"This is a national broadcast. Demonic Beast have broken through and are now attacking the following states… All EXO users are hereby required to help eliminate the threat!
For those of you who do not have an ability, please evacuate to the nearest shelter! I repeat, please report to the nearest shelter!"
The broadcast continued to play all over New York.
A young man walked the streets of New York in a torn black t-shirt and some blue jeans. Even with all the demonic beast raging about and the fighting going on, he wasn't worried about himself.
In his hand was his phone.
"Come on, pick up Victoria! Pick up!"
He yelled out.
The woman he was calling wasn't answering his call, this is what worried him the most. Not the demonic beast, not the fighting that was going on around him.
First attempt no answer. Second attempt still no answer.
He started to get worried, what if something bad happened to her? What if he never saw her again.
He tried once again.
A woman shouted from the other end of the phone.
He let out a long sigh, she answered which was good. It meant she was alive.
"Where are you Victoria? I went to your house but you weren't there."
"I was relocated, my father believes i'm safest by his side. What about you, where are you?"
Vance thought that was smart of her old man, but it irritated him that her father had no faith in him.
"I'm fine Victoria, I was just worried about you. Thinking some… nevermind, i'm just glad you're ok."
As Vance talked to Victoria over the phone, he felt a chill run down his spine.
Vance never felt something so overwhelming before, even his own mother didn't scare him as much as this energy did. The sky darken as thunder roared across the sky.
He was at a total loss, what was this?
"Vance? You still here?"
"Warning! If you are hearing this broadcast, evacuate the state Immediately. Danger Level has now increased and this entire state is no longer safe!"
"Victoria, did you hear that?"
Vance asked.
"Yes. My father is busy talking to the security team right now. What is going on Vance?"
Victoria was worried, who wouldn't be? This wasn't a normal broadcast as they wanted people to leave the entire state. Vance knew there had to have been one reason for that, and one reason only.
The threat was beyond them.
A large majority of the higher ups were in Ohio right now dealing with the Twelve God tournament. There was currently no one in New York that could stand up to the demonic beast that was here.
"Calm down Victoria and listen to your father. He knows whats going on right now and the best way to handle it. Call me when you make it to somewhere safe. I love you!"
"Vance! Vance!"
Victoria yelled out on the other end of the phone but Vance hung up.
"I need to get out of here… but where should I go? If the situation is as dire as I think it is, even my house won't be safe."
Vance clicked in tongue.
"What in the world is she doing?"
He asked himself as he began to wonder where his mother was during this whole crisis. It's been months since their last communication, he honestly did not know what she was doing. He was worried about her, but because of who she was he knew she was alright. She had to be, who could overpower her?
Vance heard a low growl as he looked up and saw two large demonic wolves glaring at him. Their red eyes seemed to glow, and their fur looked as if it was on fire.
Vance cracked his knuckles.
"I am not in the mood for this!"
"Warning! If you are hearing this broadcast, evacuate the state Immediately. Danger Level has now increased and this entire state is no longer safe!"
A man with a thick beard slammed his fist on the table.
A woman with long black hair wrapped his slender arms around him. She leaned in and gave him a hug, hoping to ease his pain.
"It's going to be alright Charles."
Charles sighed as he grabbed hold of his wife, Amelia's arms.
"How can you say that? Look at her Amelia! Look!"
Charles shouted as he looked down at his daughter Isabel. She laid on her bed with her eyes closed sleeping. Even as she was hooked up to the best equipment Charles could obtain, and looked at by his most trusted doctors she still lay sleep.
She's been like this ever since that incident at school.
Her body was healed, but it still left a nasty scar going down her chest. He nor any of the doctors knew what was wrong with her. Her vitals were perfectly fine, and her body was healed.
They thought it could have something to due with her mind, but even then when they brought an expert in they were lead to a dead end.
It was like Isabel's body was here, but her spirit was not.
Charles felt a tear stream down his face as he lowered his head.
"Sorry I yelled at you. I'm just frustrated is all."
Amelia knew he was under a lot of stress, she also wanted to break down like him but she couldn't. Someone had to stay strong.
"It's alright. But, you heard the broadcast and I don't have to tell you what that means."
Charles sighed once more.
"Out of all the places, it just had to be here and it just had to be now."
Charles wanted to say more, but he sensed something amiss.
Someone appeared on his property, and it wasn't someone he knew.
Charles looked at his wife.
"I got it. Just meet us there ok?"
Charles kissed his daughter on her forehead, then he kissed his wife.
"I'll be there."
Charles left the room and toss his jacket.
The further he went towards the front entrance, the more dead bodies appeared. Some were human but majority of them were demonic beast.
He put on his gauntlets and stepped foot outside.
A short distance away he saw a young child with yellow hair. He wasn't too sure if this child was male or female due to the feminie features, but he knew the child wasn't human.
"Are you the one?"
The yellow haired child asked Charles.
"The one what?"
"I guess you aren't the one then."
Charles was confused by what the child meant. What was the one?
The yellow haired child held out his hand as a large black spear emerged. Charles couldn't make out the entire look of the spear as it was covered in black mist, but he could tell it was a strange weapon.
Charles felt it, this child wasn't a normal demonic being. He was containing his aura so Charles couldn't make out his power level, but if he had to guess he figured this kid in front of him was a Demon General.
It was his first time seeing one up close, but if it was only a general then he should be able to hold him off long enough for his two girls to escape.
He wasted no time as he released his full power and dashed straight for the yellow haired child.
"He was right. The humans have degraded… what is there to fear? Hahahaha!"
The yellow haired child started talking to himself before he burst out laughing in a demonic tone. It was scary even for Charles.
He stopped for a moment and looked at Charles who was right in front of him. He put his hand out in front of him with his palm wide open.
Charles was blown away as he flew into his house causing the walls to crumble.
Charles was a sturdy man and it took a lot to make him bleed, but with just a burst of essence he was blown away like a twig. His insides felt like they were turning upside down, blood was leaking from his mouth.
He underestimated this child. This couldn't be the strength of a Demon General, it was on a whole nother level.
"W-who are you?"
Charles asked in a slightly weak tone.
The child's cold red eyes looked at Charles.
"A long time ago I used to have a name… some called me The Impaler, others a monster. I have no use for titles anymore."
In Charles mind the wheels started spinning as information flooded his head. The title he used was only given to one Demon General, but that was a long time ago.
That general died in the war… how was he still alive?
As Charles uttered those words, his vision was engulfed in blackness.