The tryout could take place in one of the many potential terrains.
They were Dark Forest, Yellow Desert, Volcanic Swamp, Misty Jungle, Snowy Plateau…
Every candidate here had their own special attribute.
Only a handful of them had two attributes and even fewer had multiple attributes. Most of them only specialized in a single attribute.
Such as fire, water, ice, wood, earth, and so on.
Hence, if the tryout happened in a place like Dark Forest, those with the wood attribute would have an advantage.
Whereas if Volcanic Swamp was chosen, those who specialized in fire or earth would have the upper hand.
And so on and so forth.
Many candidates had tried to find out beforehand what the chosen terrain was. That way, they could adequately equip themselves in advance according to the terrain's characteristics.
However, Imperial College's security measures were so impeccable that no one was able to get any information.