In the heart of this wasteland, a giant invisible barrier pulsed with hidden power. It stretched for miles, cutting off the area from the outside world and twisting reality to hide the chaos within. The battlefield beneath it was a gruesome sight. Eight bodies lay crumpled...A short distance away, satellite dishes bristled with energy, focusing their might on a single figure. Nearby, a man and woman gripped rocket launchers, their faces grim. Beside them stood two men in black, their skin like living metal. And finally, a woman in white, her glasses reflecting the chaos, held a crackling energy shield.This woman, Lisa, was a picture of disbelief. Her raven hair framed a face etched with shock. Her body trembled as she saw the man before her. Even though his powers were supposedly gone, a smile played on his lips. He wasn't Kiba anymore, whoever that was."How can he smile now!?" Lisa muttered, her voice tight. Her team stared back, equally stunned by this strange transformation.