Chereads / How Can You Call Me a Cheater? / Chapter 65 - Interrogation

Chapter 65 - Interrogation

Blinking at his sister's words, the brother then responded, "That is not what it means! It means that things can be resolved with dialogue instead of violence! That instead of taking up arms, you should talk things out!"

Although there was a darker tone to the saying as well, it was imperative that his sister was thought to be a decent person. Therefore he had to ensure that she was teached well.

"Nooo~ You are wrong~ It's words that does more damage! Just look at that creep! BOOM, and he's down! The power of words!~"

"Foo is not normal! Normal people can no do that much damage with words alone! And when you say that words causes damage, it is usually mental damage they are talking about! This kind of extreme physical damage is just godly!"

"Yey~ Godly!~ Words are the weapon of the gods!~"

Fighting back his tears at his sister's misunderstanding, he realized that it was pointless to refute it. In fact, he was starting to wonder himself if words actually was the weapon that could deal the most physical damage...

That man was from the legendary Inquisition! They were amongst the strongest in the world. Just the fact that they fought against the most powerful horrors in the world said something about their prowess.

For Foo to be able to take one of them down with just words... Foo was clearly at a godly level! He could not help to be awed. Maybe his sister was right after all...

Trying his best to ignore the embarrassing situation, Foo turned to the siblings and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Foo could clearly see that there was something fishy going on here.

"Ah. The man you just took out, " the brother started.

Upon hearing his words, Foo cringed, ``It was not my fault! Okay!!?``

", the one laying on the floor, was from The Inquisition. They had gathered some information saying that there might be someone in this academy that was trying to cooperate with The Abyss."

What could he possibly talk about? It was not Foo, right? There was not that much cooperation after all... Feeling a bit guilty, Foo's eyes swam around, avoiding eye-contact with the brother.

He, however, did not notice, and continued to explain, "He knew that we had interacted with the elders, and was thus asking questions about them. They are the ones powerful enough to do things like that after all."

Seemed reasonable. Looked like they were on to the wizard section head. That fact made Foo worried. Would he be able to squeeze that old geezer dry of money before they took the old man down?

There was probably no need to worry about them suspecting Foo. Just look at how weak they were! Gosh, just collapsing from a couple of words!

The siblings' absence during the training thus made sense. It seemed like the creep currently inspecting the floor for unmentionable horrors had detained them to ask some questions.

After some further question, Foo learned that he had at least not treated them bad. Although the experience itself would traumatic.

Foo was worrying about what to do. Dispose of the body? Or treat the wounded man?

But his worries was interrupted when an artifact on the downed man suddenly burst in a flash of light. After the light show, the man opened his eyes and stood up.

Coughing lightly, seemingly embarrassed about what just happened, he then questioned Foo, "Ah, let's start again. I am from The Inquisition, and would like to ask a few questions. I hope that you would be willing."

The tone was friendly, but Foo was sure that the man would insist on it no matter if he was willing or not... Or rather, he would be much more interested in interrogating him if he was unwilling.

Knowing that it was unwise to make more enemies, Foo readily agreed to answer some questions. Foo's conscience was clear after all. All troubles around him was always someone else's fault.

"You must be the legendary Foo that the girl constantly talked about? She kept saying that you would come and beat me—"

"BOOM~ And you was down! Instant kill!"

Embarrassingly coughing yet again, the man tried to change the subject. Sending a piercing stare at Foo, he asked, "You do not happen to know anything about the evil faction?"

This man called Foo seemed quite suspicious. Using dubious means to be the first one in a very long time to become a `Magical Warrior`, even clenching the section head seat. And the fact that he could defeat the invincible concealment formation...

And according to the girl, he would be some kind of god. However, that was just a child's fantasies. Although it would be easier to swallow that the formation was so easily beaten if that was the case...

To find out if this suspicious man belonged to the faction of evil, he decided to use another skill that made the target unconsciously want to answer his question truthfully. And with his skill to see through lies, he could quickly find out his alignment.

The question was not unexpected. Foo had since long realized that the man was hunting down people with affiliation with the evil spirits and such.

But during the intent stare, Foo suddenly had the strangest urge to spew some lies about how pure he was. Not that him being pure was a lie... He had the saint title after all!

Although Foo had the urge to lie, he was a truthful person. As such he answered truthfully instead, "No. I do not know anything about this `evil faction`. And it sounds like something I would never associate with!"

Complete truth. He had never heard the term `evil faction` before after all. He had met the top bosses of The Abyss and Lucifer, but how could he know if they were part of this `evil faction` or not?

And there was no way that he would want to associate with something that carries a name as lame as `evil faction`. Some degree of evilness might be needed sometimes. For example cliffhangers in novels, or a good prank. But never if it carried such a lame name! Come on!