Chereads / Shou Chronicles / Chapter 7 - Some Bad and Some Good

Chapter 7 - Some Bad and Some Good

He turned his vision towards that voice and found out that there was a bunch of people fighting a Lvl 4 bear and the bear had aggro on the healer girl. All the other people there just looked at the girl and the bear and laughed loudly. "No one is going to save you." "Die for the party!"

"Noooo… Please save me! My pain factor is 20%! Helppp…" she miserably shrieked.

Qi couldn't hear more and instantly dashed there.

As soon as he got near the group, the girl suddenly stopped shrieking. She changed her expression as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile all her companions got away from the aggro-range of that lvl 4 bear. As soon as her expression changed, he chanted a spell on herself and the aggro was reset. After the reset there were only 2 players in the aggro range and as Qi was a swordsman, he was set as the target by the bear. The bear felt greater danger from a swordsman rather than a healer. After the bear set his target as Qi, all the others came beside the healer and started laughing. Qi sighed from inside.

Hah, I fell for this cheap trick. My heart is damn weak. Now that I am here, I don't have any other person to blame. I have to teach these b**tards who they are dealing with.

After the moment of sigh, his face reflected calmness. While on the other side, the others were still laughing. In the meantime, the bear charged towards Qi. He remained calm and when the bear was near him, he simply dodged and stood up as if nothing has happened.

While he was dodging the first time, the guy who was suppose to be a tank spoke, "Haha, this fool fell for the good cop bad cop trick. Considering this easy target, we got ourselves 5 whole silvers." He laughed like he got a gold mine that belonged to him exclusively. By observing these 4 players, Qi determined that the main culprit was the girl herself. The other 3 males were just her lackeys. Qi didn't knew whether to laugh at their misfortune that they tried this trick on him or whether to cry at his misfortune that he fell for it that easily.

The girl looked around 19 or 20. She looked fully mature from outside. She even looked beautiful. Beautiful to the point that she was able to procure 3 lackeys. But not as beautiful that Chang Qi would fell for her. She spoke arrogantly, "So Mister, do you want to die now or are you going to dodge and dodge until you can't dodge anymore and then die? Don't say that you have 20% pain factor. Hahahaha" She sounded like an evil witch who thought that she won already. Many players didn't knew about the pain factor and what it does. This girl and her 3 lackeys took advantage of those innocent players to enjoy a good show.

Damn masochists. Time to teach them a lesson in their own language.

These 4 players slandered Qi for a minute but still he didn't responded. Not even with a sneer. During the whole incident Qi was bare-handed. Then suddenly he charged towards them as if he was going to attack them. In this game players could even attack with their own hands. The damage depended on the player's physical fitness. But this was still the beginner village so PK was not allowed. The 4 knew this point but still they were slightly frightened. Qi came in front of them and stood there. The bear came there too. The bear started its attack. Qi positioned himself in such a way that once the bear started its attack, its trajectory included that weak, flaunty tank too. Qi dodged at the perfect time and the tank died with just a single hit. Even as a tank he barely had 150 HP. The damage done by the bear was 155. Insta-kill.

The other 3 stood still, shocked. By the time they could even think what happened, the bear was in from of the girl. She didn't even noticed that just after Qi dodged the attack, he placed himself in such a way that the girl was in between the bear and himself.


Insta-killed. 2 players dead. 2 players alive. The other 2 felt like there was an avalanche coming. Although it was a nice, sunny day, they felt a cold chill that ran through their spine. Qi repeated the same process and killed those 2 statues easily. Then he took out his Trishula and KOed the bear. Pretty easy stuff for him. He looked at the loot and found that the girl had dropped her staff. It was a level 1 staff, but the quality was better. There were many types of qualities. This staff was of a 'Common' quality. The different qualities were Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Celestial, World and Legendary. These were known qualities. The quality of the Trishula of Shiva that Qi had was of Mysterious Legendary quality. It was a sub-part of Legendary quality.

He took the staff and tossed it in his inventory. He had many Common equipment. He also got a few Uncommon material through his Luck and the Wheel of Luck. Currently he had many pieces of Uncommon quality Armor and Weapons but he didn't equip any of that. He might as well submit the quest and see what his options were.

When he entered the village he went straight to the elder. "Greetings Village elder. This young adventurer killed 100 monsters around the village. This is the proof." He showed the teeth and hides of the bears that he killed. By seeing all that, the village elder was satisfied. The village elder spoke happily, "Great work adventurer. You killed all this monsters in less than an hour. You are truly worthy of being a true adventurer. This is the reward for the quest."

He obtained 5 Gold coins, 5 Beginner Health Potions, 5 Beginner Mana Potions and 3 Letters of Recommendations. Then he told Qi, "Go to the village Blacksmith, the Alchemist and the Tailor and tell them that I sent you there. Give them the Recommendations and you will get some Unique quests. I am proud of you adventurer. Find me if you need any help."

After saying that he turned his attention towards other players who were waiting in line.

He left the village elders place. He felt like a sheep that went with the herd. But in the end he had to do all this regular quests. The quests was the best way to level up fast. He looked at the time and it was around 3:30 PM. He decided to continue the normal boring routine of doing the common quests. He first went to blacksmith. "Greetings Master Blacksmith. This young adventurer is here because of the village elder. Village elder told me to give you this." He gave the letter to the Blacksmith. Then he glanced at Qi with somewhat admiration and doubtfulness. He spoke after few minutes, "So the village elder praises a lot about your abilities. Bring me 1000 bear teeth and I will give you some unique items. Remember that bring me teeth that are more than 2 inches long. Small teeth are just useless."

That is so direct… my type of NPC, no need for formalities.


[The Blacksmith wants you to bring 1000 bear teeth which are longer than 2 inches each.

Quest Grade: E

Quest Completion: 0/1000 bear teeth obtained.]

"This young adventurer will surely bring those teeth. I do have some teeth if you want some urgently. I collected them while I was doing the village elders quest. I also have some weapons and armor that I do not need." Qi said politely.

"Sure give me whatever you got." Qi drained all the teeth on the Blacksmith's floor. The Blacksmith was surprised but he only showed 10% of his emotions for a few seconds when he saw Uncommon weapons and armor. But he took all the stuff without saying anything and gave 2 Gold 40 silver coins to Qi. Currently Qi had 7 Gold coins and roughly 90 Silver coins. After he obtained the money, he left the Blacksmith's workshop and went to see the tailor.

The reason why the village elder asked Qi to visit the tailor was because that Qi was a swordsman and swordsman wears light armor. Light armor is basically leather armor, and who is most proficient in leathering? Tailor obviously. He went inside the tailor's shop and monotonously repeated the same process of buttering the tailor. Eventually the tailor gave him another E grade quest. "Brave adventurer, can you kill 500 wolves and bring back their hides? I will reward you handsomely and give you some Unique items.The wolves are found on the west side of the village. They are Lvl 9 creatures. Make sure you level up first before attempting to kill them."

It seems like F grade quests are not made for me.


[The Tailor wants you to bring 500 wolf hides. The wolves are found on the west side of the village.

Quest Grade: E

Quest Completion: 0/500 wolf hides obtained.]

He gave the same monotonous reply, "This brave adventurer will surely gather those wolf hides in no time."

After receiving his second E grade quest, he headed towards the alchemist's shop. Same old process and he got another quest.


[The Alchemist wants you to bring 500 venom sacs. Venom sacs are harvested from the Venomous Snakes found in the forest that lies on the east side of the forest.

Quest Grade: E

Quest Completion: 0/500 venom sacs obtained.]

Finally he got 3 E grade quests. If people found out about this than the whole forums would be on fire. The bear were Lvl 4 monsters, the wolves were Lvl 9 monsters and the snakes were Lvl 7 monsters. Now that he got the quests, he was in a dilemma. The problem was not that he could not complete the quests, the problem was the spawning of monsters. There were currently around 200 bears on north side of the village, and that was the only place where bears were found. Once killed they would respawn in 1 hour. That meant he atleast needed 5 hours to kill 1000 bears, not taking the bears that were killed by other, in account.

Qi decided that he would kill bears until players started pouring in to kill the bears, then he would move on to Snakes as they were Lvl 7 and then lastly the wolves. Before he left the village he stocked up Mana Potions and Antidote in abundance and more than enough Health Potions. Not to mention the stuff about stamina, 20% of his inventory was filled with Steamed Buns. Then he went back to the Lvl 4 bear area to hack and slash the bears. To speed up the process he aggroed many bears in the vicinity and killed them swiftly. The process was pretty simple, aggro many bears at a time, kill, dodge, kill, dodge, kill, dodge, eat, aggro, kill and so on.

10, 20, 30… 80.. 100… 200.. 400… 600… 800… 890… 900

He killed 900 bears in 6 hours. He leveled up during the process to 3. The EXP bar was half filled by the time he killed the 900th bear. Moreover the quest showed the completion at 758/1000. So he needed to kill around 500 more bears to finish the quest. What a boring quest it was. But Qi didn't minded much as he was accustomed with the grinding part of playing games. Without grinding, any game will lose its luster. Grinding part of a game is like a soul. Without it, the game is meaningless.

Qi was roaming around to find more bears when he spotted a group of people. In his whole life, he only met few people face to face. He tried to avoid people generally as he didn't learned how to 'socialize'. Seeing those group of people he wanted to leave the spot and find another one, but all the bears were killed and this was the spot that will spawn the bears at the earliest. Hence he hesitated and waited. That group was talking with each other merrily when they noticed Qi.

One person said, "Hey peeps, who is that player? What is he doing alone in Lvl 4 hunting grounds?"

Another replied, "How would I know? Ask him."

The first person turned towards him and asked, "Hey brother, what are you doing alone here? It is a Lvl 4 area and it is quite dangerous here."

He obviously heard what they were talking about. He also felt that they had good intentions. "I am on a quest that needs to kill few hundred bears. But they are hard to kill alone and my stamina limits me so I am resting."

There were actually 4 people present in their group, one was an attacker whose profession was Destroyer, the other had a sword in his hand whose profession was Swordsman, the third one had a dagger so it was hard to determine his profession and lastly the fourth one was a Summoner class because he had summoned an earth golem which was half his size. Looking at this group, the had a lot of attack power but weak defense power. Qi deduced that for them to enter Lvl 4 area meant that they had very good coordination. Although he didn't had many true friends, he also didn't had many true enemies. He decided that it wouldn't harm him if he befriended them rather than ignoring them and making them his enemies. He didn't knew that this decision of his changed his life so much that at one point he would truly rejoice that they met him that day and he befriended them.

"Wait what did you said? Are you soloing Lvl 4 monsters?"

"You heard it right. It is so tiring. If you guys don't mind may I join your group? You guys can take all the loot. I just need bear teeth."

"Wow, you sure are a brave one. What is your level?"

"I am Lvl 3 brother."

"Damn! We are just Lvl 2. How did you leveled up so fast?" asked the Swordsman.

"I… I had friends who helped me. But they had to go so I was left alone." Qi half lied to them. The Trishula can be considered his friend. Well atleast he considered it.

"You got some damn good friends. Sure join us, we ourselves was lacking a player. I am a Swordsman, name is Reinhard."

"I am a Summoner, name is Ani." the player with the golem said.

"I am a Destroyer, call me Gadovi." said the person who had a huge axe at his back.

"Assassin here, call me Shuugo." the dagger guy finally spoke. All of them were confident while they spoke.

Qi didn't wanted to be an odd ball so he introduced himself and asked, "I am a Swordsman too. Call me Death Killer. By the way, are there no healers or tanks?"

Shuugo spoke sarcastically, "Rein you got some competition. Haha. We do have a tank but he is taking a break at the moment and he will join later. About the healer, Gadovi why don't you explain?"

"Nevermind. We don't have a healer as of now. Do you need heals or something?" Gadovi dismissed Shuugo's notion.

"No. I was just asking. I am able to dodge these bears easily so it's not a big deal." Qi replied.

Reinhard spoke up finally, "So Death Killer, let me tell you how our coordination works. Gadovi is actually an Off-tank, as our main tank is not available. He aggros the monsters. It is basically hit and run. And the others basically showers the monsters with our strongest attacks. Mostly every monster dies by the time we finish with our first attacks. If someone else gets aggroed, then I either I attack to get the aggro or Shuugo does some Condition damage. By then the monster easily dies."

It is similar to my insta-kill, but they are 4 so they waste time in picking the loot.

"I have a suggestion. If we want to optimise our performance, why don't we assign someone to pick loots? So that we can kill and get loot at the same time." Qi suggested.

They all agreed and it was decided that Qi and Reinhard will interchange roles to pick up loot as they both had same profession. Qi didn't mind much and went on with this. He needed to kill 500 more bears so why not kill them lavishly, rather than exhausting himself. He might as well save some steamed buns.

They started to kill the bears slowly. Qi didn't brought out his Trishula as he didn't wanted his secret to be out. He had a Lvl 3 sword and used that. His attack was still high but it didn't matter much as the number got mixed with everyone's attacks. No one checked the logs. Why bother with logs, when you can see the damage figure directly in front of your eyes?

Finally after another 4 or so hours, Qi's quest showed 1000/1000 for his bear teeth's quest. He stopped and told the group, "Finally I have what I need. I will give you all the loot that I collected." He gave them all the loot as promised. He was preparing to leave when suddenly a server announcement sounded,

[Server Announcement: The game will be releasing the seals and from now on Elite monsters and Boss monsters will spawn randomly all over the Beginner Villages. Beware that the Boss monsters can spawn anywhere while the Elite Monsters can only be found in the area of Level 5 monsters and above.]

At the same time a white light came from the sky and in front of them spawned a bear who looked like a mountain in front of them. Qi looked above the monsters head. It said, "Angal, The Cruel Boss"

Thankfully no one was in the aggro range of the boss.