"She can't let it go and I'm worried that she won't be able to handle all the pointing fingers. That's why I let them live in Fallen Star Yard in a remote part of the manor."
Feng Yanfeng looked less displeased now.
Lady Wang took the opportunity and went on. "My lord, if you don't like that arrangement, I'll move them out of Fallen Star Yard and give them…"
"That won't be necessary." Feng Yanfeng waved her off. "You did the right thing. Feng Wu is useless now. She is of no help to this family and she's lucky to even have food on her table. There's no need to give her favorable treatment."
Lady Wang looked troubled. "But Xiao Wu may not be happy…"
"Why should we care how she feels?" Feng Yanfeng smiled cruelly. "Does she think she's still the same Feng Wu from five years ago?"
That settled Lady Wang's mind. Seeing Feng Yanfeng's attitude, she could do a lot of things without hesitation from now on.