Chereads / Faceless Phantom / Chapter 29 - Chapter 25.5 - Meanwhile on BBS 3

Chapter 29 - Chapter 25.5 - Meanwhile on BBS 3

[Asking about skill]

#1 Lionfang

Hello Guys, I'm new here.

I wanna do the main scenario event asap, so I wanna ask you all about skills.

The guide says that you can learn skill by NPC or yourself. Do we have a limit in learning skills?

I try to learn it by myself but it's really hard. I only learn one so far. It's also hard to raise either.

Do you guys have any tips? Please tell me, thank you.

#2 Lightprincess

I think there's a limit. Idk tho, I just can tell you that there's a restriction when you learn a skill from skill scrolls. Like you have to be warrior or other class. Even race too.

#3 nightingale65

Learning skill by yourself is hard, that's why I learn from NPC instead.

#4 random_user

Better buy skill scrolls and learn from NPC.

#5 Anon_1234

There're restrictions to learn skills. I suggest you to focus on job skills. Better than wasting your time.

#6 General_Emoji

It takes time and 'talent' I think. Like what you do in real world influence your skill in game. If you're great at cooking then it will be easier for you to learn cooking in the game.

#7 Thief_Lupin

>6 What about magic? You know there's no magic in real life.

#8 ILoveToWrapMyselfWithBlanketAndPretendImAWorm

>7 In that case, you must have a wizard bloodline inside you and go to hogwarts instead.

#9 MissLola

>8 I'm 24 and I'm still waiting for an owl to come to my house with a letter.

#10 Culture_man

>8 I see, you're a man of culture as well

#11 Magical_Chicken

>9 Sad man. I know what you feel.

#12 Idk_Rick

So far people learn magic from NPCs or skill scrolls.

#13 Maskman_Barton

Elf can learn magic easily because of their passives.

#14 Jared12

>13 Yeah elves are good for magician, especially elemental mage. They can learn four basic elemental.

#15 rem_is_love

Skills have limit tho, you hit max level after lv 10.

#16 golliath

>15 No it's not. My skill upgraded after lv 10

#17 rem_is_love

>16 really?

#18 xenos

>16 You lucky basterd. All my skills are at max lv, they merge into higher tier skill when I learn one.

#19 Coolman_Andre

There's still a limit in learning skills even if you can learn any kind of skills. There're restrictions like race, job, elemental affinity, etc.

For example, you are a warrior but you wanna learn heal, it's possible but it's hard. To lessen the difficulty you need light elemental affinity. And that means it's gonna be tough to learn the opposite elemental (dark), because it will be your weakness and it's also to balance the game.

I think there's an exception for basic/the lowest tier spells. However, it will be limited when you raise the spells and they will hit max lv after lv 10. Moreover, if you learn all elements, that will make every elements you learn become opposite. Thus, it will be very hard for further development.

For more details, you should check some threads by #researcher_man

The info above is from his research on this game.

#20 Lionfang

wow thank you guys for all the answers!

>19 I'll definitely check his threads soon.

#21 Cordovans

>19 So that means Aradun is weak against fire. I'm going to raise my fire elemental and erase that pride off of his face.

#22 muggleface

>21 wow dude chill

#23 polimaren

>21 you're gonna get rekt noob

#24 Floren_yord

>21 let's see if you're just talking or serious

#25 Cordovans

LOL imma rekt your gay idol

#26 Merfox_1432

>25 waiting Aradun to reply for real lol

#27 Cordovans

>26 He better reply coz he's scared bich

#28 hamuna_chatata

>25 oh look an idiot barking

#29 Erchante

>25 You jelly of his popularity?

#30 Cordovans

>29 LMAO you're all guys sucking his dick on regular basis

#31 FrostApparition

#Cordovans I'll be waiting for your challenge.

Anyway, for #Lionfang.

#Coolman_Andre already filled you about everything we know so far. So my only advice is just focus on your job skills and one elemental attribute. Level them up while learning about your weaknesses as well. Sooner or later you'll find out how to prevent them in battle for sure. Keep your patience and always grinding.

#32 JackyWacky

>31 Ooooh Aradun is here! Get rekt noob

#33 Fasernal

>30 Get burn biatche!

#34 ColonelBilly

>30 Where are you now?

#35 Matty_42

>34 Hes scared lol

#36 hamuna_chatata

>34 yup, just as I thought. He's just barking.

#37 Merfox_1432

>30 frickin plebs. delete your character




[Meanwhile on another Thread]

#34 Fallzack

Guys, do you know that Kojima left Minact Company?

#35 Trumps76

>34 The fuck did you say?

#36 Sabertron

>34 What's your source?

#37 Kool_aid

I think this is the news:

[Kojima and New Life Team's contract has ended]

#38 Holymolly

>37 Bullshit. I don't buy it.

#39 Bobby_95

>37 You are fake news!

#40 Yammamui

Wait really?

#41 Echizen_74

>37 It seems someone wants to make money with fake news. Don't click that shit.

#42 Polar_Abyss

It looks like an internal conflict.

#43 RedEyes_Bambi

Why did he leave?

#44 Sergeant_Hall

Do you all read the news? He's clearly being kicked out. contract end is a bull!

#45 Vuner_86

>37 Greedy bastards!

#46 Grobanac

>37 Kicking them out when the main scenario just started. They're sly.

#47 Slime_Lord

You guys really believe that shit? There's no official confirmation.

#48 alismata

Who's Kojima?

#49 maul_dark

Kojima is the one who made Heallance right?

#50 HardSnek_90

Kojima is the one who made Heallance you uncultured swine!!

#51 Kool_aid

There's two kind of people: #49 & #50

#52 Marrenvil

Yeah Kojima and new life team made it, but Minact Company owns the right.

#53 Terrabim999

So Kojima doesn't own Heallance?

#54 Sunderland654

I swear if they made heallance into pachinko like the other good franchise they have I'm gonna lose my shit

#55 Kool_aid

Well, we can't do anything about it. I think it's the best for Kojima to leave Minact.

#56 alismata

Then what will happen to Heallance?

#57 Kool_aid

People will still play I think. Some of Kojima fans may stop playing, but since the first main event makes the game popular. They'll gain more players for sure.

#58 darkzoroa

Why the heck did they kick him tho?

#59 Netty_Queen

Wow this is new to me what the fuck

#60 starman_kevin

Imma investigate this shit now