I'm having to make a huge effort right now just to not act like a crazy fangirl here. But it's simply incredible, his voice is identical and like Anderson, the appearance of this gentleman doesn't match anything with the voice either.
It's decided, no matter what's the real name of this elder, I'll call him "Spider" from now on.
While my head was in chaos for meeting such an incredible person, another middle-aged elder runs toward elder spider with a despair face.
"Elder Viper! Elder Viper !!! "(Elder ???)
What kinda joke is that? Viper? it's simply doesn't match, let's continue with Spider, it's much cooler.
"Elder Nil, please control yourself! you are infront the disciples, show a little more restraint! What is the reason for all this panic?" (Elder "Spider" Viper)
Exactly what I would expect from the Elder Viper, you honor the voice that you have, centered and calm, all the qualities of a true champion! Is Elder Spider is secretly the sect head?
"Elder Viper, I checked the number of disciples who left the secret realm and it's only 997, three disciples are missing" (Elder Nil)
"And again, what's the point of panic? They should be on their way back." (Elder "Spider" Viper)
When the Elders' talk got to that point Lycia trembled slightly. It seems that self hypnosis is not so perfect.
"Remember Lycia, you never hear about them" (Raonir)
I whispered on her ear discreetly, as if it was a conversation of lovey dovey lovers.
It seems that it worked because she managed to control herself.
In other hand, Karen looks like uncomfortable, but I can't pay attention to her jealousy right now, sorry Karen.
"No elder Viper! I used the control crystal to check the life signature on the secret realm and found no human signature inside. It can only mean that they are... de-dead. "(Elder Nil)
"Hm, this is a little weird, it's been decades since a disciple dies there. I seems that those years of security have made them complacent, so it can be a lesson to others. "(Elder" Spider "Viper)
Yes Sir Spider! don't worry about such an insignificant subjects!
"But the disciples who disappeared were Eric, Talles and Sari. Eric is the only elder Edward son"(Elder Nil)
As soon as elder Nil said that, all the color of elder Spider's face seems have faded, he began to shake wildly from head to feet..
"Ca-can you repeat that? who disappeared?" (Elder "Spider" Viper)
"Eric, only son of outer elder chief, elder Edward!" (Elder Nil)
Elder Nil repeated his phrase, this time speaking louder and clearer.
My great idol, elder Spider, almost lost his balance.
"Quick, what were you doing here like an idiot? Go inform the others elders immediately! I'll personally contact Elder Edward! "(Elder "Spider" Viper)
What the heck is this? where is the great elder worthy of the nickname "SPIDER"? TAKE OFF YOUR VOICE NOW, YOU DON'T DESERVE IT !!!
"Rao, what happened to you? Why are you crying? "(Karen)
"You got hurt somewhere" (Lycia)
"No, it's nothing, it was just a speck in the eyes" (Raonir)
This is almost like watching Anderson breaks his legs again. Today will be a day that I will remember in my entire life, the day I witnessed the fall of an idol.
In the center of residential area from outer sect, there was a large house with a structure very similar to a siheyuan. That residence was passed from generation to generation for the heads of outer elders.
At this moment, in the middle of courtyard of this residence, a strong-looking man who seems to be in his middle age, with a cut scar in his cheek that passed across his lips to his chin, was enjoying his afternoon tea with pleasure .
The scar intimidated anyone who looked at that man, but at the same time made people feel that they were in presence of someone who lived and saw a lot.
Even though in reality the scar was accidentally self-inflicted.
The man was preparing to sip more of his delicious tea when he felt an approaching presence.
He knew the person aura, it was the elder that everyone call's "Viper". The man was intrigued, this elder must to be responsible for overseeing the herb collect from this season, why would he be here?
Did something important happen? Plus, what would be so important to get him to personally inform?
At that moment, the man with scar felt a bad premonition approaching. "It couldn't be that something happened to my son, or...?" He thought as he fed the worst scenarios that a father could imagine.
He forced himself to calm down and stopped speculating, he wait for elder Viper to come and inform him about the reason for visit.
Elder Viper quickly reached at siheyuan's central courtyard and curved respectfully as he tried to control his nervousness.
"My best regards Elder-chef Edward!" (Elder "Spider" Viper)
The middle-aged man, Elder Edward, noted Elder's nervousness but remained calm.
"Get up Viper, tell me, why are you here? Shouldn't you have been taking care of this season's collect? "(Elder Edward)
Edward replied as he swallowed his own nervousness and prayed internally for his premonitions be just a false alarm.
"Elder Chef, it's about your son!" (Elder "Spider" Viper)
At that moment all the color on Edward's face was gone, he already expected the worst.
"What happened to my son ?!" (Elder Edward)
He shouted as he got up. He was no longer able to control his emotions.
"Your Son and two other disciples seems to be missing into the secret realm." (Elder "Spider" Viper)
"MY BABYYYY!!!"(Elder Edward)