It's been a while, hasn't it? I had no idea so many people were reading this little experiment of a story. THANK YOU to everyone who has read, commented, and followed.
I loved the seed of this idea but kind of wrote myself into a corner. It's time to fix that!
Now, for some good news and bad news.
The good news: there will be more dungeon shenanigans coming your way!
The bad news: pending a contract arrangement with my publisher, the new chapters may not be available on Web Novel.
I am working to bring stories to you in the most convenient way possible, so stay tuned!
If you are still here and interested in more dungeon core, leave me a comment in the section below. It will help me know how much interest there is and I can use that to determine where to publish.
Thank you for reading Dungeon Builder. And thank you for coming back after all this time.