Chereads / Two Separate, Yet, Entwined Stories / Chapter 8 - Meeting (C)

Chapter 8 - Meeting (C)

Within the giant castle of the dragon kingdom's capital, there was a throne room. This room was where the Dragon Matriarch greeted her guests. Lined with expensive decorations and twenty guards, it served as a warning to diplomats and visitors alike. High ranking officials would fill most of the seats as they reported their findings and development processes of the kingdom. The Dragon Matriarch spent most of her time here.

On this day however, the throne room was completely empty. Instead the Matriarch sat on an average looking chair next to a long table. Six unfilled seats were lined on the tables edges in front of her.

Running her scaled hands across her hair, she looked towards the old clock in the corner of the room. Seeing that there was still time, she tried to adjust her clothes. Normally, she would wear luxurious robes that have her an essence of splendor and elegance, but today, she wore a blouse and long skirt.

Sunlight lit the room and reflected off her multicolored hair and scales as she leaned back into her chair after she straightened some of the creases on her clothes. Like a layer of oil on water, her hair and scales constantly changed color and reflected lights of different colors along the wallpaper of the room.

Gingerly she brushed her hair aside revealing faint creases that had appeared upon her face from all her years of service for her kingdom. She looked a bit tired and anxious as she waited for her guests. It had been years since they had gathered together.

The guests were her daughters.

Her ears perked up as she heard someone walking in the hallway attached to the room she was in. Adjusting her posture, she turned her attention to the doorway as the first of her daughters entered the room.

As she had expected, the first to arrive was the oldest of her daughters. Her hair and scales were completely white. If she didn't have have olive eyes, she could have been an albino. She wore a simple dress that complemented her complexion and scales.

"Mother." She said elegantly as she curtsied in a show respect.

"Blight, welcome home!" The Matriarch replied. "How was your trip?"

"Wonderful. Just wonderful. The citizens were lovely, I hope to visit them again soon."

"Good. I'm sure will be able to visit them again soon. Sooner than you think." The Matriarch replied while winking towards her.

Confused, Blight walked around the table and sat down in her seat near her mother.

The next dragon to step into the room was the youngest daughter who she wore a small blue and white dress with frills. Without any restraint, she ran straight and climbed onto her mother's lap. "Mommy!" She yelled excitedly while hugging her.

"Honey, I haven't seen you in a while. Look how big you have gotten. Have you been a good girl?" The matriarch asked her as she lifted her youngest daughter into the air.

"Yes! Jade was good girl." She replied excitedly in a huge smile as her tail began to wag beneath her dress.

"Good!" The Matriarch said as she smiled back and placed her daughter back onto her lap. With her clawed hands, she gently brushed through Jade's smooth green hair as she looked towards the doorway of the room once more.

"Helloooo mother." The dragon said seductively as she leaned against the door frame.

Another one of her daughters had arrived. Her hair was purple and scales were dark violet. Unlike her other daughters, two spiraled horns stuck out of her forehead. She wore a tight and revealing black dress that was generally worn to attend provocative meetings. Instead, the second oldest daughter had chose to wear this dress to their family gathering.

"You should really wear more clothes Noir..." Her mother said towards her second daughter as she covered Jade's eyes with her scaled hands.

"Then how would I be able to attract suitors and give you grandchildren?" She said while she went up to her mother and leaned over to pinch her younger sisters cheeks.

"Big Sis. Stop!" Jade said as she tried to swipe her sisters hands away with her tiny claws.

"You really resemble your father, I can't believe I let him seduce me..." the Matriarch replied. "So... how is that old coop doing?"

"You jest, he's still burning in hell. You know being the devil king and all. Mom, you should come back with me next time to visit."

"No, I hate being there. You know, with the burning and all. Also I can't stand the sight of him."

"Okaaaayy mom, I'll tell him you miss him." She laughed as she leaned down to get closer to her sister. "Hey Jade. Come give you big sister a huuuugggeee hug."

"No, you smell." Jade replied as she turned around and hid herself under her mother's bosom.

"Soooo un-cute, you want to be cute don't you? Come give me a hug, I'll give you some candy from the nether realms in return for your love." Noir cooed.

"No!" Jade shouted as she resisted her sisters temptations.

"Noir, quit badgering your little sister." said The Matriarch with a stern voice.

"Okay..." Noir said as she pouted and sat in her seat across from Blight who had been observing the whole situation and smiling to herself.

Suddenly, a thumping noise could be heard in the distance. It started off quiet and it slowly became louder. Everyone in the room knew who it was. She was the loudest and yet the most quiet of the dragon sisters. She came in like rolling thunder as her steps shook the room and the silver armor she was wearing over her brown scales rattled. Without taking off her helmet, she sat down on her specially made seat and she nodded towards her mother.

"How was the conquest Pebbles?" The Matriarch asked.

Her fourth oldest daughter gave a low grunt.

"That's great! Keep doing your best for the kingdom sweetheart."

Without emotion, Pebbles nodded her head to agree.

Thus, the four daughters and their mother waited for their two other siblings to arrive. After five minutes, they were no where to be found.

Tired of waiting, Noir got up from her seat and walked around towards Pebbles. Pebbles who was still wearing her armor and giant helmet turned towards her older sister and grumbled.

"No, nothing." Noir replied as she stood behind Pebble's seat and reached her arms around Pebble's head in a hug. "I just wanted to give my favorite lil' sis a hug. Jade didn't want to hug me and now I'm lonely. You won't reject me right?"

Pebble grunted loudly.

"Yay, I love the most Pebs!"

Slowly, Noir placed her hands under Pebble's helmet. "Hmph." She cried out as she tried to as she tried to lift the helmet in one go with all her strength.

Nothing happened. The helmet remained attached to Pebble's head.

Pebble grunted again in response.

"Pebble, you know I just want to see your hair again. I missed the times when you were little and you would show them off to me everyday. I remember they were so cute and lively!"

Pebble grunted once more in response.

"No, I completely forgot about that incident. Well, it's not like there are any children nearby. And we are magically resistant remember? Nothing will turn to stone here."

Pebble shook her head in response.

"Come on Pebs, please?"

Pebble shook her head again in response.

Feeling slightly rejected, Noir went and sat down again in her seat. She leaned her entire upper body over the table and pounded it with her two fists.

"What is taking them so long?" Noir complained.

"It's probably Char..." Her mother replied.

"But what about Gem?" Noir asked.

"Knowing her, she's probably dragging Char here."

Grunting, Pebbles got up suddenly. Then looked then turned towards her mother for a brief moment before thundering out of the room.

"Thanks, Pebbles." the Matriarch called after her. "See Noir? You should learn to be more responsible just like your younger sister."

"I am responsible..." Noir said as she pouted some more.

A few moments passed and Noir got bored once more. Looking over across the table, her youngest sister was playing her mother's hair. Seeing that Noir was looking at her, Jade turned and hugged The Matriarch once more.

Knowing that her youngest sister was probably scared of her, Noir turned towards Blight who she hadn't teased yet so far.

"Bliiiiiggghtt." Noir called as she stretched her body across the table to grab the hands of her sister who sat across from her.


"How's that prince charming of yours?" Noir asked with a smile.

"He's great."

"Great? How was your first time?"

Embarrassed at the question, Blight replied while blushing. "It was a few months ago."

"Really? I thought you wouldn't be woman enough to show him a good time in bed. I was wrong about you."

"Is that what you thought? I meant we had our first kiss a few months ago... we haven't gotten that far yet."

"Really? Maybe you aren't woman enough. I can show him a good time and maybe I'll steal him from you." Noir replied while licking her lips.

Glaring at her sister Blight replied, "I don't think he can survive even looking at you."

"You better watch your words sis. Maybe it'll actually happen." Noir said as she smiled back.

"Quit it you two. Why can't you all just get a long?"

"We only act like this because we LOVE each other." replied Noir as she continued to smile.

Ignoring Noir, the Matriarch looked at Blight and placed one of her hands onto Blight's to console her. "It's okay Blight, take as much time as you want. I remember I dated your father for many years before we even touched. Besides you have to remember your priorities."

"Yes mother. The duty towards the kingdom comes first. Next comes training and gaining strength. Then I can consider having a chi..."

As she tried to finish her sentence, the of an explosion from outside the room had cut her off. Slowly, a thick black smoke followed by steam bellowed into the room from the outside.

"LET ME GO!" screamed a feminine voice from outside the room.

"LET ME GO OR I'LL BURN THIS WHOLE CASTLE TO THE GROUND!" The sounds of struggling and yelling increased in volume as it appeared as the source of the voice got closer.

Soon, two shadows could be seen through the smoke cloud as a large thumping noise could be heard. One of the shadows was Pebbles. Her armor, was which had been silver in color, was now charred black on the areas that had contact with the red colored dragoness who was struggling in her arms.

In her struggle, her sister Char, spewed fire from her mouth and set part of the room aflame.

Just as quickly as the flames appeared, they were put out by torrents of water coming from blue colored orbs from within the steam cloud. Slowly another figure appeared.

"Thanks honey, I'm glad you're here" said The Matriarch calmly to Gem her second youngest daughter.

"It was all thanks to Pebs. I couldn't convince Char to come. I'm sorry mom." Gem replied as she slid into the room. Instead of legs, her entire lower body was serpentine and covered with sapphire colored scales.

Ahead of her, Pebbles had already sat down into her seat once more, but this time she was holding Char who was continued to struggle within her arms.

Screaming, Char slammed her head and legs into Pebble's armor and roared. "LET ME GO PEBBLES! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THAT WOMAN!"

The Matriarch sighed internally as she looked at her daughters. She was blessed with four obedient daughters, but unfortunately she was also blessed with one that was naughty and one that was rebellious.