Chereads / God is a Game Designer / Chapter 84 - C83 Senoa or Bust

Chapter 84 - C83 Senoa or Bust

Fifteenth of Growth of the Year 997 - Outside Senoa - Slums

Senoa stood busy as usual, guards moving down the main street as the army from previous began to march down the road, the numbers since the combat had diminished and the long walk back along the safest route caused the numbers to drop to roughly four thousand soldiers.

Moral had dropped for the army as they continued to train, they had returned only a few prior days, and the grim news had shaken the church in the east side.

They had yet to realise the same god that destroyed the army was standing outside the city, watching and thinking of the next plan to indeed destroy all hope for the church.

Standing on the outskirts of the town, on one of the last dunes as his eyes rested on the many tents, metal huts and shacks that seemed to litter the entire outskirts of the western area of Senoa.

"Such a large number of people in the Slums. It must be thousands living in such harsh conditions."

Nathan spoke as he stood wrapped up in a cloak, his eyes scanning the homes as he noticed people wandering about below in the slums. It was clear that people in this area lived very rough lives to stay alive.

Standing at his back all wrapped up in cloaks included Bull who seemed to tower over everyone else. Azo with his impressive deep eyes that seemed to hold deep wells of intelligence. The twins who both seemed connected by fate itself.

"The slum has over twelve thousand people at last count. The city itself possibly has around double that with only a few thousand on the east side. Its scaled to drain peoples money."

Nathan looked back to Azo as he watched him for a brief moment, his eyes turning back to look at the town as he just nodded slowly to continue forward.

"May I Know what the plan is Nathan?"

Azo requested as he followed behind Nathan, his eyes looking at the back of the man. During the last week and a half, he had spent so long walking back to Senoa with Nathan instead of flying. He had counted at least seventy-six spots that they had stopped at before reaching here.

"You have stepped everywhere I have Azo, you have watched everything I have done. I'm pretty sure you know what I'm planning on doing."

Nathan said as they reached the bottom of the last dune, walking towards the slums as a few people around the camp stopped and stared for a brief moment before going back to business as usual.

Azo thought for a moment at the last week and a half, each stop was slightly different, but everything had a similar theme. Each time they stopped Nathan used his powers to make a small oasis, either underground, above or a mixture of both.

He had repeated this process from Baski all the way to Senoa with each area filled with enough water and food for a large number of people for a few days.

His eyes glowed for a brief moment as he turned to look at Nathan as he felt his mind almost blown open, if his plan came true then it was going to be a massive shift in the power of the Vortex.

"My God, May I..."

Nathan turned to him, giving him a sharp stare from under the cloak, Azo and the others stopping as the scaled red man stopped and bowed his head.

"My Apologies Nathan. It's just strange to call you by such a name as you are the father of all."

Each word made Azo lower his head more as he wished not to cause any issues, having found out this man was someone very important, having met with potentially three gods in the past month had caused him to review his life.

"I find calling me by such a title troublesome. I'm called Nathan, and you may address me as such. We are inside town now so Its best you stick to it."

Inside the Slums, life was at an all-time low. Set shops right in the centre patrolled by mercenaries hired by the traders who set up tempory shops here. Each stall was holding many peoples attention as the oldest food items got discounted heavy causing massive riots just for loaves of bread.

"Six gold coins for a loaf of bread?"

Nathan spoke as he looked to the small loaf, maybe enough for a tiny family for the entire day. It was clear that this price was steep as gold supply was low.

"The average price outside the vortex is half a gold coin on average for a full loaf. The largest loaves normally cost around one gold coin at most. The vortex does not grow anything at all except for a few small places."

Azo stared at the many different objects for sale, most of them made outside the vortex, it was clear that most of these items would get sold inside Senoa, but any unsold items could get sold at a discount to the dregs of the slums.

"These items are brought in through the Dusk Gate. Traders travel far to this town to sell them at places like this. Its dangerous due to the location but its still worth the price. Twelve times the price is horrendous."

Azo felt his anger rising as he looked at all the prices, having purchased items of similar quality each day to get by. He was lucky being part of the adventurous guild as he happened to receive discounts on food, water and room.

Continuing onward, in one of the back alleys between the shacks a woman begged for her life, three thugs standing over her as they each wielded rusted iron swords.

"This is the third time we have to ask. Time is up Nees, where is our money."

The woman felt her face draining of colour as she looked at all three men, two orcs and one human, each one looking annoyed as they wanted to enslave this woman to get any chance of getting the money back.

"Please, My daughter required the money for the medicine and my son is too young to work yet. I need another couple of days. I will have the money."

Nees looked over at the entrance to the alley, eyes going wide as she spotted a cloaked figure coming down, all three men looking back as well.

"How about I take the debt off your hand's gentlemen. You should agree with this deal otherwise..."

A long black oak bow forming between his fingers, the string unfolding between the ends as the actual weapon gave each of them a feeling of greed and panic at the same time.

"It will be the last day of your miserable lives."