Chereads / Legend Slayers / Chapter 9 - Please Stop Reposting - Webnovel is the legit place to read it and soon the stuff sent to Pitch Wars Mentors.

Chapter 9 - Please Stop Reposting - Webnovel is the legit place to read it and soon the stuff sent to Pitch Wars Mentors.

I know some one out there likes my story enough to put it on another site with out asking me first. Liking it so much is great! Putting it there is not so great. In fact it's bad, really bad. The comp I'm entering will require me to take down the first book for duration of the mentoring part should I have the luck of being selected. And that will include sites that I have not given permission to do so. (But the mentor will likely help me try and get those taken down should this issue persist. Which I hope, for all of us, it does not.)

Unfortunately, it will cause a lot of trouble too have it reposted if I were to do a book deal with a publisher or agent. It will also cause a lot of legal trouble should I wish to go the self publishing route. (Which is the most likely route I'll take. And it will probably be with Amazon.)

I'd like to keep posting my story on here (webnovel) but things like this make it really hard for me to so. Especially, with new material. I'll post the next chapter for the story as normal but I'm getting more uncertain about doing thing this way.

So I'll ask you this: How many of you have some way to access and purchase or borrow a book from Amazon Kindle? (Should I switch to only posting full books there? I'd like to find away you can all get access to and read the story, if I can.) And how opposed would you be to me finishing the first draft of a book then posting those chapters here? (It's the place I started at so I'd like to have it be the first place you can find the book. Even if it's only for a short while.) Another option may be finishing the next book and posting the chapters every other week well I start on the third book and repeat the process with remaining ten-ish books. (We've hardly dipped a toe into this world and the adventures that it holds.) Or lessening the release rate as I build up content for the complete first drafts that I'll feel more comfortable releasing. (Which would probably be a release every 3 weeks over the next two semesters.)

I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this because the choice I make will be affecting you as well.