The third daughter-in-law of the Gao family cried out, "Why do these two people look so familiar?"
Her husband said grumpily, "Of course they do! They're the two people that took the rat meat!"
Everyone took a look and saw that it was true!
"What's wrong with them?" the third daughter-in-law cried out. "Why do they look sick?"
"And they're coming our way. What do they want?"
Wrapped in thin, worn cotton, the two men were stumbling toward the Gao family as if they were going to fall at any moment.
"Please give us something to eat… We…"
Seeing how pitiful they were, the eldest daughter-in-law felt sorry for them. She took a vegetable pancake out of her chest pocket and was about to hand it to them when Gao Mingkun cried out, "Don't touch them!"
The eldest daughter-in-law glared at Gao Mingkun. "Mingkun, you're so mean! He's…"