Bag of holding, a interdimensional item with a limited space inside depending on its level.
"Oh, so it has levels, and I can change the item to anything I want? I am starting to love it. Ok, 80 points can buy me a clock with a storage capacity of 5 cubic meters or 1500 kilos of materials. That's good, and I want it in the form of a watch. 352 points left.
Now, magic, I always liked necromancy magic, but I need magery 1 for the basics and 2 for "create undead" and "control undead", 100 points for magery 0 and 200 points more for 1 and 2 each. So only magery 0 for now. Wait, limitations? What is this? I see, if I place a limitation I can decrease the price of certain abilities. Magery for example could have somatic components such as the need of gestures or to verbalize it, but would reduce the price in 60%, so magery 1 would cost 120 points in the end. Or I could add both limitations and get a maximum of 80% discount making magery 2 cost 100 points total.
I need 4 other spells and magery 2 to unlock "create undead", that makes 200 points minimum to unlock the basic level of every spell. For "control undead" I just need the "create undead", so that makes 220 points of my 352 points for both skills with basic level.
That's good, but I want intermediary level in both so 40 points more. 260 points in total. Only 92 points left. Lets search for basic equipment first. Since it's an underground dungeon, camping equipment won't help, but "light magic", "dark vision", "night vision", "continual light" or torches might be essential. The first 3 magics cost to much stamina for me to maintain now. Continual light cost more stamina to cast but it doesn't need stamina to maintain, and the duration is from 2 to 12 DAYS depending on the success. For this magic I just need "light", so another 40 points, but I really need it to survive underground.
52 points left. Without the "First Blood" achievement I would be out of points now. Now let's take a look on the food section, 1 point for 7 days of travel rations with water, it weighs 20 kilos because of the water, but thanks to my new watch I won't feel anything. Do they have gear sets? F**k, why didn't I look for it before? Basic underground survival equipment set, contains food and water for 7 days,rope, torches, basic climb equipment and bandages with a 33% discount from 3 points to 2 points cost. Yeah, let's go with that too. Now I have food and water for 2 weeks.
49 points left. Let's get a little more firepower. How about the most common "ARGES hand grenade 86" 3 for 1 point. For backup, the "Taurus mod 608" is a good gun, but the recoil is too big for me to handle, "Walther P99" is a better gun for me. 6 points, +1 point for 3 extra ammunition."
When he bought the pistol a system message appeared. "Even though you have intermediary skills with LMG if you buy the basic pistol skill you will shot better with pistols."
"Uhm... The only thing left to buy is a "tactical folding knife" and it would be 3 for 1 point. So I can buy the pistol and knife skills for another 40 points and end up with 1 point left. Yeah, that is it, I will do that. Ok, I am done.
When he thought that, his vision darkened and he woke up in his bedroom.
"What? Was it all a dream? Such an interesting dream" It was then that he notice that he still had the watch he bought in the "game". He tried looking inside and there it was, everything he bought was there.
"So it wasn't a dream? Well time will explain everything, I think. It will be a shame if nothing happens, but at least I have a new watch now." His spent his day normally, ate breakfast with his parents, left for work, and returned home. Played some games with his friends in the internet, had dinner and finally, bedtime.
"So, I am really back?" And there he was in the white room again.
Player: Fox
Points: 1
Status: Tutorial part 2
Countdown: 00:59:47 to start the next mission. Can be skipped at will.
"Well, no points left and same mission, so why wait? Let's go with it."
Everything darkened and when he was able to see again, he was in a small square room with a corridor in front. The room was lit by flames from the eyes of the skulls around the room. The flame was purple and he couldn't feel any warm coming from it, so it was probably magic.
"I should buy thaumatology next time I can, so I can understand a little of magic theory. Well, no choice in the way to go. Let's follow the path."
Equipped with all his defense equipment and holding his M249, Fox walked through the corridor. Not long after he saw a body in front. By the cloths he was wearing he looked like a farmer from medieval times.
"Underground dungeon, skull in the wall, and now a body, I see." After thinking that Fox started to concentrate magic around him, circling his arms in front of him and chanting in an unknown language."DU RASMA MUSO, KUNGO JIA HARU". "Control Undead" was a fast cast magic but cost a reasonable amount of stamina, currently ⅓ of what he had, so after casting it he felt a little breathless. It was a strange sensation, it felt like his energy was leaving him through his pores, and he felt tired as if he just had a little run. However, thanks to his luck, even though it was his first time casting this spell, he succeeded. The zombie got up and moved in his direction, stopped and looked at him, as if waiting for orders.
"It appears that I was right and that thing was really an undead. That's to be expected since the most common dungeons in games are undead ones."
Fox waited a bit to recover his breath and, with his new loyal companion continued to walk down the corridor. He ordered the zombie to always stay 5 steps in front of him so he could activate any mechanical traps that might be ahead.
Soon after, he saw a skeleton holding a bow coming his way. Well, let's try again then.Fox circling his arms in front of him and chanted. However, this time the skeleton didn't stop, not only that, but it raised its bow and prepared to fire.
"S***t, if I try again and fail, I will be too tired to fight. However, I don't want to lose this chance to get a new minion. Let's go all in". Deciding to gamble, Fox tried to cast "control undead" again, while his zombie acted as a target to the arrows of the skeleton.
After casting, Fox kneeled in the ground, tired, as if he had run a marathon. However, this time he had succeeded and obtained another minion. Now he had a skeleton and a zombie. Melee and ranged, no better combination.
Continuing his way, Fox found the end of the corridor, it led to a spiral stairway going down. Placing the zombie in front and the skeleton in the back, he started to descend the stairs. After 10 minutes descending the stairs he started to wonder if he was in the infinite stairway to Bowse, like in the Super Mario 64 game, and then, he arrived. "Finally" he through.
At the end of the stairway there was a simple wooden door. Deciding to be a little stealth, Fox decided to open the door slowly himself. Pushing it slowly and only enough to open a little gap, Fox saw that the other side was huge room. Since was was looking through the gap, he couldn't see the ceiling and what the sides were.
Seeing no movement and hearing nothing. Fox told the zombie to open the door. The zombie moved close to the door and pushed it open with enough force that the door completely opened and hit the other side making a loud BANG. Seeing that nothing attacked the zombie from afar, he decided to get closer to the door, to look through it.