As I tailed the group from the Eastern Kingdoms for the next few hours, I realized a flaw in my decision to get more information from Sidius: he was never alone.
Considering he and I were fairly dissimilar, it didn't occur to me at first that the rather round diplomat would feel a need to constantly surround himself to aggrandize his importance. Right, he needed people to continue to feed his ego and sense of superiority.
[What now, Nori?]
The secretary and lackey were being sent off to do a list of errands at the moment. I made a split-second decision to change my target and followed the pair out since the only way I'd get Sidius alone was when he needed to go to the bathroom. Bartho's eyes were a bit too sharp and discerning for me to chance just walking up to Sidius when he was in a group too.
I'm sniffing around aristocracy and politicians in a world where most places practiced a "might makes right" policy. If Bartho were to consider me, a vagrant scholar, a potential danger and tried to kill me, he might be told off for doing so within Crown City but would ultimately be let off.
One, because I was not one of Crown City's own. Secondly, Bartho had minor diplomatic immunity for self-defense.
A coward like Sidius was predictable. Someone as taciturn as Bartho, who was also highly competent, was slightly less so.
[Humans… are a bit barbaric.]
'You're telling me. But I think that's just the natural law of the jungle. No matter how humans say they are not animals, especially in my own world, that's just pretty words. Scientifically, we're mammals and it is only our ability to reason that we hold back our instincts. At least the people of Gaellia don't deny what they are.'
While I replied to my Partner over a topic that had been widely debated for years—also a premise of more than one sci-fi movie and book—I was following Natasha and Jett as they left the diplomatic house and headed into Crown City's shopping areas. Might as well talk philosophy to my toddler AI Partner while I patiently waited for an opportunity to swoop in.
'I think humans want to control things too much. Mastering yourself, I understand, but it starts getting rather gray when you want to control what others do. But religion has been used over Earth's history to do exactly that, for the greater good of the masses. Terms like "shepherd and his flock" or "sheeple" are pretty valid. Humans are a dichotomy of an individual unique to themselves and a social species.
'It's why the inner war of one's self and instinct often bleeds outwards. They realize something about themselves and, as part of humanity, want reassurance that fellow humans also feel that way.'
["I am a human, not an animal."?]
'Only takes one person to think that. Probably not realizing putting oneself above animals is a sense of a superiority complex. And if they had enough charisma… they would be the shepherd that draws in and converts the flock.
'A human is intelligent. But a mob? Ha.'
I continue to discuss my own stance and views about society and civilization in general. Maybe I was skirting a rather dangerous topic to discuss with a naive AI but I figure it was better to calmly talk to 37 about the subject rather than let him draw his own conclusions.
One can only hope his views would ultimately coincide with mine. Or near enough. As long as he didn't make any extreme conclusions, I'd be satisfied.
We were not gods after all. What right did we have to dictate others' free will? The only thing we could do is live our lives and love our friends and family.
It wasn't too long before I found my chance. Jett seemed to say something to Natasha before they split up.
I watched Jett walk off and created an opportunity to meet with the secretary with a bit of calculated use of a pebble.
Dropping to the street, I casually strolled a bit behind the woman before flicking a stone right where her foot was going to land on the street. With her arms already full of paper scrolls, what happened next was expected.
She made a small yelp as the sudden uneven movement ruined the balance of the scrolls.
A flick of a light
"Ah, are you alright, Miss?" I walked up to her and grabbed another scroll that was threatening to fall to the ground.
"Y-Yes," she replied as she calmed down from her little scare. As she saw my bright, smiling expression, she turned a bit red and I adjusted my approach based on her reaction to my face.
[… One day, I will get used to this.]
'But today is not that day? Haha,' I thought to my partner in good humor.
Looking up at the sky to give an impression of checking the time, I looked at the secretary with a smile. "Tell you what, I don't have plans until the evening so why don't I help you bring this to wherever you need to go? My name is Nori, Miss." I finished with a lightly flourished bow.
"Natasha. I, mm, I still need to get some other things…" she trailed off into a mumble.
Shy. Then a slightly aggressive approach should work. Good; being aggressive was my specialty.
I started plucking the scrolls from her arm, "Then I insist on accompanying you on your errands, Miss Natasha."
After a few more exchange of words, my silver tongue (when it came to flirting) quickly had the blonde assenting to my assistance. A few minutes after some safe openers, I soon had her start opening up.
"—Jett had to do another errand so we split up. He's a very diligent boy and helps me often."
Huh. So I suppose Jett was cross-dressing if Natasha thought the female was a boy. The concept of "preferred pronouns" didn't seem to exist outside of Crown City and Natasha had admitted earlier it was the first time she'd been in the city (which made my presence more welcome since she had no idea where to go now that Jett left).
Unsurprising, considering they were from the Eastern Kingdoms. Being mistaken for a man would definitely be preferred over there.
"You all must be very busy. I heard a bit from Nostradamus over what's been happening in Westria. And your group crossed the mountain paths and forests to get to Crown City for this conference!"
"Well, I'm used to this amount of work even back home but I feel safer here."
"That's good. Maybe you should stay?"
She blushed. "O-oh, no. Lord Sidius only came in His Majesty's stead because he could not leave the throne with the unrest back home."
I blinked and tilted my head, trying to look as harmless as possible. "I don't know if I'm overstepping by asking this, but what is happening back in the East?"
"Well, it's not exactly a secret," she pursed her lips in thought before looking up to my eyes as we were in a store that sold spirits (good lord, this Sidius was a slave driver).
I returned her gaze with an attentive look.
"Kamila has been making trouble again. Key figures are disappearing and reappearing as undead in her blighted army. Men are going missing because of an enchantress, according to rumor, that may or may not have to do with Kamila. Graves are being emptied and there's talk about a lich being seen. The Tallow Forest has also been showing signs of a giant beast settling down there."
She continued to talk and I continued to listen.
The only thing I could think of whenever she mentioned stuff involving necromancy was: this is why you should cremate bodies.
Continuing to follow her, our conversation soon went back to the group she came with.
Sidius was a minor noble that had been a diplomat for a long time and the default person to head to Crown City as a liaison. He was rather fond of wine and cheese. Back home, he had a wife and two mistresses.
Bartho was, surprisingly, a son of King Zadok. What had me a bit confused about his position was that he was the son of a foreign dancer—need to ask Elin if that technically made him illegitimate for Inheritance. What Natasha didn't say somewhat implied that Bartho did not grow up with the typical luxuries of a prince.
While heading back to the diplomatic house, we ran into Jett. Being introduced to her, I clearly saw she was pretending to be a boy (and was not used to it) as I handed over the items I've been carrying to Jett before saying my goodbyes and heading off.
…eugh. Zombies.