Chereads / BlackCrown / Chapter 62 - BlackCrown: The First Year (III) Pt. 11

Chapter 62 - BlackCrown: The First Year (III) Pt. 11

After separating from Celia and Nick, Alyson went to meet her father. He was seated at a table with a variety of food placed on it. His legs were crossed as he took a look at his watch.

His daughter, Alyson, was late by a minute. She knew that he had a busy schedule and it was not everyday they got to see each other.

A female waiter came to his side, but he dismissed her by waving his hand.

"Sorry, i'm late."

A voice yelled out as they took a seat right across from him.

"It is only by a minute, don't worry about it."

He told her in a calming tone.

"Have whatever you like, I ordered most of your favorites. I believe I got it right this time around."

He said laughingly.

Alyson took a quick glance at all the food and nodded her head. It was most of her favorite food. She gulped down as she did not know what to dig into first. There were many options, but the longer she waited the faster the food would get cold.

She left it up to faith as she just picked up a fork and stuck it into whatever was close to her.

"Alyson, I'm thinking about expanding overseas, into the Asian market. What do you think?"

Alyson grabbed a napkin and patted her small lips.

"If you want to, but that would mean more time away from home."

"Yes, that would also mean you would have to pick up another language."

Alyson's father glanced off into another direction.

"You are my successor, you should at least know who we are going to be working with. This is a good opportunity to develop your social skills… maybe even your EXO ability."

Alyson stopped eating as she set her fork down.

"You don't mean you want me to go with you, do you?"

Alyson's father nodded his head.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking. You can go to school in another country and make new friends. We will return back to the states every so often and if you insist you can take your friend with you. Everything is already planned out, all you need to do is say you'll come with me."

He grabbed hold of Alyson's hand and looked into her green eyes.

He knew that she would not want to go with him as he was not always around, but she was the only one he could count on. He also did not want to leave her behind, as he could not take care of her from afar. If something happened to his little girl, he just could not take it.

Alyson did not even need a moment to think about it. She would be leaving more behind than just her friends. She was not going with him.

"Sorry, I can't dad."

Alyson's father hand slammed against the table causing Alyson to jump out of her skin.

"Dammit, Aly! Just come with me, you can't stay here!"

Alyson took her hands back and placed them in her lap.

"Dad stop, you're scaring me."

Alyson's father glanced around and noticed people looking in their direction. He coughed as he fixed himself.

"Sorry, it's just… just…"

He couldn't finish his sentence as he started tapping his hand on the table in an uncontrollable manner.

Alyson placed her hand on top of his to help calm him down.

"Just what?"

He looked into her pretty eyes and saw the worried look on her face. Taking a deep breath a tear fell from the corner of his mouth.

"You're not my child Aly…"

He spoke so softly that it was barely audible.

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. Just come with me and everything will be alright."

No! Not until you tell me what you are talking about."

Alyson was at a loss. What did her father mean that she was not his kid? They've been together since she was born. He gave her the world, so how could he do that if she was not his? If she was not, then whose child was she?

She wanted everything to be alright, but that was not going to work.

Her ears perked up as she heard a buzzing sound and glanced at her father's phone.

"Sorry, I have to go."

He told her as he grabbed his phone. He got up from his seat and kissed her on the forehead.

Alyson was left stunned as she watched her father go off into a crowd of people. One second she saw his back, the next second he was gone like a ghost.

Alyson clenched her hands together tightly. She stayed in the same spot for a while.

Alyson's father stepped into a silver car as he glanced over his shoulder at the mall where his daughter was. He did not mean for her to find out like this, in fact, he did not want her to find out at all. He blamed her mother for all of this, and because of what she did their daughter was now in danger.

He knew what would come after her, but he did not have a way to stop it. If he could identify the threat then there would be no problem. The problem was he did not know what it looked like.

Biting his lip, he thought about those damned Wells. They were also to blame for this situation. They just had to go and create something they could not control. Now it was coming after their entire bloodline, and it would not stop until the Wells were extinct.

He could not control his anger as he slammed his fist against the window causing it to crack.

His plan was to put a huge distance between Alyson and the United States. He only wished that she would have accepted then everything would have been alright.

Considering his options, he only had one that would work. He really did not want to do it, as he would not like to owe anyone a favor especially not him.

He starting dialing a number on his phone. As soon as the person on the other end picked up, Alyson's father spoke.

"Klyde, I need a favor…"