Chereads / Death’s Heir / Chapter 35 - I Am Me

Chapter 35 - I Am Me

"Adidja come join us"

The soft erotic voice came from a beautiful woman who was currently rolling around on the bed with another who was just as beautiful as the other, Although their hair was covering their faces their beauty couldn't be hidden.

"I am just a spectator today"

"But that's no fun"

Moaned one of the women who had the other woman pinned beneath her, her long finger going roaming every inch of the body beneath her.

"Make me"

Taking that as a go ahead she abandoned the other woman who quickly pulled the sheets to cover herself.

She was completely in the nude exposing her voluptuous figure without a bit of inhibition.

Every move she made seemed to be aimed at showing off her body.

Getting down on all fours she slowly crawled towards Adidja, her beautiful green eyes were locked onto his.

Everything in the room seemed to bend to her will, even the way the sun hit her smooth carmel skin seemed to just add another layer of sex appeal making her look even more erotic.

It was a feast for the eyes. When she got in front of him she slowly straddled him.

Leaning into his neck she gently blew on it, the hairs on his skin began to stand on end as she nibbled on his ear, moving her hip back and forth in a slow purposeful motion.

Even though Adidja was wearing pants, that didn't stop her from gyrating but still she got no response, Adidja was just smiling back at her while smoking a pipe.

"Sheba just be nice, I'm just watching today"

When he spoke he purposefully blew the smoke in her face.

"I don't care what you want Adidja!"

She slowly pushed her hand into his pants and grasped his manhood, moving closer to his ear whispering in an erotic tone that would make any man weak in the knees.

"I want to feel you inside me"

Her voice had a hint of pleading mixed in with the sensual tone.


Still his voice was firm, his eyes seemed to shine a bit when he heard the pleading in her tone.

"Sheba just stop"

It was the woman who was still wrapped up in the bed who spoke, her voice was soft almost like a whisper.


Stomping her feet she walked up to the bedroom door.

"Since you're unwilling maybe Rhyno will!"

Right when she had pulled the door just enough to push her head outside she felt a hand on her shoulder spinning her around then the same hand on her neck slamming her into the door.

"Are you trying hurt me, Sheba?"

She slowly raised her hand to slowly caress his face.


During her short pause, Adidja took her into his arm and walked back to the bed and threw her on it.

Getting on the bed he took her into his arms and started kissing her.

"Don't play with me Adidja"

"I'll make you soak the sheets"

Adidja pinned her hands above her heads and moved in close to her ears.

"I'll make you moan, I'll make you beg, I'll make you scream and with every sound you make I'll only fuck you harder"

Turning his attention to the other woman still wrapped up in the sheets, looking at them with her face flushed red.


Hearing her name she looked to Adidja who had his arm stretched out to her.

She placed her tiny hand on his and went over to them, coming out form under the sheets revealing a body that was no way inferior to Sheba.

Smiling at both of them he gently kissed them.

"My heaven and my hell"

Shortly after the room was filled with noise, soft muffed moans that became louder until they turned into screams of ecstasy.




"Your Majesty..."

Rhyno didn't knock he just pushed the door and walked into the room.

What greeted him was keshan lying down on her back, her tiny hands holding down Sheba's head between her opened legs and Adidja pound Sheba from behind like a wild animal, her screams still audible even though her was preoccupied.

Oddly enough Rhyno wasn't surprised he just cleared his throat before continuing.

"We have a problem"

Hearing this every one released a sigh before getting up and putting on their clothes.

Keshan used the sheet to wrap around herself then ran into the next room to get changed. Sheba simply got out of the bed and got dressed right there, Adidja did the same.

Once everyone was dressed and Keshan came from the next room, She spoke. Everyone sat around a table in the room.

"What's the matter?"

"A messenger just arrived, he said that the entire alliance camp has been wiped out..."

The whole room fell silent for a moment before keshan spoke again but it seemed more like she was talking to herself.

"Zhou took the initiative to attack? that would happen"

"Looks like you chose the wrong person to send to hold the fort Keshan"

Right when Sheba and Keshan were about to start bickering Adidja put down the glass of water he was drinking and finally spoke.

"Rhyno, what exactly did the messenger say"

"Zhou didn't attack, one of the soldiers on night duty saw what looked like fight over at the alliance camp site, what they found there was even more surprising. Majority of the forest was flattened, no soliders could be found probably crushed to death. What's troubling is that two sets of foot prints were found, one running off into the mountains and the other coming towards our camp..."

"Why don't you guys go into the hall or the throne room and discuss this? I don't have much interest in this so I'll go back to sleep"

After saying this Sheba walked over to Adidja and whispered something in his ear before kissing him on the cheek before turning to Keshan flashing her a seductive smile before kissing her as well.

At first, Keshan tried to push her away but after a few seconds she stopped resisting and kissed back Sheba.

"As you wish my Lady"

Rhyno was the first to leave the room followed shortly by Adidja and Keshan.


"Yes your majesty, they also found the same footprints coming from our fort"

"So all evidence points to us?"

"It would seem so my lady"

After a few turns they were in a hall with only a huge table that could seat hundreds, When they arrived in the hall everyone sat down and shortly after the food was served.

"It doesn't seem right, based on the strength of the soldiers left in our fort they wouldn't be strong enough to do this, could Alliance be trying to set us up?"

Keshan was confused.

"If they are then their doing a sloppy job at it, we were the ones that put forward the idea of having most of our soldiers leave the battlefield and now we find evidence pointing towards us that someone from our camp killed off their soldiers and even allowed someone to escape but that isn't all is it?"

Rhyno nodded his head.

"Lady Keshan had suggested that we keep an eye on all the minsters especially Izia. A few days ago he put in a request to Humble Lions for bodyguards."

At this time Rhyno took out twelve pieces of paper and passed four to Keshan and four to Adidja, keeping four for himself.

Looking through the papers that had been placed in front of her Keshan became confused.

"Who are they?"

On the papers were pictures of and information about Azreal, Dustin, Sadie, and Reyner.

"Those are the four persons who accepted the mission to guard Izia"

"Are suggesting that Izia ordered one of them to do it?"