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Ripped to another world

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A newly Awakened esper who has the ability to steal others power is attacked by his enemy only to open up a portal to another world, a magical world.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Awakening

"Damn I'm so bored" A low mutter spread into the silent room, a room with the bare essentials.

"IM SO GOD DAMN BORED" the voice now boomed into the room.

"SHUT UP" Shouted a voice from below the room.

Leaving his room the 'bored man' decided to leave his apartment complex and started to walk the streets, reaching a corner shop he put his hands into his trousers and pulled out a wallet only to be yanked into the adjoining alleyway by a group of youth with weapons.

"Oi give us your wallet or you're going to get hurt" Seeing the weapons the youths had the man chucked over his wallet. Catching the wallet one of the youths emptied its contents into his hand seeing no notes and only a bit of change falling into his hands the youths face snapped up looking at the man.

"Where is the rest?"

Seeing the face of the youth the man nervously chuckled and said "Th-that's all there is"

Hearing the reply they all had facial expressions that looked like someone had taken a piss on their food. "Damn bastard, I'm going to beat the shit out of you" Thinking he was lying and hid the money the youth charged at him with the metal pipe swinging it towards his ribs, not expecting it the man took a direct hit but grabbing the pipe with his hand he pulled it towards himself. "AH YOU LITTLE SHIT" Pulling the young lad towards himself he swung his fist towards his face knocking him onto the ground. Seeing their friend getting hit in the face the rest of the group charged and attacked the man one of the hitting him in the leg with a wooden bat, one helping the other lad up and the other swung a pipe straight towards the man's head.

shit, I can't dodge the pipe, am I going to die... With a great thud the metal pipe connected to the man's head. "Shit, I hit him well hard guys. We better get out of here I think I've killed him" the youths ran as blood spilled onto the ground.

Waking up in a pool of blood the bored man had only one though, I'm alive, when suddenly his head was filled by the noise of people speaking. Looking around and seeing nobody the man looked confused. "Do I have brain damage?" thinking so he called an ambulance and waited, hoping that the voices he was hearing would stop.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a young man was sat at a computer when he saw a red dot pop up on a map of the city in front of him. Picking up his phone he dialed a number, "Mrs. Artemis, someone has awakened its just a blip on the radar, I can tell you exactly where they where when they awoke" After telling her the location the man put down the phone.

"Just a blip huh... I guess I'll send the new team" Walking down a set of steps Artemis arrived at a room with a woman sitting in the middle, but instead of sitting on the floor just was floating a few inches above the ground. "Hey Anna get that new team ready they're going on a mission, someone has awakened their power" "Ok"

Walking down into what looked like a training field Anna arrived in front of a group of three people. "Yo youngsters, got a mission for you if you think you're up for it?" said Anna with a bit of intrigue in her tone "Ah Miss Anna" Replied two of the group before turning towards a young man, seeing there reaction Anna waited for the young mans response.

"What's the mission, Anna?"

Hearing the tone of the young man's voice the rest of the group faces dropped whilst thinking to themselves they both had the same thought, "why is he always so gloomy and serious..."

Hearing his tone Anna got a bit pissed of but made sure it didn't show she replied: "Its just a simple collection of a new awakened, think you're up for it?"

"Eugh why bother us with something like this, get someone else to do it" replied the young man. This time she couldn't hide her emotions "Listen, you little git, it's not me who's asking its Artemis"

Hearing the name the young man grunted and accepted but the rest of the group seemed to be extremely nervous after hearing the name Artemis.

After heading towards the location Anna told them, they arrived in front of a corner shop looking around one of the group called towards the others "Max, Jane, Come over here there is blood" Walking over they started to follow the trail of blood. Seeing the pool of it in the alleyway Max stated to talk "I reckon they either they awoke and attacked someone injuring them or they themselves were injured. Let's go into the corner shop I saw a camera at the front hopefully it caught something" hearing their team leaders train of thinking they couldn't help but praise him somewhat in their heads even though he annoys them.

"Excuse me, madam, may we see your CCTV footage within the last 4 hours?" Hearing the young trio the woman turned around replying asking them to hold on whilst she went to get the manager. Seeing the trio the manager was confused about why the three teenagers would ask such a thing. "I'm afraid I can't show you the CCTV footage unless you are conducting an investigation and if you are I need to see id showing you're a member of the police force"

Hearing the response max sucked on his teeth and pulled out his phone calling someone. Hearing the noise max made pissed of the manager but keeping her temper in control was something she was good at because of working in retail.

"Detective Malone speaking how may I help you?" "Oi old man its max, can you get down here I need some CCTV footage" "Is that how you ask somebody for something, forget it" Hanging up the phone the detective put on his coat and started walking to his car expecting to hear back from Max. Although he was a detective it was more of a honorary role than the real deal after all he was basically there to let the organisation get information or CCTV footage and access to crime scenes. Even though the organization was sanctioned by the government they preferred if nobody knew they existed.

As soon as he reached his car the detective's phone rang, hearing a nicer request from Max they detective got their location and arrived within 20 minutes, getting a copy of the CCTV footage for them, they all left the store. "Oh, by the way, don't go just yet we might still need your badge... if only you didn't have to come with it," Max said before the detective could get in his car. Hearing Max he couldn't help but give a patronizing remark to Max "I knew you were an annoying little shit when I first met you who would have thought you would become even more annoying now you're backed by them..." Max just ignored the remark.

Arriving at their car the driver asked where to next, "Hold on we need to watch something first" Putting the cd into a player they watched the footage until the saw a young man pull someone into the alleyway seeing this they waited until they saw people running out whilst supporting a 4th person. Taking a picture of the faces of the four they waited for the man to come back into the frame.

Seeing the man walk into frame a few minutes later looking a bit shocked and confused with blood dripping from his head max had two thoughts, "He is either confused from being smacked in the head, but to me he looks like someone who has just awoken telepathy" "I agree, I was confused when I awoke and gained telepathy" replied Jane.

Seeing no reaction from the others this seemed to be a normal thing to say but the driver seemed different, thinking to himself. Damn rich people sure have some imagination... until he saw Jane look into the rear view mirror and wink. Now scared his thoughts started overflowing but when he saw Jane looking away he thought he might have been overthinking things.

After watching the CCTV footage for a little while longer a ambulance arrived "Hey take us to the closest hospital or A&E" Max commanded, Hearing the youngster the driver got a bit pissed of but then remembered he would have to drive these guys for the next year at least unless they paid another year up front. Seeing them pull away, the detective followed them.

Arriving at the hospital they asked if they had someone there who matched the description of the man in the photo. After seeing the detectives id the woman recognized the man as they crazy guy who was bleeding everywhere from a head wound "Ah Seth, He came in today with a head wound claiming he was hearing voices, he has just had his head stitched up so i'm not sure if he is up for having visitors at the moment. "Don't worry, can you give him my card and tell him I would like to talk with him please" Handing over a card the detective smiled.

Hearing the name, Jane looked like she was scanning the room but in reality, she was scanning the hospital with her telepathy. Hoping to hear someone's thoughts about a Seth.

Still hearing the voices Seth couldn't help thinking he was going insane until he suddenly there was silence as he saw a beautiful doctor walk by taking all his focus all he could think was, wow I wouldn't mind being here for longer, until he suddenly started to float until he hit the ceiling freaking out as he was rising up in the air he grabbed towards the bed missing it entirely until suddenly it started to rise with him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" hearing the shout the beautiful doctor looked behind her only to see a room missing a bed. "Huh, I thought there was a bed here when I walked past earlier and I'm sure someone was on it as well" looking at the chart on the floor the doctor just became more confused, where on earth could he be, I'm sure I heard someone shouting.

whilst being squished into the ceiling by the bed Seth couldn't stop his brain from coming up with crazy ideas, are aliens abducting me no wait maybe i'm unconscious still in the alleyway. Yep that's it I'm in the alleyway. Thinking so he suddenly felt his body go numb.

As soon as she turned away she heard a massive bang, swinging her body around she saw the bed with nobody in it. Shouting in surprise, a crowd started to form around her. Hearing the massive thud the group of three and the detective ran towards it.

After questioning the woman doctor whilst almost drawling over himself the detective found out that the doctor heard a scream and suddenly the bed was gone but when she turned around there was a loud thud and it was there but the patient wasn't. Hearing this they trio knew that he was the new Esper that awoke.

Taking the patient chart for him they trio left the hospital leaving behind the detective without telling him. "Take us back to the headquarters" Returning to a massive estate the driver pulled up to the front gate and opened the door for them then went back to the car park and waited for his phone to ring again.

Returning to the headquarters the trio looked for Anna after finding her they gave all the information they gathered. "Oh i thought it was an easy mission brat?" Replied Anna in a sarcastic tone. "It would have been if he couldn't teleport" Replied Max in an equally sarcastic tone.

"Oh, are you sure he can teleport that's quite rare" Anna replied.

"I'm only going of the information i have, i also believe he has telepathy due to the confusion on his face when he came out of the alleyway we found him in, and i think he also has telekinesis due to the bed suddenly disappearing and reappearing with a thud, that seems like it dropped from the ceiling to me. Oh he also might have levitation"

Hearing Max list out the reasons Anna understood why Artemis holds him in high regard.

Reporting it all back to Artemis, Anna seemed concerned. "Although he isn't very powerful, at least going of the mark on the radar the moment he awoke his powers he still has multiple abilities. We should send in Mark and Trisha they can get him easier and without a mess so we don't have to worry about making excuses to the press, also if we leave him too long he might get too powerful if he trains his abilities" Said Anna voicing here concerns.

"I suppose you're right I really can't be bothered to report this to the main branch but I suppose i have to as its someone I'm sure they are interested in after all not many people awaken multiple abilities" Replied Artemis stroking her chin.

After his body went numb the world warped around Seth as he dropped to his knees in a patch of dried up blood, looking around he seemed confused. So... I was just passed out. Was his first train of thought until he looked down and saw a hospital bracelet on his wrist.

"What is going on? I need to get home right now" Running home Seth couldn't stop the killer headache he had after all he was just smacked in the head by a steel rod and running didn't help the stitches at all. Arriving home Seth got home and lied in his bed before darkness overcame him and he fell asleep.

After getting the locations of Seth's home from the detective Mark and Trisha headed over there to capture him.

"Hey Trisha want to go get something to eat after this I'm starving" "Nah I'm not really hungry but we could always get something to drink" Replied Trisha with a wink, seeing that Mark couldn't help but chuckle and agree to get a drink.

Arriving at the apartment the two walked up to the door "He's asleep" Said Trisha "Ah clairvoyance sure is handy" Replied mark as suddenly the door opened by itself "Not nearly as handy as telekinesis" replied Trisha. Lifting Seth into the air without touching him, like it was nothing Mark took the massive bag off his back and got Trisha to open it so he could put Seth into it. Just as they were leaving Seth felt the bag become empty.

After waking up, for some reason Seth felt trapped, sticking his hand out it soon touched cloth. Panicking Seth suddenly felt his body go numb again and as the world warped around him he landed in his bed seeing this the duo that had just put him in the bag realized that this was going to be a pain so they knew what they had to do and that was, knock him out before he freaked out anymore.

"W-who are you" seeing the sack that he had just escaped somehow he freaked out even more. Walking up to him Mark was about to punch him in the head to knock him out when Seth stuck out his hand in front of him and the fridge door in his apartment ripped off and blocked the punch. Seeing this Mark was annoyed that his hand had just smashed into a fridge door but Seth was so freaked out he started to panic and pushed Mark.

Seeing Mark being pushed Trisha found it funny until Mark start to fall over with his eyes rolled into his head, seeing Trisha in front of him Seth pushed her out of the way and ran out of the door as she also started to fall with her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Feeling a strong sensation running through his body as he ran out of the door Seth was about to run down the stair when he suddenly started to fly freaking himself out even more.

I must have died there is way too much crazy stuff going on right now, I'll just let myself go wherever I'm going now, so be it I accept my death take me to heaven then god. As soon as this thought finished he started to drop to the floor "AH, IM GOING TO HELL NOOOOOOOOO" "SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP DAMN LOUD BASTARD" shouted the man in the apartment below his.

He hit the ground with a thud thinking he was about to hurt himself he pushed out his arms and a force pushed him so he landed on his feet. Whoa, this is way too crazy I need to find a place to hide so I can figure out what's going on, just who were those people who tried to kidnap me and how did I even get away from them.

After running for a few miles Seth found an abandoned building, going inside he hoped that there were no homeless people living in there when suddenly his vision faded but a new image appeared in his eyes, it was the inside of the decrepit building but nobody was inside. What the hell is going on!! I have x-ray vision now... This is so fucking crazy but if this is really happening and I don't have brain damage then this is insane.

Wait maybe that's why those people where after me, they must be some shadow organization looking to take over the world with my powers! Letting his imagination run wild Seth sat down on an old wooden chair as it collapsed under him, deciding just to sit on the floor Seth Recalled what had happened and how it had happened.

It all started when those kids robbed me and smacked me in the head, when I woke up i could hear voices I wonder if that's some sort of super hearing ability that I've acquired. Hmmm what happened next oh yeah i headed to hospital which is where I saw that super sexy doctor and then I floated so maybe I can fly as i also started to float when i was running away, Oh yeah and I pulled the bed up and the fridge door flew to me when that guy was going to punch me. Wow, maybe I have Magneto's powers.

Thinking back to the people that attacked him when he was sleeping his vision started to fade and he saw the two people unconscious, huh I guess its not x-ray vision then but how come they are unconscious I guess I pushed them into something. Thinking about his new vision ability he decided that it was probably best for him to do some research on the internet but being poor he didn't have a smartphone or laptop so he had to find somewhere to use one.

After waiting for the morning whilst practicing his new abilities he figured out his new vision ability as he was thinking about the attractive doctor his vision started to see her at the hospital. Thinking about this all the times he thought about someone or a location he started to see them. He practised this ability so that he wouldn't lose his actual sight when he used it. He also started to practice manipulating metal but accidentally discovered that he could move more than metal when he tried to move a screw but ended up ripping off the piece of wood it was nailed into leaving the nail unmoved but the plank of wood floating. Flying was something he couldn't figure out yet but knowing he could do it was enough to excite him to the extreme. "Wow I could go on holiday anywhere I like for free this is amazing"

Waking up Mark looked around and saw Trisha unconscious, shaking her to wake her up Marks entire body felt week and he felt like he was missing something important, checking his pockets for his wallet and phone he didn't discover anything missing. Soon under Marks shaking Trisha woke up "Huh Mark? What the heck happened" "Hell if I know, anyway we don't have time use your clairvoyance and find the bloke so we can get him before we return empty handed"

Trying to focus Trisha couldn't help but feel shocked when nothing happened "I think he's blocking me, how the hell has he discovered how to block clairvoyance already?" said Trisha until she tried to fly onto her feet and failed. Tears started to fall from her face as she had a nagging feeling something precious had been ripped from her. Seeing tears pouring out her eyes Mark asked: "Trisha whats wrong!" "Mark, I can't fly, I know I'm not very skilled at it but I can easily get to my feet using it but its not working and the fact I can't see him using clairvoyance" Thinking up to this point she tried to view the most important person to her, her little sister but nothing appeared. "I cant even see her... Whats happened!" Mark seeing her reaction started to get worried and tried to move an object but nothing happened. "Not even a... wobble" Mark's breathing started to hasten, pulling out his phone he called up Anna. "Anna come and get us now we need to go back, code red, code red"

Closing her phone after learning their location Anna flew Artemis telling her that Mark and Trisha called in a code red and the location. "Ok Anna, only extract them don't try to fight him just get them out of there and if you can't do that just stay safe" Putting her katana on her waist Anna flew as fast as she could to the apartment using her clairvoyance she looked into the apartment only to see Mark and Trisha weeping. Flying into the apartment Anna was shocked at the dispair written on their faces, grabbing them and flying back as fast as she could before asking them anything.

When they arrived back at the headquarters Artemis was in a room waiting for them "I need to know everything"

Telling Artemis about how it was all going to plan until he woke up and teleported out of the sack and blocked Marks punch, then pushing them out of the way and the next thing they knew they woke up unable to use their powers. Realizing the severity of the situation Artemis immediately called the main branch explaining the situation to them. "John, although I'm curious about him we can't risk him taking the powers send him in to clean up the situation. Understand?" "Understood master" bowing his head slightly John disappeared from the room.

After arriving at the closest computer store Seth started to look up his powers on the display computers and discovered what they could be. So Clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and levitation. That's crazy man, I suppose I better plan my next steps carefully. Exiting the store and walking into the closest bit of cover he could Seth was about to attempt teleporting back to the abandoned building he was at last night when he suddenly felt chills down his spine, spinning around he caught sight of a figure wearing a mask on top of a building until the figure appeared right in front of him thrusting a sword through his heart.

Reaching out his hand to try and grab the masked man when the swords and man suddenly disappeared back 10 feet. "Sorry youngster, your ability to steal others powers is too dangerous for us to have a real fight. I can't risk my revenge for you, take care in your next life" Said the raspy voice behind the mask. Just as the masked man was about to walk away he felt a coldness seep into his bones turning around he saw a void start to form from the stab wound through Seth's heart. Seeing this the masked man teleported to a house, grabbed a camera and then teleported back close enough so he could still see what was happening but far enough that he felt safe.

"Shit, I've never seen anything like this before... the ability to steal power and now this, I better record this so that they don't think I'm lying"

Feeling like his whole body was being ripped apart Seth felt like screaming but nothing would come out as a void started to form around him when suddenly the void vanished taking with it chunks of the adjoining stores. "Whoa whoa whoa, that's crazy. Surely he can't live with that wound, but besides I've never seen anyone who is able to move that large space when teleporting I can barely take a sword that's strapped on my back"

Feeling the world warp around him and his body feeling like its going to be ripped apart Seth's feet finally landed on the solid ground just seconds before he passed out completely and slipping into a coma.

"OH, I can feel all the mana in the area being sucked up. I wonder if this is my chance to finally recover from the wound that fucking baldy gave me"