived with bronze leaves. What was in the tray was on a completely different scale. It was 347 million bronze leaves! If Emp had not the quest his creators gave him etched into his heart, he could have just taken this money and lived from it for the rest of his life. It was such a huge sum that most people never even saw the last two kinds of coin in their whole life.

The red dragons were star shaped gold coins reddened by alchemy. On one side, a flame was engraved on it and on the other, the legendary reptile intimidated the coin possessor.

The crystal plate represented the power of the gods. It was a long white plate with a blue glint to it that was shaped like a playing card of a hand length. The crystal was grown around an imperial seal imprinted in green wax. Innumerable details were engraved on the crystal itself to stop forgery and only the biggest merchant company and high lords dared use that kind of money. If they ever received a fake, the loss would be tremendous.

Emp did not have that problem. He trusted the merchant and also, he felt this amount was too much. Of course, he was excited by such a sum but he did not think he would suffer even if he lost part of it. Was it because he did not really understand the value of money yet or because he did not feel like his effort was worth that much? He did not know. At first, he was scarred he would not get enough for his trouble since he had, after all, risked his life for it. Now he thought the reverse, what he had done wasn't worth this much money. He would have been satisfied with the ten percent they kept.

None the less, he quickly counted the money and emptied the plate in his bag. He would probably find something to do with all that currency. At his side, Galana had become pale once again in front of the fortune he threw in the bag.

Grandus said something else and the old woman resumed her translation.

"Madam Grévert of the Greenpeaks kingdom hoped she could buy more fertilizer from you. She was lamenting her lack of funds for this auction and would like to meet you to discuss this further."

Even if Emp met her, he could do nothing for her anymore. Did she believe he killed woodland horrors regularly? He chose to not meet with her, both because it would be a waste of time and because he didn't want to be followed everywhere for that head. He told himself that this curtain was extremely useful. With all the money he had now, who knew what kind of person would have followed him.

"Tell her that I am sorry that I do not have any more of that fertilizer but also that, if I ever find more, I will go see her first."

If he ever came across another woodland horror, he would definitely prefer to get as far away from it as he could but if ever another miracle happened, he would gladly help out those who needed it. He had no desire of seeing those people starve, there was just nothing he could do for now. If something happened to them, it wouldn't be Emperors fault.

His answer was translated to Grandus who nodded in understanding before wishing him good night and going back to madam Grévert. Emp turned around towards the other two thinking he was indeed tired.

"Now that we are done, Galana, could you please guide me to a good inn? Preferably somewhere where there is something to eat and a place to bathe."

Galana shot him a confused look.

"You still want me as a guide?"

"Yes, why not? I already said that nothing happened."

She thought about it for a moment, shooting many nervous look to her grandma, asking her what to do. The old lady just acted as if she did not see, leaving Galana to take her own decision. Finally she took a deep breath before exposing her conclusion.

"Alright but on two conditions."

"Tell me."

"First of all, I will only be your guide. I am not your servant and I will not get into your bed."

Emp just nodded. He didn't understand the use of that condition but since it was very easy to do, he just accepted it without thinking about it too much.

"Second, I want to be paid."

"Of course you are going to be paid, is it not normal to pay you?"

"In that case, let's go."

Without waiting any longer, she went straight for the door with the apple still in her hand and Emp followed in her steps. The grandma threw a goodbye at them and Emp answered with a wave of his hand without losing sight of Galana.

There wasn't many people left in the big room and those that were still there did not pay any mind to Emp and his guide. With how he looked, no one would ever guess he was the one who had brought the head here and Emp hoped it would stay that way.

Outside, the sun had disappeared and the darkness had taken the city over. Lamps were hung here and there to help those still outside to find their way but the square was now almost empty.

"There is a good inn just a little further down that road." Said Galana as she led the way.

Emp followed her in silence for a while but since she wasn't talking at all, he took the initiative to say something. After all, he had not spoken to someone in a while.

"You know, I spent all my life in the woods on the other side of the mountains, it would be great if you told me how the empire is doing currently."

"What kind of things do you want to know?"

"Anything that come to your mind really, I have no knowledge of anything that happened in the last ten years. I don't even know if it is still Billow Grandbois who is the emperor."

"Of course it's still him! Who else would it be? Is your head empty?"

She had not learned anything from her last scare it seemed.

"I do not know, that is why I am asking."

"Aren't the Muraciers the hand of the emperor? How come you don't even know who that emperor is?"

"Chinui and I have not spoken to anyone since their quarrel."

Technically it was the truth, he wasn't even born when it happened and her grandma was the first human being he really spoke to since he left Chinui.

"What quarrel?"

"Chinui got really mad at the emperor and decided to leave."

Galana stopped dead in her track and turned around with eyes as big as the moon shining above.

"The great general Chinui left! Since when?"

"I do not really remember, many years at least. He left when the emperor sacrificed his brother in a battle against cursed-bloods. Chinui got angry and the emperor told him to calm down or he would lose his position as a general. Chinui told him that it was wishful thinking to believe that he would be able to keep his throne without the Muraciers and told him he was leaving and not coming back. It is from that moment that we do not have any news from the empire. I believe it was a war in the north of the Artefine kingdom."

"The north of Artefine! But it was fifteen years ago! You are telling me that we've been fifteen years without a great general to protect us and no one noticed!"

"I do not know, I just told you I was not there."

He wondered if she was really listening.

"But how come no one tried to stop him from leaving! Why did you not try to convince him?"

"I was not even born when they quarreled."

"But how is the empire supposed to defend itself without the Muraciers!"

"I do not know. I imagine it is the problem of the emperor, he only had to not put himself into trouble."

"Are you retarded?"

If the power of a scream could kill, Emp would most definitely be dead right now.

"I do not really care if you call me retarded but if your grand-mother was here, she would probably faint."

Galana tried to calm herself down with deep breaths as Emp reassured her the best he could.

"An empire should not collapse just because one man went away. Chinui is not an all powerful god, he is just a man. It has already been fifteen years since he went away and everything is going like usual. So much so in fact that no one noticed he was gone right? There is no reason for this to change anytime soon. What is more, Chinui said he had some cousins who could somehow do the job while he was gone."

"When is he coming back?" Asked Galana much more calmly.

"When Billow Grandbois will not be the emperor anymore."

Galana grunted and started walking again and Emp followed.

"Fine, the empire can fall, I don't care anyway."

"Why is that?" Asked Emp, curious.

"If it happened, a good chunk of the nobles would go as well and I would really like that."

Emp wasn't quite sure on how to answer that so he just changed the subject again.

"Since we are talking about nobles now, could you tell me who are the nobles here in Red-waters so I do not make any mistakes."

"There is the count Staedler and his family, the viscount Rougefond and the viscount Balpoisson, both with their families as well." (4)

Two viscounts? That was a lot for only Red-water city. Emp wondered if there was a particular reason for all those nobles to be living in the same town.

"What use are they?"

"They have no use! They are all useless, rotten, they are terrible, I hate them."

"Really? why do you hate them?"

"It has nothing to do with you and also, you're a noble as well!"

"Would it not be better to just tell me what they are doing wrong so that I could try to not do the same? After all, I have no idea how it all works."

Instead of answering, Galana pointed a building to their left.

"Here we are, the golden fish, it's the name of the inn." (5)

She went inside without waiting for him. Emp thought she was strange. First, she had insulted him because of how he looked, then, she got scarred of what he was and now she was just ignoring him. He also thought it was strange that even if she clearly hated the nobles so much, her grandmother pushed her to guide one around. He didn't pay any attention to the perfectly painted sign of the inn and followed her inside, still lost in his own thoughts.

There, Galana was already talking to the clerk in the common tongue he didn't understand. The woman on the other side of the counter was leaning against it holding her head in her hand. Her eyes were half closed as she half-heartedly tried to stay awake. A small lamp was placed at her side and behind her, many keys were hung to the wall. On the right of Emp, an open door led to many round tables and on his left, stairs led to another floor.

The woman herself had nothing of particular interest aside from the fact that she was clearly pregnant. Black eyes, black hair, light clothes to resist the summer heat and visibly older than Galana. She spoke slowly but clearly and it didn't take long at all for Galana to explain the situation. From time to time, she turned towards him to confirm what he wished.

In the end, it cost him a silver coin for a night with a super as well as a breakfast and a tub of water. He gave her the silver coin with a smile and the woman handed him a key numbered fifteen.

"So, all you have to do now is sit down at a table over there and wait for your food. After, you'll only have to get up those stairs to the first floor. Your room will be easy to find, the number is written on the door. She said the tub should already be filled when you get there. You just have to leave it there once you're done, they'll empty it tomorrow. For your breakfast, you only need to give her back the key in the morning and sit down over there like tonight. Someone should eventually bring you something. You got all that?"

It was very clear, he had no questions. To thank her, he decided to pay her the supper since she had probably not eaten yet either.

"Are you hungry? You want to stay for supper?"

"No, not at all, I'm going home. Don't even try."

She didn't seem to have liked his attention. He had just wanted to be friendly.

"Do you want me to accompany you? It's dark outside."

"No I don't want you to walk me home! We are in Red-waters here not in the forest! I can walk back home on my own!"

Emp wasn't convinced it was really all that safe with the giant birds he had seen before but since she seemed really angry he didn't insist.

"Then we meet here tomorrow, good night."

"Mhm mhm." She hummed while leaving.

Emp saw her leave the inn and went to eat something without worrying for her anymore. After a good bowl of thick soup, a careful scrubbing of his hurt leg and a lift of the hammer, he went to bed. It was the first time he ever slept in a bed. He was used to the hard floor and the twisted branches, the comfort was incomparable, it was extraordinary. He didn't even have the time to look properly at the room before he fell asleep.

(1) I can already hear the complaints. "I thought you said the card could not be cheated or changed willingly by anyone, how come Emp is now named Muracier." You are right! I hate it when rules aren't respected, let me explain how such a thing happened. Everyone is born with a name, if someone is born and immediately abandoned, the card will display his true name anyway. In such a world, you don't need DNA tests, the card never lies. Emp though is different, he was not born but created and has no real parents. His family name wasn't hidden, there was just none. When Chinui started considering him as part of his family, even if it was unconscious and even if he would never admit it, the card was compelled to fill the blank with the name the majority of the 1 persons that knew him felt was right. Now that even more people think of him as a Muracier, that name will be stuck there for ever, the card cannot be changed by will alone. As for the reason why Chinui felt like Emp was a part of his family, maybe it was because he reminded him of his brother or maybe it was just because he felt lonely, like how people think of their dogs as part of their family. I will let you all be the judge on that.

(2) A selling tax of 5% seems small but they make their money back on incredibly high land tax, harvest tax and also because they keep it all when a group of soldiers defeats a creature. It's almost theft at this point.

(3) Galana. At first, she was named Gilly. I designed her and wrote this chapter and part of the next before I took a break of this story for more than a year in favor of others. In one of those other story, I made another character I also named Gilly by accident. She had such a strong personality that when I came back here, I could only see that other character in her name so I changed it for Galana. It's not important, I just wanted to share that with you.

(4) Balpoisson, not to be confused with Balpoison. In french, Fish is written poisson, only a letter away from poison which is written the same as in English. This leads to a lot of hilarious homeworks from primary school students. That name could be interpreted either like a ball (as in the dance) of fishes or an order for someone to beat the fish. The only thing you have to know to say as intended is to keep the 's' as an 's' instead of turning it into a 'z'.

(5) The golden fish inn. I almost translated it as the goldfish inn but it would have a very different meaning then.