Announcer: Now it is time for Some Time with Aideeeen! Featuring Aiden, from A Slice of Life, and Adn, the creator of Aiden! Now is time to applauuuuuuuud!
*silence as Aiden walks in and sits in the chair next to ANIME_AdN3.
Aiden: Hmmph.
Adn: Well, Aiden. How have you been? Do you like your book?
Aiden: Why's it matter? It's not like you care. You would keep writing the friggin' book anyway.
Adn: You are half right. You're half wrong too.
Aiden: What? You'd care about my feelings but keep writing the book anyway?
Adn: Close. I would stop writing the book if readers wanted me to and I wouldn't care about how you felt at all. Yeah, you're just a character in a book, so.
Aiden: Hmmph. You're a stupid jerk.
Adn: Yup. I probably am. But I'm not a tsundere. *yells Ya hear that aaliswalker! I am not a tsundere!
Aiden: Like h*ll you aren't. I've seen how you are around aaliswalker.
aaliswalker: Is somebody talking about.
Adn: *blushes deeply. No. It's nothing senpai.
Aiden: *smirks. I thought you weren't tsundere.
Adn: *blushes again. I'm not tsundere!
aaliswalker: Adn, you are so cute. You're a kawaii potato.
Adn: For the last friggin' time, what the h*ll is a freaking kawaii potato? I already said that foxes are better.
aaliswalker: God, you are so cute.
Adn: (~_~) I give the h*ll up.
aalis: Don't be so vulgar.
Adn: What'd'you care?
Aiden: Hey! You lovebirds should stop yapping about you! This was supposed to be about me! *pouty face.
Adn: Shut up! Not everything is about you, little b*tch.
Announcer: *sighs. *no enthusiasm. That was Some Time with Aiden. Hooraaay. With a surprise guest. Would you freaking just shut up?! You're all tsundere! Everybody is a little tsundere! There! Problem Solved! God, sometimes I hate this job.