Chereads / BlackCrown / Chapter 100 - BlackCrown: The First Year (III) pt. 46

Chapter 100 - BlackCrown: The First Year (III) pt. 46

Dir. Campbell turned her head slightly to look behind her. She was trying to figure out what Klyde was grinning at. When she looked, she saw no one. There were people walking past them, but they paid little attention to them.

Seeing how Dir. Campbell had her attention elsewhere Klyde coughed to draw it back.

"As I was saying, with the announcement of this project your group's nightly activities will no longer be needed."

Klyde saw the anger in Dir. Campbell's eyes, she worked hard to get her position and now Klyde was saying it would no longer be needed. What did she work for?

"Not just yours, the other directions will also be relocated. Don't worry, you'll have a spot in the new project if you want it."

Dir. Campbell clenched her fist. What was this, pity? A spot for her in the new project? She didn't want it. She never relied on others, so why should she start now?

"No thanks, I don't need your pity."

Klyde held up both his hands to show he meant no harm.

"It is not pity, it is an offer. You'll be apart of something much larger than your small organization. It will require much more concentration, and you'll be a step closer to your own goal. The benefits truly outweigh your dislike for me, right?"

Klyde smiled wryly, he knew Dir. Campbell did not like him much. Not that he blamed her, but their relations was a thing of the past.

"You think you're so great? Me disliking you has nothing to do with our past, I just don't like the way you are. You are really the scum of the human population. Besides, if you are offering me this position that means you were offered something even better. What is it?"

Dir. Campbell placed her hand on her rapier as she squinted her eyes at Klyde.

He would never offer someone something with nothing gained in return. Klyde was not that type of person. He has never been.

"I do not know what you think of me, but I have a pretty good idea. Trust me on this, what I gain is nothing compared to you.

I'm not a bad guy, i'm just doing what I do best. Believe me, when I say at the end of all this, everyone will be happy. The first step to that is you agreeing to accept the position.

What would Akari have you do?"

Klyde crossed his arms and said.

He had a lot of things he wanted to accomplish, this was only a step in a large journey. The end was still not in sight, but he could feel it was getting closer.

Dir. Campbell clicked her tongue, what did her sister have to do with any of this? She wasn't even in the States right now.

"I'll think about it."

Dir. Campbell said as she walked past Klyde.

She needed time, there were things she had set in motion that had yet to finish. Her group called Shadow was still active and had missions unfinished. If she were to let it all go because of this new project how could she face the members of Shadow?

What she needed right now was advice. Someone who could help guide her in the right direction. There was really no need to turn down the position offered to her, but if she did she would be helping Klyde out. His touch was gentle, but poisonous. Everything he got his hands on would be beneficial for him, he could care less about the damage it would cause to others.

The duties she had right now were great, but what she would have to do once she accepted. It could be something else entirely.


Nick finished getting himself dressed as he fixed his black tie. He was wearing a classic black and white suit while wearing black framed glasses. He had diamond earrings in his ears.

"Look at you, clothes really do make the man."

Matthew said as he hopped over his bed and appeared in front of Nick. Matthew was wearing a navy blue and dark grey suit. The front navy blue jacket was unbuttoned revealing a navy blue vest underneath.

"I'm just ready to get this over with."

Nick said as he made a motion with his head asking if Matthew was ready to go. The other two male roommates left ahead of them going to the ballroom for the feast.

When Nick opened the door he found Freya and Alyson standing outside. Freya wore a purple maxi dress that showed off her back. It exposed a lot of skin but looked good on her. The dress was not clung to her body, but it showed the outline of her thighs.

Matthew thought if Freya had a bit of a bigger bust she'd be a total babe.

Alyson, on the other hand, wore a navy blue high street dress, that showed off her curves. It was cut on the left side and showed off a bit of skin, but cut off just before you could see anything past her thigh. Leaving one to imagine what was underneath.

"You two look lovely."

Nick complimented the two ladies, while his eyes scanned their appearance. He had to look two times before he felt satisfied.

Alyson's cheeks burned as she felt Nick's gaze go over her body. She would never wear something so revealing but Isabel pushed her forward. This was the only dress Isabel let her take with her on this trip.

Alyson was embarrassed when she came out of her room with this dress on as she felt the gazes of many men. Old and young, they both watched her as she walked past.

She wished Isabel was here, but she was stuck back at the academy.

Matthew had his eyes opened wide when he looked at Alyson, she was so pretty. Her hair was no longer straight, it was curled.

"You're so gorgeous Alyson, really. You'll have all sorts of guys coming up to you. Anyone would be lucky to have a girl like you by their side."

Matthew gave her a wink as he said that, he could tell who she was dressing up for. As much as he liked Nick's fiancee, there was only so much a male could do when tempted by a figure like Alyson's. Matthew himself would love to chat her up, but she had eyes on Nick.

Sucks because he really thought she looked nice.

Matthew looked towards Freya and quickly looked her over.

"...You look nice too."

Freya rolled her eyes, it was like he forced himself to say that. Whatever, she could care less what Matthew thought of her appearance.

Nick elbowed Matthew in the side lightly, he should not have said it like that. Matthew could have given Freya a better compliment.

Matthew rubbed his side and frowned.

"Let's go, no need to stand here all day."

Nick said as he walked in between Alyson and Freya. He did not take too big of a stride and walked at a slower pace. The two girls were wearing heels so they could not walk as fast as usual.

Matthew walked next to Freya and locked his hands behind his head as he whistled.

The group of four had a light conversation as they made their way towards the ballroom. They had to enter the elevator and go to the first floor, which did not take that long. Only around ten or fifteen minutes.

They could hear classical music playing from outside the ballroom. Inside people were chatting or dancing, while a few were eating at the tables.

Freya spotted a few freshmen that were famous from the other academies. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she pointed each one of them out.

"That's John, there's Bishop…"

She knew they were big shots from where they were from so she believed it would be a good thing to have Nick know who they were. Eventually, he would have to compete against them.

Nick listened to her as he paid attention to who she pointed out. Eventually, she pointed towards Rachel, who was also present in the ballroom. She was wearing a black lace dress.

Rachel was talking to a group of females, but Nick saw there were males constantly looking in her direction.

"I'm going to grab something to drink, anyone want anything?"

Matthew asked.

"I'll come with you."

Freya said.

"I think i'll be fine, don't need you to hold my hand."

Matthew tried to shoo Freya away, he did not want her to come with him.

"Who'd want to hold your hand? I'd rather die before it came to that. Do you really think you could carry drinks for four by yourself?"

Freya asked him as she glared at him.

"I think I can manage."

Matthew replied, carrying four glasses would be no trouble for him at all.

Freya seeing how Matthew insisted she stay put decided to give up on trying at all. Whatever, she did not care anymore.

"May I get your attention?"

A voice asked as a man stood in the center of the ballroom with a mic in his hand. The music stopped and everyone in the ballroom looked in his direction.

He was wearing glasses and had slick brown hair combed back.

"Some of you may know me, others do not. I'm Victor Scott, head of the Scott family. No need to be excited, there are others here as well from the ten families.

First, I want to congratulate all those that have made it this far. You've shown skill that is a cut above the rest and are able to participate in this tournament. This year i've seen some impressive talent.

Like, Ms. Rachel over there."

Victor pointed at Rachel causing the attention to go to her.

"She is only a freshman this year, but the skills she has displayed are far above what a freshman is capable of. It is not just her, there are other freshmen out there that have shown much promise.

This year all the academies have focused on developing the freshman so that they gain more experience in dealing with demonic beast. However, that was only step one.

It was only an introduction to a new system I would like to introduce. We, the ten families, along with the military and guardian family have worked for three years to implement this system. There was a lot to work out at the beginning but now everything is mostly finished.

Starting next year, you will no longer be confined to the academy. You will have time to leave the academy and go on missions, that vary from simple collections to killing a certain demonic beast.

It is not only you guys in the younger generation, this system will apply to anyone who has an EXO.

You complete a task, gain money, experience and help better the nation. The more you contribute, the higher rank you'll gain.

Don't get too excited yet. As rewarding as it sounds it is much more dangerous. This is not training, you could die so there is no need for you to become a member of the new project."

Victor paused as he looked around at the people in the ballroom.

"I'm sure some of you have felt it, the changes in the wind. I'm not going to tell you we as adults have everything under control when we don't. We are not perfect, we're only human.

Frankly, our resources are spread thin right now as we continue our war in the middle-east. While we are trying to help them out against the demons they face, there is only so much we are capable of.

I'm not saying we are losing, but we are not winning either.

Before I die I would like to leave something behind, something much greater than myself. I do not want to see the human population become extinct, i'd rather see it prosper.

The other families think the same as me, which is why we started this project. To create something that will help us survive in the future. We call it, 'The Association'.

A large-scale organization spread across the States, one that completes task and kills demons. We gather information which will be of use to you as well as sell items crafted from famous blacksmiths.

The Association is backed by the ten families, guardian family, and the military so I assure you there is no need to worry about our resources.

Our goal is not just the elimination of all Demons and Demonic beast, it is to see every last EXO user advance. Most of us have yet to tap into our full potential, there is a wide variety of techniques left undiscovered.

That is all."

Victor moved from the center of the ballroom as he sat the mic on a table and walked out of the door. There would be many questions left in the minds of the people here, which he left unanswered.

While Victor could answer those questions he felt they would answer themselves in due time. For now, he just wanted to talk about The Association.

With Victor leaving the people in the ballroom started whispering amongst themselves. All of them talking about The Association. If Victor's plan was to get them excited, it worked.

Nick had his own thoughts on it, but he was more worried about something else Victor mentioned. If the war in the middle-east was consuming their forces, that would mean the USA would be left vulnerable to attacks.

It was the perfect opportunity for any of their enemies to launch an attack, or even the demons to strike. If such a thing did happen, Nick couldn't even imagine the chaos it would bring.

"What are you thinking about?"

Alyson asked Nick who seemed lost in thought.

Nick shook his head, he was worried but he was only one person. There was very little he could achieve even if something like that happened. There was no telling if he could save himself, let alone save all the others.


Nick replied.

"If you keep things to yourself you'll never fully explore all your options. Don't forget Nick, I am a member of the ten families."

"I haven't forgotten anything and i'm not keeping it to myself. It really was nothing, just a passing thought."

"Tell me, it couldn't have just been a passing thought."

Freya placed her hand on Nick's shoulder.

"Don't worry about the details, you don't have to keep everything to yourself. That is what we are here for, to help you. No one can do everything alone, you'll have to rely on others at some point."

Nick let out a breath of cold air.

"I thought about the chaos that would happen if our forces were really spread thin. Can you even imagine what would happen if our enemies launch an attack on us. That would be the best outcome, the worst is if we were attacked by the demons…

Normal people can handle a war against another nation, but demons? No way, that's something else entirely. They've barely seen one, so what would happen if an army appeared?

They'd run around and panic, cause chaos among themselves. 'It's the end of the world' is what they would say while doing whatever they felt like. When people think the end is near, they become something else."

Freya and Alyson both thought about what Nick said. It was true, if they were attacked then they may not be able to handle everything.

"It's just a thought."

Nick said as he saw the serious expression they both had on their faces.

"As much of a thought as it is, it is true."

Matthew said as he came up with drinks in his hand. He overheard the last bit of what Nick said. He was also having the same train of thoughts as Nick.

"This Association is really a way to increase our forces. Hiding behind 'task' and 'missions', what we become if we do become a member of The Association are soldiers.

I doubt we'll be the only one to notice the true meaning behind it as well."

Matthew finished speaking as he looked off at some of the other students.

"Well, not like I mind. If we become able to travel freely from the academy i'll sign up. I'll learn more fighting demons than staying in the academy all day long."

Freya grabbed Nick's sleeve and pulled him towards the center of the ballroom. The music already started back up, but the mood was heavy so not many people were dancing anymore.

"Enough talk lets just enjoy the moment while we can."

Matthew looked at Alyson and smiled.

"May I have this dance?"

Alyson gave Matthew her hand, she may as well take this chance to dance. She wanted to dance with Nick but didn't know how to ask. With the announcement Victor made it caused the mood to change.

Now Freya's small action caused the mood to return to normal.

As they danced, others started to join in. Every one of them was going to enjoy this moment, as their lives would start to change soon.

Nick danced with Freya first, then Alyson next. Somehow, a few other girls found themselves in his arms.

Matthew was all smiles as he had multiple partners. It was only until Scarlet entered his arms did his mood change a little. Still, Matthew did not turn her down.


While Nick and his friends were enjoying the moment, Rachel was not. She figured out what he father meant now, and she was not sure if she liked it.

She walked over to the punch bowl and saw a handsome young man with messy blue hair. He was sipping on the drink in his hand, while his light blue eyes wandered around the people in the ballroom.

"Isn't it amazing? How one person can change the views of another?"

The messy blue-haired young man asked.

Rachel was not sure if he was talking to her or talking out loud. She finished pouring herself a drink and looked at him. She found his light blue eyes were focused on her.

Seemed that he was talking to her.

"I would not say it is amazing, but what does it matter? Views are that, just views. If the world thought of everything, in the same manner, it'd be boring."

The blue haired young man finished his drink as he sat the glass down on the table behind him.

"What do you think about all this?"

Rachel asked him before she took a sip of her punch.

"This? Not sure what you mean by that, but if you're talking about this tournament then it's not that bad. All the strong will be gathered here, a good place for me to test myself.

The Association? I'm not very interested in that. The ten families are behind it, which means the Wells are. Frankly, I don't like them and want nothing to do with them, ever."

Rachel laughed a little, he did not like the Wells family? This was a first, many of the people not in the ten families would worship them like gods.

"I'll let you in on a secret, I don't like them either."

"Wouldn't blame you, they are pretty much filth. Your names Rachel right? I look forward to seeing what you're capable of."

The blue haired young man started to walk away from Rachel.

"You know my name, but i've yet to hear yours."

Rachel said as she stopped him in his tracks.

"Names Arthur."