As soon as Qin Sho and Europa stepped inside the mansion, they immediately saw Chairman Qin waiting for them.
"Welcome, little one!" With a warm smile and loving gaze, the old man approached them.
"Good day, Chairman Qin. Thank you for inviting us." The little girl lowered her head down to show her respect to the elder.
"It's my honor to have you as my guest, little one." The smile on Chairman Qin's face grew brighter with Europa's politeness.
"Anyway, where's your mother and uncle?" Chairman Qin furrowed his brows as his eyes looked for the siblings.
Soon after he asked his question, the pair showed up behind Qin Sho.
"Greetings, uncle Luo. Thank you for inviting us for lunch." Wang Reiji said, sounding very much polite.
"I should be the one thanking you for accepting my invitation. I heard that you are busy with your hotel's pre-opening, yet you find time for this old man and his sons." Chairman Qin said, trying his best not to sound sentimental.